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If the US defaults on its debts on August 2

Can you think of a better outcome?

This armaggeddon mentality can lead to WW3 and it won't be good for any country.

For the first time it seems that the very ideals of democracy may need to be rechecked.

Mr. F. Zakaria summed the situation in a good fashion:

wow you're so wrong
Do you think this is all politics? There were 77 debt limit increases in the past. why are they so worried now? Read the past few pages to understand the real problem. As Peter Chiff said, the problem is that in the not so distant future, there is a possibilty that loans will become too expensive for the US (increased borrowing rates). At that point they wouldn't be able to pay their bills and would have to default. Right now they're spending 200 billion more than they make in revenue each month. You can only sustain this for so long and only with a AAA rating at that.
America is turning Japanese, meaning her economy will become stagnant for years to come. The baby boomer generation are set to retire in large numbers and put more pressure on the economy. The US will maintain her AAA ratings, but the outlook will be "negative" for the remaining quarters of 2011.
An update:

'Very close' to a debt deal, Senate's top Republican tells CNN

As I predicted before (referred in post number 152), it is unlikely that a deal will not take place. The deal is expected to take place in the interest of the nation and also the entire world.

US will not default.

True, but the US has another 6 more months to worry about it. With an election year next year, this will get interesting as time passes.
wow you're so wrong
Do you think this is all politics? There were 77 debt limit increases in the past. why are they so worried now? Read the past few pages to understand the real problem. As Peter Chiff said, the problem is that in the not so distant future, there is a possibilty that loans will become too expensive for the US (increased borrowing rates). At that point they wouldn't be able to pay their bills and would have to default. Right now they're spending 200 billion more than they make in revenue each month. You can only sustain this for so long and only with a AAA rating at that.
No! I am not wrong.

Experts are blaming current US politics for this mess.

A post of yours already contains the answer:

buddy, the debt limit is raised, so what?
your rating will be cut to AA b/c you didn't meet the 4 trillion dollar cut demanded by the credit agencies. That's 100 billion dollars in EXTRA interests every year! To pay that every American will have to pay higher interest rates.
Obama wanted 4 trillion dollars cut plan. Republicians refused.

What's doubly worrying is the GDP growth at less than 1 percent. That means in a year's time, the foreign debt will be above 100 percent of GDP. Why are you happy?
GDP growth is more than 1%.
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Sunday that Democrat and Republican leaders have reached an agreement to reduce the U.S. deficit and avoid default, but it was not clear if the spending cuts were deep enough to stave off a credit rating downgrade.

Obama said the agreement will cut about $1 trillion over 10 years and cuts would not happen so quickly that they would drag on the fragile U.S. economy. Another $1.2 trillion would be cut if a joint committee fails to find at least that much in budget savings.

The deal would still have to be passed in the House and the Senate.

U.S. S&P 500 stock futures bounced 1.4 percent and U.S. Treasuries futures slid on news of the deal. Gold and then yen also fell.

Standard & Poor's and Moody's rating agencies indicated earlier that deficit-cutting measures of around $4 trillion would be enough for the U.S. to avoid losing its prized AAA rating.
President Obama: Deal reached on debt crisis | KTVQ.com | Q2 | Billings, Montana

President Obama announced on Sunday night that an agreement with Republicans has been struck to raise the debt ceiling, preventing what would have been a first-ever default by the U.S. government on its financial obligations. The agreement now awaits approval by Congress, which could happen as early as Monday.

The deal would increase the debt ceiling by more than $2 trillion in two stages which will last through the 2012 election, a key demand for Mr. Obama and Democratic leaders.

As for spending cuts, about $1 trillion over 10 years would be cut now from the federal budget, with a similar increase in the debt limit now. In addition, a new special congressional committee made up of members from both parties and both houses of Congress would be tasked with coming up up with $1.5 trillion in deficit reductions by Thanksgiving, which can include cuts from entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) and tax reform. If the committee failed to reach the target, or Congress didn't pass the recommendations by the end of 2011, the debt limit could also be increased if Congress sends to the states a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, a key demand for many conservatives in the debt fight.

If the amendment also fails, the deal calls for automatic spending cuts to defense and domestic programs totaling $1.2 trillion, with an accompanying debt limit increase. According to the White House, these cuts "would be unacceptable to many Republicans and Democrats alike" which would create pressure for Congress to come to agreement.

"Is this the deal I would have preferred?" Mr. Obama asked during his remarks. He answered his own question: "No."

But he still backed the deal, saying it "will allow us to avoid default and end the crisis that Washington imposed on the rest of American. An it will allow us to lift the cloud of debt and uncertainty."Mr. Obama said the deal will result in the lowest level of domestic spending since the Eisenhower administration in the 1950s, but added that it was "at a level that still allows us to make job-creating investments in things like education and research." (Watch Mr. Obama's remarks at left)

In his remarks, Mr. Obama also still clung to his idea of a "balanced" approach to lowering U.S. debt, which would include both cuts to entitlement programs and revenue-increasing measures aimed at the rich. Though he said "everything will be on the table" in the bipartisan committee, it appears unlikely Republicans in Congress would ultimately support tax increases as part of the final package.

"Over the next few months, I'll continue to make a detailed case to these lawmakers about why I believe a balanced approach is necessary to finish the job," Mr. Obama added.

Immediately before Mr. Obama's remarks, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell came to the Senate floor to announce they had an agreement.

"I know this agreement won't make every Republican happy. It certainly won't make every Democrat happy, either," Reid said. "Both parties gave more ground than they wanted to. And neither side got as much as it had hoped. But that is the essence of compromise. And the American people demanded compromise this week."

House Speaker John Boehner conducted a conference call with House Republicans on Sunday night to explain the deal to them, where he trumpeted the GOP's influence in the debate.

A participant on the call told CBS News that Boehner discussed his handling of the negotiations and how the White House had to cave on several issues, stating, "Remember how this all started: the White House demanded a "clean" debt limit hike with no spending cuts and reforms attached. We stuck together, and frankly made them give up on that."

When one conference call participant told Boehner that he'd "scored an eagle on the 18th hole and won the U.S. Open," the speaker, an avid golfer, said that's how he felt.

However, it is unclear how much support the agreement will have in the House, where conservatives and liberals have both been holding fast to their principles in recent weeks. Members from both wings of the two parties have said they would not vote for parts of the agreement agreed upon from their party leaders.

One prominent Tea Party-backed Republican, Rep. Michele Bachmann, who is also running for the GOP presidential nomination, already announced her opposition to the deal shortly after it was announced.

"The President continues to press for a 'balanced approach,' which everyone knows is code for increased spending and taxes. Throughout this process the President has failed to lead and failed to provide a plan. The 'deal' he announced spends too much and doesn't cut enough. This isn't the deal the American people 'preferred' either, Mr. President. Someone has to say no. I will," Bachmann said in a statement. Bachmann was one of a few dozen Republicans who also opposed Boehner's plan, which passed the House on Friday but was rejected by the Senate.

The bill also doesn't have the support yet of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, who said in a statement that she was "reviewing" the plan.

"We all agree that our nation cannot default on our obligations and that we must honor our nation's commitments to our seniors, and our men and women in the military," she said. "I look forward to reviewing the legislation with my Caucus to see what level of support we can provide."

Votes on the plan in the House and Senate are expected soon ahead of the August 2 deadline to increase the debt limit or risk default, but are not yet scheduled as members of both houses review the deal.

Totally half-assed deal and negates why everyone stuck to their guns to not raise the debt-ceiling.

Now its like A committe will propose cuts, but if it fails, we'll increase debt limit

Then we'll pass an amendment, if it fails we'll increase debt limit

Then they will sing and dance and if they suck too... then increase the debt limit

Guess what's only going to happen? Increase the debt limit.

1 Trillion cuts over 10 years, will be replaced with new expenses twice that amount, so will the US debt ever even out or dare I say it, get less?
Standard & Poor's and Moody's rating agencies indicated earlier that deficit-cutting measures of around $4 trillion would be enough for the U.S. to avoid losing its prized AAA rating.

Triple A rating is bogus. We've seen with no end in sight to the US borrowing (and no slowness in the speed at which its borrowing), that debt is junk.

In the multitudes of trillions its just hard for it to default on a set date, since it can keep borrowing and borrowing and borrowing. But lending them is risky, since they will default one day.
Triple A rating is bogus. We've seen with no end in sight to the US borrowing (and no slowness in the speed at which its borrowing), that debt is junk.

In the multitudes of trillions its just hard for it to default on a set date, since it can keep borrowing and borrowing and borrowing. But lending them is risky, since they will default one day.

Are you calling the Chinese stupid?
Are you calling the Chinese stupid?

Obviously not, did you even read the post?

China isn't loaning money to America out of friendliness or profit-seeking, it's because no other economy in the world is large enough for us to park our money there. No other country is capable of borrowing in such enormous quantities as America can.

We literally don't have any other choice.
No! I am not wrong.

Experts are blaming current US politics for this mess.

A post of yours already contains the answer:

Obama wanted 4 trillion dollars cut plan. Republicians refused.

GDP growth is more than 1%.

lol no it's not
Obama built its budget on a 4 percent growth for 2011 but it's predicted to be much less than 1 percent.
This is not me saying it. Watch that Peter Chiff video.
lol no it's not
Obama built its budget on a 4 percent growth for 2011 but it's predicted to be much less than 1 percent.
This is not me saying it. Watch that Peter Chiff video.
Peter Chiff video? Is that where you are stuck?

US GDP increased at annualized rate of 1.3% in second quarter

Obviously not, did you even read the post?

China isn't loaning money to America out of friendliness or profit-seeking, it's because no other economy in the world is large enough for us to park our money there. No other country is capable of borrowing in such enormous quantities as America can.

We literally don't have any other choice.

Yes I read his post. He claims its junk and the Chinese are still lending. Hes telling us that the Chinese are stupid to invest in junk bonds. Did you read the post? And besides the Chinese always have a choice. Surely you know that?
No! I am not wrong.

Experts are blaming current US politics for this mess.

I think those experts needs to look at this chart and properly analyze the statistics. I believe it all started when Bush number two took office.

President Obama: Deal reached on debt crisis | KTVQ.com | Q2 | Billings, Montana

Totally half-assed deal and negates why everyone stuck to their guns to not raise the debt-ceiling.

Not everyone, it was only Congress because majority where voted in from the Tea Party movement....

Now its like A committe will propose cuts, but if it fails, we'll increase debt limit

Then we'll pass an amendment, if it fails we'll increase debt limit

Then they will sing and dance and if they suck too... then increase the debt limit

Guess what's only going to happen? Increase the debt limit.

1 Trillion cuts over 10 years, will be replaced with new expenses twice that amount, so will the US debt ever even out or dare I say it, get less

That part is confusing I must say. It is like saying "today we will kill 2 chickens, but in ten years we will create 1 chicken." Kind of stupid, but that is what we have today!!!!!!!!!

Also, another danger that this bill is creating is a commitee of 12 (6 democrats and 6 republicans) that will be the police of the spending, So interms of future billS regarding the spending it will be regulated by these 12 members.... Sounds good, but here is the thing, as the bill is passing, the answer is based on only "yes" or "no" answers and no debating, THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL...............

I think this country is now going backwards..............
I think those experts needs to look at this chart and properly analyze the statistics. I believe it all started when Bush number two took office.


It started with Bush 2, but just look at what Obama has done in his first 3 years in charge. Bush never made the false promises of getting out of Iraq & Afghanistan like Obama did. Bush took 8 years to increase the national debt levels by about $4 trillion, whereas Obama has accomplished this feat in only 3 years in charge.

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