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I'd like to learn some rudimentary Arabic

Mirsub Ali Fazlani


New Recruit

Dec 17, 2011
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Hey everyone. I'd like to learn some Arabic. I know the basics like:

Marhabban/Marahaba (Hello)

Kay ful hal (How Are you)

Anta min sakin (Where are you from)

AhO'mruka (How Old are you)

Shukran (Thank you)

And other's but I'd like to know other common everday phrases. As far the dialect is concerned,
preferably something that will be understandable to both Egyptian/Suadi/Lebani Arabic speakers.

P.S What do you think of my blog? (Yes, I know it's a little out of topic)
Buy 'Learn Arabic in 30 days' targetted at middle east goers!!.

If you are really serious I would recommend you to first buy an Arabic grammar. I have one in my collection-Arabic Made Easy by Abul Hashim in English. A really good one. May not be available in Pakistan, but as it's published before '71 who can tell. The basics can help you a lot. Vocabulary is of course important, but being Muslims we're familiar with a lot of words.
Bro, Skallagrim... I want to buy the book you have mentioned! I want to learn Arabic, Me and my best friend... We have decided to take arabic course! But our medical studies are not allowing any schedule! My friend bought a book 30 days arabic learning, but there were just words with meaning! Where to buy your Book? Thanks in advance.
Bro, Skallagrim... I want to buy the book you have mentioned! I want to learn Arabic, Me and my best friend... We have decided to take arabic course! But our medical studies are not allowing any schedule! My friend bought a book 30 days arabic learning, but there were just words with meaning! Where to buy your Book? Thanks in advance.

I found this great Youtube channel called "Learning Arabic from Maha" it's really good.

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