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If the wife works family is ruined, the veil is ruined. If the wife works, society is ruined : Bangladeshi bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib

Absolutely. 100% shirk.

The mazar/grave worshippers will tell you that we believe Allah and we are just using these saints and sufis as medium to get closer to Allah.

Now for comparison - let's look at the pre Islamic Arabs. They knew Allah existed. They even had the tradition of Hajj (although a perverted version of it involving their idols) dating back from the time of Abraham (PBUH) and yet they used to worship idols as they believe these idols would get them closer to Allah.

Do you see any difference here between the two groups?

If anyone associate anything with Allah, they are committing shirk.

You will see Hindutva ba$tards promoting movies and other propaganda with Mazar themes.

These haramis are trying this all the time, trying to weaken the Iman of Bangladeshi Muslims.

Some Bangladeshi Hindu idiots are sponsored by RAW and are feeding people too in mass feasts.
You will see Hindutva ba$tards promoting movies and other propaganda with Mazar themes.

These haramis are trying this all the time, trying to weaken the Iman of Bangladeshi Muslims.

Some Bangladeshi Hindu idiots are sponsored by RAW and are feeding people too in mass feasts.
Allah is everywhere/omnipresent. We don't need any medium to get closer to Allah.
then let the wife not work in the kitchen or in the house too.
Could not agree more.

Working women are the reason why males are becoming job less.

No wonder Hindus are dumb.
rather than having more kids and getting them to do suicide bombing (in this age brawn alone cannot win you conquests like in the islamic past) , its better to have fewer kids and have a more enriching life.

Who will cook then? You?
we share workload. yes, sometimes I do. breakfast I make. I pack lunch. I clean the kitchen. load dishwasher. cooking is actually the easy part. it's the cleaning up after which is a challenge and men can do it faster. my wife also works, so we can afford private school for kids and pay off home loan. problem?
there are other problems but they are more manageable once you have money in the bank.
rather than having more kids and getting them to do suicide bombing (in this age brawn alone cannot win you conquests like in the islamic past) , its better to have fewer kids and have a more enriching life.

we share workload. yes, sometimes I do. breakfast I make. I pack lunch. I clean the kitchen. load dishwasher. cooking is actually the easy part. it's the cleaning up after which is a challenge and men can do it faster. my wife also works, so we can afford private school for kids and pay off home loan. problem?
Sharing workload doesn't work in South Asia. It may work in Australia though. I am not against womenfolks working outside so no problem.
rather than having more kids and getting them to do suicide bombing (in this age brawn alone cannot win you conquests like in the islamic past) , its better to have fewer kids and have a more enriching life.

Quantity has its own Quality.

Dumb Indians won't understand it.
Sharing workload doesn't work in South Asia. It may work in Australia though. I am not against womenfolks working outside so no problem.
Maybe in Pakistan and also in rural.india. in most of urban India it is a becoming normal. There will be transition issues for a couple decades as its a cultural change. There will.also remain large pockets with the OP attitude to women. But I can see the benefit of changing oneslef .

Also just because wife works do u think she is disrespectful of inlaws or family.. no. But there is also khit khit. This will also be there if the wife is in the kitchen. Khit khit just needs to be managed in both situations.

Quantity has its own Quality.

Dumb Indians won't understand it.
The only quality that quantity has is, its cheap and expendable.
Sharing workload doesn't work in South Asia. It may work in Australia though. I am not against womenfolks working outside so no problem.
Who made you the spokesperson for South Asians? I see sharing the workload working wonderfully for young educated couples here in Pakistan.
Maybe in Pakistan and also in rural.india. in most of urban India it is a becoming normal.
In urban Pakistan, it is rapidly starting to become normal.
You are talking to the wrong audience...Equality and equal rights for women is an alien concept for most of our Non-Indian friends here...Even if we are still not perfect, i really admire that none of our celebrities would have dared to speak with such demeaning language about women the way this BD cricketer is speaking now. It shows the reflection and mindset of the respective society.
Lets be data lead here to understand the mindset of respective society.

- Women participation at work in BD is 42.68% compared to India at less than 20%.



No of women in parliament in BD 21%, india 15%


And lastly in india rapists are celebrated as the Bilkis Bano case shows.


I would advise looking in the mirror before spouting nonsense. India is not known as the rape capital of the world for no reason.
You are talking to the wrong audience...Equality and equal rights for women is an alien concept for most of our Non-Indian friends here...Even if we are still not perfect, i really admire that none of our celebrities would have dared to speak with such demeaning language about women the way this BD cricketer is speaking now. It shows the reflection and mindset of the respective society.

Ah yes, your celebrities are very open minded and progressive. They just get accused for rape, which conveniently gets quashed by the police. No big deal. They are just the ideal men society should look up to. Every men should be like Hardik Pandya and Munaf Patel.

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