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'If Iranian general can be droned for terrorism, why not a Pakistani general?'

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Actions and consequences.
India can take action. Will it be able to handle the consequences???

Hey, Wanna know who gave rhis idea to Indians????

i am talking about america targeting us like.india is lobbying for such events from a very long time.i am not talking about military general but for me,killing irani general was not justified.it doesn't matter what he did but you can't kill a general.americans have violated every rule on this planet earth.never expect better things from them.obviously india can't do anything against us.they have seen feb 27 but we should better worry about american intentions.
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Try it muthafcka, we will stick our 12inch muzzle up your mums curryhole.
Bro, at least hope for clean people.

Never a dull moment with Ganguz...

I hope PMIK's Woodstock Syndrome of hippie love doesn't take us down with it... we showed restraint on 27thFeb and Ganguz go ga ga..

There is Only One Solution...

GoP needs to grow some spine... starting with PMIK... enough credit... I am calling it in now... Show us results or go home....
This ‘Gandhigiri’ needs to end. We don’t want a southpole-northpole here.

If india is a southpole, so must we !!!
Thats The only tit for tat answer
I wish they'd hit that base on the 27th and not just fired a warning shot. These hanzeer understand nothing short of brute overwhelming force.
The three Stooges

Indian Modi
Irani Rouhani
Afghani Ghani

Pakistan is still not their friend.
a sunni state and iran will never be friends. They will just suck it up but keep their cordial relationship with bhindia.

I have no issues with that. Just to show them mirror and over enthusiastic Persian trolls would suffice. And to be honest, we dont want to see American sponsored regime change in Iran, that would be million times worse then what we got atm.
Even on Diskworld Ricewind would be make more sense than PakPoliticoz nagging about Ghandi ka Hindustan... that Gangu was the worst!

And if Ghandi was such a prophet of love why did we make Pakistan?????

Honestly, I am quite concerned now with this appeasement policy of current GoP... never expected it...

PMIK must quote Jinnah and stop this SwanSong about that Gangu Ghandi!

Sometimes.. I wonder....
And what’s more STUPID on ground levels ?

The whole appeasement drama is to “TRY YOUR BEST LUCK” to appease the “International Public” because the international politics already knows who is really good and who is bad and just ignore it knowingly !!!

What can one expect by pleasing the international public then ? Especially when the whole international media is hellbent in showcasing you as a villain.
Lets entertain this stupidity for just a second, why cant a turkish general be droned while ur at it? , well countries like Turkey and Pakistan are too powerful to be messed around like that, there u go.
Lets entertain this stupidity for just a second, why cant a turkish general be droned? , well countries like Turkey and Pakistan are too powerful to be messed around like that, there u go.

The Indians are embarrassing themselves by even posing such a question. The answer would humiliate Rapistan.
This episode should wake up some very indoctrinated Pakistani's who have strong sectarian bias which deludes their thinking.

  • 1. India is not friend of Iran.
  • 2. Iran is not a ally of Israel but is a bitter enemy of that state.
  • 3. Iran is not a ally of USA but is a bitter enemy of the state.
  • 4. Saudia Arabia despises Iran so much that they would rather join with Israel and USA to destroy Iran then show leniancy to a Shia state.
Lets entertain this stupidity for just a second, why cant a turkish general be droned while ur at it? , well countries like Turkey and Pakistan are too powerful to be messed around like that, there u go.
The big question we should be asking is "Why has Modi not been droned?"

ou should also show the crown prince of saudi and modi sucking each other off. Or is that haram.
Crown Prince is allowed to suck off Modi because that is halal. Modi is just a Hindoo and not a Shia.
If ever one general of Pakistan is hurt because of Indian scheme then game is on and you better believe no one will ever want to be a general in Indian army for the rest of its miserable existence
No one has mentioned Gen. Zia......who has already been assassinated & I'm sure he's not the only one in our history....does that answer OP's question?
'If Iranian general can be droned for terrorism, why not a Pakistani general?'

Chidanand Rajghatta | TNN | Updated: Jan 4, 2020, 22:26 IST

WASHINGTON: Amid widespread misgivings in the US Congress and among American analysts about the assassination of a serving general of a sovereign nation, the Trump administration is belatedly making the case that Iranian General

Qassim Suleimani
was a terrorist and a war criminal who should have been targeted a long time ago, even though he was not on any global proscribed list.

In fact, top administration officials are going so far as to link Iran and Suleimani to 9/11, even though the US Commission that carried out a monumental inquiry into the attack found no such connection. The 9/11 attack was carried out by Sunni extremists, mostly from

Saudi Arabia
, who by most accounts had little or no connection to Shia-majority Iran, a hated regional rival.

US vice-president

Mike Pence
was among those who wheeled out this 9/11 connection in a series of tweets listing Suleimani’s purported terrorist activities, alleging that he “assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.”

Pence was eviscerated by analysts for “gaslighting” the American public, with experts arguing that the idea that Suleimani would assist in 9/11 — knowingly or otherwise — made no sense, because besides being Shia, he actually cooperated with the US government against the Taliban in Afghanistan, which hosted the 9/11 plotters and perpetrators.

Indeed, the assassination of general Suleimani opened a can of worms for the Trump administration with some Af-Pak experts asking why Washington should not target Pakistani generals who have a more established record of backing and carrying out terrorist attacks.

"Important point: why aren’t the Americans confronting the Taliban masters in Pakistan in a similar manner? The Taliban and their masters in Rawalpindi are responsible for the killing of 3500 US servicemen in Afghanistan," asked Saad Mohseni, a prominent Afghan entrepreneur.

And from a US military veteran on Twitter: So Americans killed by a foreign proxy group are worthy of revenge when it is Iran providing the support, but when it is Pakistan supporting the Taliban and HQN killing Americans in AFG they get a peace deal and Pakistan gets aid.

Several US military commanders and administration officials have accused Pakistan’s military intelligence agency ISI of using Taliban proxies to kill American personnel in Afghanistan with no retribution from successive administrations in Washington except for aid cuts and downgraded ties.

Earlier this week, US secretary of state

Mike Pompeo
revealed in a tweet that he had phoned Pakistan's Chief of Staff General Bajwa and to brief him about "US defensive action to kill Qassim Suleimani," adding that "the #Iran regime’s actions in the region are destabilizing and our resolve in protecting American interests, personnel, facilities, and partners will not waver." It was not clear if Pompeo intended it to be a warning to Bajwa and Pakistan, which in the eyes of some US analysts has long carried out a covert proxy war against US forces in Afghanistan.

Separately, Washington is rife with speculation as to why Trump decided to go in for such precipitate action against Suleimani that is resulting in something the President has pointedly sought to avoid: deploying more US troops abroad. One explanation is that Trump felt he looked weak after his 2019 decision to call off an airstrike against Iran after it downed the US surveillance drone.

There is also conjecture that Trump resented being trolled by Suleimani on social media. The Iranian general was apparently quite adept on Twitter, frequently taunting Trump, including calling him a “bartender” and a “casino manager.”

There are also more serious wag-the-dog explanations for the strike, with one prominent American scribe saying it is "hard to decouple his (Sulemani’s) killing from the impeachment saga." Indeed, the impeachment saga has been blown off the news cycle, at least for now.

And why not a known murderer, elected fascist Prime Minister of a country?
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