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Imminent False Flag attack in Afghanistan.

Wah...Pakistan sponsored terrorists Taliban attack and killed 150 unarmed soldiers in a Mosque and now it is blamed on India.
Actually, countries seldom forget. USA remembers 9/11. UK remembers 7/7. India too remembers 26/11. So by calling it a drama, it won't go away. And since you are in such a charitable mood to move on, why don't you move on from 1947-48 and forget Kashmir?

because it's an ongoing issue and far from closure - as clearly we are reminded everyday --as is your own govt. which has found itself in a deep (and embarrassing) mess it can't seem to wrestle it's way out of

i never said you should forget the memories of those who've perished.....but there are reasons why we don't need to beat a dead horse and bring up some unfortunate incident that happened over 8 years ago especially when justice was already meted out to those who carried it out, whoever they were

And even the killing of the Sikhs in Kashmir - I think in 1998 or 1999 when President Clinton was about to visit the sub-continent was done by Pak to "internationalize" Kashmir.

india would gain from that not Pakistan.....in fact if you want to get into false encounters and false flags there's no dearth of compelling, damning evidence that points to new delhi not Islamabad....scores of documented incidents that can be cited
because it's an ongoing issue and far from closure - as clearly we are reminded everyday --as is your own govt. which has found itself in a deep (and embarrassing) mess it can't seem to wrestle it's way out of

i never said you should forget the memories of those who've perished.....but there are reasons why we don't need to beat a dead horse and bring up some unfortunate incident that happened over 8 years ago especially when justice was already meted out to those who carried it out, whoever they were

india would gain from that not Pakistan.....in fact if you want to get into false encounters and false flags there's no dearth of compelling, damning evidence that points to new delhi not Islamabad....scores of documented incidents that can be cited

In 2000 Pakistan was an international pariah after Kargil, the hijacking to Kandahar and the coup. The idea of the Clinton visit to India - the first of a sitting American President since Carter was to attract investment and build business ties. India has always wanted to keep every country especially the US away from Kashmir - it doesn't make sense that India would gain anything. Anyhow, I am sure India is involved in many covert ops - I can't possibly be privy to that nor do I think the Indian state is a saint. I am sure, however long it takes Pakistan will neither forgive, nor forget nor move on from the attacks that happened in the Peshawar school till the criminals are brought to justice.
In 2000 Pakistan was an international pariah after Kargil, the hijacking to Kandahar and the coup. The idea of the Clinton visit to India - the first of a sitting American President since Carter was to attract investment and build business ties. India has always wanted to keep every country especially the US away from Kashmir - it doesn't make sense that India would gain anything. Anyhow, I am sure India is involved in many covert ops - I can't possibly be privy to that nor do I think the Indian state is a saint. I am sure, however long it takes Pakistan will neither forgive, nor forget nor move on from the attacks that happened in the Peshawar school till the criminals are brought to justice.

I don't think Pakistan participated in the '99 conflict to garner sympathy from the world so I fail to see its relevance here.

Hijacking of indian plane was certainly a bad thing but so was hijacking of the indian airlines fokker flight which india tried pinning on Pakistan.

India's strategy was to keep the world and world bodies "away from Kashmir" by making this false narrative that all is well in Kashmir except so-called "Terrorism" by the Pakistani state with false flag incidents and fake encounters involving civilians to be peppered here and there to give a picture that india is troubled by outsiders but still in control

it's not a strategy that is bearing fruit because the truth cant be buried especially in this day and age where information is easily attained via online/social media etc.
LOL - please. On these very forums you see people talking about 26/11 being an inside job by India.

It is obvious from neutral sources that Conspiracy theories are mainstream in Pakistan - do produce some source like this which shows how conspiracy theories run rampant in India.

And did I say anything about 26/11? I was talking about various other theories you mentioned.

The article you posted is nothing but an opinion piece and does not include any figures that one can go off of. It would anyway be childish and amateur to expect any kind of evidence on how rampant conspiracy theories are given the highly subjective nature of the subject and what would constitute a conspiracy theory. At the very least the research would be biased against those that believe in anti-western conspiracy theories and would favour the western public that also believe in plethora of conspiracy theories relating to Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq (in the past years) muslims, etc. But, feel free to post this research if you do find it. Based on anecdotal evidence at least, conspiracy theories about various China and Pakistan aspects are extreme rampant.
it. Based on anecdotal evidence at least, conspiracy theories about various China and Pakistan aspects are extreme rampant.

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