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Imran Khan: Pakistan has lost its dignity and self-esteem

The constant immature blame it on the Indians mentality is as much the core problem for the GOP and military of Pakistan as anything else. Pakistan has long harbored, hosted, trained, and use radical Islamic terrorists to try to create havoc with and inside not just Kashmir but in India proper to wite the Bombay massacre. Shame and a failed future are fast approaching for Pakistan with such backward thinking, even from those overseas young Pakistanis who live safely in various European and other Western nations.

What are you blabbering on terrorism you bharti or whatever you are. If those freedom fighters which you call radical islamic terrorists then george washington was also a terrorist. General Washington fought against British troops,

Kashmiri people are also fighting the 800,000 bharti troops who have been terrorising pakistanis in ocupied kashmir for past 60 years. Kashmiri are not fighting civilians,

Know the definition of terrorist, kid.
A terrorist is the one who kills civilians which the bharti army is doing.
A freedom fighter is the one who fights occupational force which the kashmiri people are doing
You are an imbecile.

The pakistan military establishment is the only thing keeping the pakistani people from the wolves who are sharpening their teeth with ever increasing vigour. They live in a hellish neighbourhood, india, afghan war theatre, 150,000 US troops stationed nearby..countless times they have given up their lives to defend our land and bring us back from the brink of destruction. Politicians do nothing but talk and in the darkest hour leave for Saudi. The committment of the Pakistani Military is not up for discussion.

In times like these it is the aim to make the general public dissillusioned, confused with the whole impending situation so they are shell shocked and inadequate to deal with ground realities. There is no time for a blame game....

I suggest formal drafting of all 48,453,305 people who are available for
military service according to wikipedia to bolster ranks.

All available financial resource, including loans from allianced nations, shifted to production and manufacture of military hardware.

Activate all reserve troops and garrison every major city and nuclear installation.

All missiles to 'battle ready' stage.

Seal the borders and a media blackout.

Get ready to defend like hell!

We will get our dignity back then.

All enemies of Pakistan will be so glad that Pakistani folks are thinking like this. But then I see its easy for you to suggest something sitting in europe that will throw Pakistan into the fire..
i think pakistan started losing dignity a long time back when it failed to stop american drone attacks. The special ops to kill OBL was jus the final nail in coffin.
You are an imbecile.

The pakistan military establishment is the only thing keeping the pakistani people from the wolves who are sharpening their teeth with ever increasing vigour. They live in a hellish neighbourhood, india, afghan war theatre, 150,000 US troops stationed nearby..countless times they have given up their lives to defend our land and bring us back from the brink of destruction. Politicians do nothing but talk and in the darkest hour leave for Saudi. The committment of the Pakistani Military is not up for discussion.

In times like these it is the aim to make the general public dissillusioned, confused with the whole impending situation so they are shell shocked and inadequate to deal with ground realities. There is no time for a blame game....

I suggest formal drafting of all 48,453,305 people who are available for
military service according to wikipedia to bolster ranks.

All available financial resource, including loans from allianced nations, shifted to production and manufacture of military hardware.

Activate all reserve troops and garrison every major city and nuclear installation.

All missiles to 'battle ready' stage.

Seal the borders and a media blackout.

Get ready to defend like hell!

We will get our dignity back then.

Your post is very interesting.. but you cant refuse something that you army and ISI was knowing that OBL was hiding within Pakistan. and is the same reason the world now look at Pakistan as safe heaven of teroorist. Even this fact leads to many untold stories.
US SEALS came to your territory and pakistani AF was dumb at that time. they even did know about the incursion by USA. The US SEAL operated 40 minuted inside pakista few kms form army training center and they even went unspotted.

Looking these facts you still think that Army is doing the right thing in pakistan?
All enemies of Pakistan will be so glad that Pakistani folks are thinking like this. But then I see its easy for you to suggest something sitting in europe that will throw Pakistan into the fire..

You know nothing about me and I do not know anything about you so I will refrain from justifying myself to you.

"At least 11 police personnel have been killed in a landmine attack by Maoist insurgents in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand, police say." BBC

I would suggest you worry about your internal matters such as your pathetic cold start doctrine and the above before commenting on another country's situation, that goes for your foreign ministry too.

Pro-active anticipation is the best way forward and the last thing Pakistan needs is a confused, reactive populace. This must not happen, imperative for its survival.
You know nothing about me and I do not know anything about you so I will refrain from justifying myself to you.

"At least 11 police personnel have been killed in a landmine attack by Maoist insurgents in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand, police say." BBC

I would suggest you worry about your internal matters such as your pathetic cold start doctrine and the above before commenting on another country's situation, that goes for your foreign ministry too.

Pro-active anticipation is the best way forward and the last thing Pakistan needs is a confused, reactive populace. This must not happen, imperative for its survival.

Buddy dont cover your face with dirt game... why you are so insecure when we are discussing your country's matter which has been internationally hyped.. Its is fact that Army ruler lead Pakistan to this crisis rather than civilian government.
Your post is very interesting.. but you cant refuse something that you army and ISI was knowing that OBL was hiding within Pakistan. and is the same reason the world now look at Pakistan as safe heaven of teroorist. Even this fact leads to many untold stories.
US SEALS came to your territory and pakistani AF was dumb at that time. they even did know about the incursion by USA. The US SEAL operated 40 minuted inside pakista few kms form army training center and they even went unspotted.

Looking these facts you still think that Army is doing the right thing in pakistan?

Interesting question.

I will re-iterate the point I made above, militarily and policy wise the country as a whole has been in a reactive mode since the 80s. Im not surprised an incursion of this nature has taken place therefore no blame can be attributed to one institution, otherwise we will be here all day talking about military blunders of countries all across the world and what should have been done to prevent them. The country must simply shift direction to becoming pro-active. That is all that is needed.
A very astute observation. It is common knowledge Pakistan uses terror outfits to meet its needs. The world needs to awaken to this and put an end to this atrocity.

Hypocrite alert :wave::wave:

Accusing others of believing in conspiracy theories and now is making conspiracy theories.
Be honest for once Mr Imran khan spit it out to the nation that our army operates a state within a state ... why blame gop they dont have any control over army

I have many questions need to be answered.

1 Why our govt cannot control army.
2 why americans were allowed inside our territory.
3 why we take money from america, what if we do not take.
4 do we need their money.
5 why we should do what ever america ask us to do.
6 why army do not go for all out offense against all terrorists all over the country.
7 why china does not help us.
The constant immature blame it on the Indians mentality is as much the core problem for the GOP and military of Pakistan

Unfortunately if at 12 noon on a bright hot day, were an Indian to say the Sun is out, otherwise thinking Pakistanis will have disagree with the Indian - it really has become stupid - it's denial on steroid.

As for this playboy politician, a man who divorced the mother of his children, this "Ghairatmand" who parties with billionaire heiresses in London and admires the Talib and like minded ghairatmand, playing host to the most wanted terrorist in the world is Honorable and is dignified -- indeed he and others of his ilk are so concerned about "sovereignty" of Pakistan, that they hesitate in acting against those who have robbed the Pakistani state of entire chunks of Pakistan - but Imran, the Ghairmand, has no words for them - because the same hand that feed him, feeds them?
I have many questions need to be answered.

1 Why our govt cannot control army.
2 why americans were allowed inside our territory.
3 why we take money from

america, what if we do
not take.
4 do we need their money.
5 why we should do what ever america ask us to do.
6 why army do not go for all out offense against all terrorists all over the country.
7 why china does not help us.

1) because traditionally your democratic system is weak and the same pakistanis were supporting army rule because at that period pak was progressing economically.
yes you need money american or chinese.china is not yet ready to fund pak economy(not enough reasons or need to do so yet) so you need american money and support without which you can't survive economically or politically.
6)army does not have enough financial power and it is divided in opinion and thinking if they should hunt down all terrorists or keep the friendly ones to use it against india.
7) china is has it's own limited interests only don't except them to take care of all your problems.
I have many questions need to be answered.

1 Why our govt cannot control army.

Due to War hysteria , society trusts more Army than Civil govt. Army +ISI control Pakistani foreign policies.

2 why americans were allowed inside our territory.

PAK is major alliance in WoT.

3 why we take money from america, what if we do not take.

Nothing, coz most of the money is used by politivians and Army generals, Public don't get any benefit of that..

4 do we need their money.

To rebuild pakistan u need money, if you go against USA, they will influence there allies for not to support you, or grant you loans, They will stop your World bank loan as well.

5 why we should do what ever america ask us to do.

Partner, major non NATO alliance....

6 why army do not go for all out offense against all terrorists all over the country.

Coz in Pakistan Army (+ ISI) there are many people who believe that those are not terrorist, they still believe them asset to achive Pakistan objectives..

7 why china does not help us.

Why china will help you??? And why you always look at others,???

Yesterday USA helped you, now when they are asking return of their favor you are cribbing, what if China tomorrow ask return of her favor???

......... answer inlined
Imran khan: Pakistan has lost osama bin laden(dignity and self esteem) . certainly this is great loss of people like imran khan who get funds from AL qaeda to destabilize the Pakistan
I don't understand why every Tom, Dick and Harry in Pakistan blames the civilian govt. for the current mess in that country.

Either they don't know the truth or they don't want to accept the truth.

The truth remains, though, that when it comes to Pakistan, most strategic and policy decisions are made by the Pakistani Army rather than by the civilian govt.

From, Zia-Ul-Haq to Kayani, the responsibility for Pakistan's sorry state falls squarely on Pakistan Army.

Nonsense. It is the job of the government to remain touch with what happening inside the country. And if they cant, it means either they are incompetent or perhaps too busy with their corruption. In either case the blame lies solely on them.
I don't understand why every Tom, Dick and Harry in Pakistan blames the civilian govt. for the current mess in that country.

Either they don't know the truth or they don't want to accept the truth.

The truth remains, though, that when it comes to Pakistan, most strategic and policy decisions are made by the Pakistani Army rather than by the civilian govt.

From, Zia-Ul-Haq to Kayani, the responsibility for Pakistan's sorry state falls squarely on Pakistan Army.

and why dont you comment better in bharat rakshak, there you can have all the liberty to speak nonsense, i have only experieced, the sentimental bullshitt coming out of their indian mouth lately, why does this chunk of traffic blocked for good??

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