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If Iran gets a nuke, we have to get one: Saudi crown prince

Check this little guy. After decades of being humiliated by Israel, after decades of Israel bitch slapping the Arabs, bombing Iraq's nuclear programme, bombing Syria's nuclear programme, delaying Iran by at least a decade with attacks - he has the temerity to say "Israel can't do anything about it". LOL. Maybe when you've stopped being a rootless and stateless people, you can come and talk at the grown up table, son. :laugh:
You cannot do anything about a Egyptian nuclear program, if it were to happen. You would beg US to inflict devastating sanctions on Egypt. Nothing more or less. Egypt fought for Sinai. And even for that, you had to get help from US and NATO. Egypt would defeat Israel in a war if it sought to take over all of occupied Palestine and US stayed on the sidelines. You have a defense agreement with US to intervene in such scenarios for a reason.


Lol, we can easily mount operations against you, despite limited by tiny resources, space, and political situation:

Attacks kill 8 in southern Israel, drawing counterstrike in Gaza​

You cannot do anything about a Egyptian nuclear program, if it were to happen. You would beg US to inflict devastating sanctions on Egypt. Nothing more or less. Egypt fought for Sinai. And even for that, you had to get help from US and NATO. Egypt would defeat Israel in a war if it sought to take over all of occupied Palestine and US stayed on the sidelines. You have a defense agreement with US to intervene in such scenarios for a reason.


Lol, we can easily mount operations against you, despite limited by tiny resources, space, and political situation:

Attacks kill 8 in southern Israel, drawing counterstrike in Gaza​

You do make a good point, why fight when you can strangle your enemy economically? especially easy given the state of the Egyptian economy.
But of course it shows just how small minded you are to link to a 12 year old story about a terrorist attack. How pathetic do you have to be to dine on those small incidents compared to Israel subjugating you and humiliating you for 75 years?
And the Americans calling up Israel begging them not to take Cairo and threatening them with sanctions if they do. Israel could have steamrolled Egypt and that was when the Egyptians had modern Soviet weapons.
What do you think is going to happen in the next few years as Israel becomes an AI powerhouse and integrates that into its military? not to mention AI-driven laser weapons. That means NO state for you :) and the Arabs are coming around to that reality given the peace deals being made. Little 'palestinians' will be a forgotten entity in the ME. :cheesy:
You do make a good point, why fight when you can strangle your enemy economically? especially easy given the state of the Egyptian economy.
Exactly, you would need US to sanction Egypt. Otherwise, Egyptians would steamroll your army in a direct war.
But of course it shows just how small minded you are to link to a 12 year old story about a terrorist attack. How pathetic do you have to be to dine on those small incidents compared to Israel subjugating you and humiliating you for 75 years?
Lol, terrorist what? 12 guys went out of Gaza into Egypt and into Israel and took out 8 terrorists. Your terrorist army was using human shields and put 'civilians' in a military bus in a militarized zone.

Look what one of our guys did to your diaper army. He picked up a ancient battle rifle with no previous combat experience and wiped out 10 of your soldiers:

The Wadi al-Haramiya sniper attack was a Palestinian sniper attack against Israeli soldiers and civilians on March 3, 2002. A lone Palestinian sniper, 22-year-old Tha'ir Kayid Hammad (Arabic: ثائر كايد حمّاد), a member of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades from the village of Silwad carried out the attack. He had acquired an old World War II-era M1 Garand rifle and 30 rounds of ammunition and had done target practice in the valleys around Silwad. Hammad managed to kill seven Israeli soldiers and three civilians before his rifle exploded while firing his 25th shot, forcing him to give up and escape.

Your diaper army likes to censor this stuff and people may have forgotten, but your diaper army is nothing without the US and EU. Just a couple months ago a Egyptian soldier was laser beaming your troops with an ancient AK47. From far distances. And you think you can beat Egypt in a real war? 😂

And the Americans calling up Israel begging them not to take Cairo and threatening them with sanctions if they do. Israel could have steamrolled Egypt and that was when the Egyptians had modern Soviet weapons.
What do you think is going to happen in the next few years as Israel becomes an AI powerhouse and integrates that into its military? not to mention AI-driven laser weapons.
Yeah no , US rearmed you and provided you intelligence to capture parts of Sinai. Which is mostly empty desert land. If you went into Cairo your people would cease to exist.


On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated surprise attack on Israeli forces in the Sinai and the Golan Heights. Israel ultimately repelled the attack and regained lost ground, but only after the United States made the decision to supply the Israeli military. This war ultimately compelled the Nixon administration to step up its efforts to settle the decades old dispute.

In response to Israeli losses and encouraged by Soviet support of Egypt and Syria, the United States, after much deliberation, decided to intervene on behalf of Israel. The United States offered Israel a full-scale airlift of military equipment on October 10. This U.S. assistance served to replenish Israeli forces and Israel launched an offensive that retook most of it territorial losses and even gained some ground against both the Egyptians and Syrians. Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries responded to the U.S. airlift by organizing an oil embargo against the United States.


It is sad that it takes Iran to motivate KSA to plan for nuclear program but not Israel that has been planning for the massive destruction of the Middle East that includes KSA and almost succeeding as we speak.
It is sad that it takes Iran to motivate KSA to plan for nuclear program but not Israel that has been planning for the massive destruction of the Middle East that includes KSA and almost succeeding as we speak.
KSA and GCC are very, very materialistic people whose rulers love luxury, comfort, and security provided by America and the West. Organizations like OIC ensure the Muslim world does not oppose them, and if they do, the weapons they buy are meant to be used against them.
It is sad that it takes Iran to motivate KSA to plan for nuclear program but not Israel that has been planning for the massive destruction of the Middle East that includes KSA and almost succeeding as we speak.
Yes it shows the Saudis trust Israel more than they trust the twelver entity. Which of course makes sense since one of the pillars of Shia is lying and deceiving.
Iran is now a threshold nuclear country a self-reliant domestic program from mine to rod that survived all kind of threats and terrorist attacks .. I don't see them be in the same level however I don't think American would let them to have nukes as security of isreal is all they care, maybe a decorative enrichment program .. the nuke is off the table for them for sure.

Yes it shows the Saudis trust Israel more than they trust the twelver entity. Which of course makes sense since one of the pillars of Shia is lying and deceiving.
Lying is Haram in Islam so does in Shia. The one that lied about WMD was Bibi and the US to deceive people to attack Iraq. For sure those whom occupied Palestine are more reliable, but here the problem is not reliability but the courage to stand against isreal that can not be found in these countries.
Yes it shows the Saudis trust Israel more than they trust the twelver entity. Which of course makes sense since one of the pillars of Shia is lying and deceiving.
No, Saudi Arabia doesn't trust USA and KSA but for some reasons, KSA has sworn to be somewhat of opposite. It is like they are being possessed by devil to do the opposite. Anything kSA doesn't make sense and rather planing in their own destruction.

One of their foreign ministers admitted they made mistake in regards to ISIS and now they are going on in the hoping that ISIS never leaves Middle East to KSA. That is how much KSA knew they messed up and kept going on purposely. Don't know what to say.
Guys guys... Iran can make a Stealth Fighter out of this air!


A nuke will just be peanuts for them..
Shouldn't the Saudis say if Israel gets a nuke then so will we.
The whole world should be worried about the failed state of Pakistan having nukes given that Pakistan is always a hop and a skip away from being taken over by radicals. Out of all the countries in the world with Nukes, Pakistan is by far the most likely to cause a catastrophe. Pakistan needs to be disarmed.
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