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Imran Khan's UN speech was an utter embarrassment

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Feb 24, 2019
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Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, addresses the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York, on Sept. 27, 2019.Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly began with safe comments on the environment. After that it descended into medieval parochialism. It contained little that would win over any enlightened listener, and it failed to win support from the 16-member human rights council to investigate Indian human rights abuses in Kashmir.

Yet among Pakistanis, Khan’s primary audience, the speech won accolades. Most applauded it for its comments on religion and the Kashmir crisis. The PM ostensibly represents the educated elite, but he showed appalling lack of insight into the worldwide consequences of certain Muslim sensibilities. No wonder the first secretary of the Indian ministry of external affairs Vidisha Maitra described the speech as “crude” and suggested it mainstreamed terror.

By insisting that the West should refrain from insulting the prophet Mohammed because he lives in the hearts of Muslims, Khan tried to validate the myth of universal Muslim victimhood. He appeared to justify the violent responses many Muslims have to any perceived insults to Islam.

According to Khan, it is a natural outcome if Muslims are to feel “hurt”. Yet how hurt do self-defined victims need to feel before they form a rabble and beat to death a member of a religious minority, or shoot a politician opposed to blasphemy laws? These things are common enough in Pakistan that they barely make international news.

Freedom of expression is everyone’s right. The PM has so completely lost all sense of proportion over “insults” to the prophet that he equates Muslim offence with the holocaust. He even compared the wearing of the hijab with “taking clothes off” in the West. Rather than condemning the murderous insanity that takes place among the Pakistani masses, Khan offered a lengthy rationalization.

His worst was provoking India over Kashmir by once again justifying the radicalization of Kashmiri Muslims. On previous occasions Khan has labelled terrorists “freedom fighters”, failing to acknowledge that when freedom fighters kill innocent people indiscriminately, by definition they become terrorists.

Khan’s implication that there is only one Islam allows the rest of the world to class all Muslims together with the extremists as backward and barbaric. He also suggested that radicalization is somehow a natural and inevitable outcome of marginalization. This overlooks the fact that Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 bombers, for example, came from the middle classes. Khan calls himself moderate, but no educated leader with such blinkered views deserves such a moniker.

Khan’s speech was an utter embarrassment and Pakistanis, instead of hailing it as courageous and candid, should have condemned it en masse. Their prime minister, in whom they placed so much trust, has let them down on every single issue that he touched upon in the speech.

Instead of meeting the world even halfway on extremist-related issues or the question of Islamophobia, Khan blatantly pitted the world of Islam against the Western world by drawing flawed dichotomies throughout the speech. His lack of sophistication in the matter has in fact strengthened India’s image while weakening Pakistan’s. Worse, it has put Pakistan on track for even further diplomatic isolation.

Khan claims to be concerned about the plight of his disadvantaged people, but views like his can only produce further suspicion of his compatriots.
sir why you promoting third class source?

Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.
murderous insanity that takes place among the Pakistani masses,


Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.

Every Pakistani i know loved it .. every Indian hated it.

That's a win..
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Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.


Only one embarrassed was india. You democratically elected PM...with highest votes of the indian people...was called Hitler, Fascist, and "complacent" in massacre of minorities....all infront of the world leaders. Hell, Imran Khan even mentioned how Modi was banned from US because he was seen the a butcher of minorities. And that speech was covered at FAR greater length by world media than your irrelevant speech by Modi.

Even now, Imran Khan's speech is the highest viewed of all the speeches. He practically destroyed the brand Modi for millions across the world. Your PM chai wala couldn't stand up to the alpha Imran Khan. Imran's charm utterly dwarfed Modi and humiliated entire india. That's why your cricketers and celebrities are crying about the speech in frustration....while Pakistanis are LOVING IK's speech and enjoying poor indians melt down.

You can try to soothe yourself by using words like 'embarrassment'....but we ALL know who actually got embarrassed and who's feeling it (Hint: That's why you opened the thread to begin with).

Just like 27th Feb, Pakistan military humiliated india globally so much so that NY TIMES literally called it 'humiliating episode for india' :lol::lol:

Now, the branding of Modi and RSS as fascist on world stage has done the same. After IK's speech, Malaysian PM called revoking of 370 as "invasion of Kashmir by india" at UNGA :D Poor indians can't even do a small thing in their own country without literally get their faces in the mud worldwide...

Nobody uttered a single word of Pakistan's construction of CPEC through Azad Kashmir (which is a bigger strategic change in the region (Kashmir) than filmsy 370 revokation).

Shows you how utterly dominated india is on diplomatic front on Kashmir issue thanks to Imran Khan's blitzkreig
Digging for dirt in the filthiest of marshes
and i think they realized that they are
Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.
am sorry to say that but as you are indian so you surely have some problem wit PM IK as he is PM of pakistan.
1 First he talked about global warming as 3rd world is the real victim as they produce less green house gasses and getting affected by due to developed countries.
2 he talked about islamophibia and tried to give a hint how much muslims love their Holy Prophet SAWW and west should see it in the way muslims see and hurting one community's sentiments is not freedom of speech

then he talked about blunders and war mongring behaviour of india and told that how our forces shotdown their jet and control the situation sensibly
and if kashmir problem is not sort out anf if war starts then surely it will end WMD and its warning because world is appeasing lndia just like they appeased Nazi germany
He just warned the world that appeasing would bring destruction and Nazi's wont stop here and at the end will surely end up as a loser
Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.

You are are contradicting your our championed article... The article says. ."
Yet among Pakistanis, Khan’s primary audience, the speech won accolades
.... So how can this be an embarrassment and yet a moment of pride at the same time?????
Lets for once forget the source, which I firmly believe is not third class. I watched Imran's speech at UNGA and I must say it was not befitting a prime minister wherein he talked about islamophobia and pleaded the world community not to hate moslems and then after some moments he gave a nuclear war threat. And to add insult to injury PM Modi totally ignored Pakistan and our issues with them and focussed only on development and environment. This is why I believe Imran's speech was in reality an embarrassment for Pakistan.

Lmao, konsa gaon sai ai ho?
Article names Jackson / Reuters but he doesn't have article like this.
Speech was for his domestic audience.
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