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Featured In Israel, a Demand That Indian Police Coming for Training Be Screened for Kashmir Abuses

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Jun 12, 2017
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In Israel, a Demand That Indian Police Coming for Training Be Screened for Kashmir Abuses
The Israeli government is opposing a petition in the country's Supreme Court by 40 citizens which says officers responsible for severe rights violations must not be given training by the Israeli Police.
In Israel, a Demand That Indian Police Coming for Training Be Screened for Kashmir Abuses

File photo of Indian police officers at an Israeli police training centre in 2017. Photo: Israeli Ministry of Public Security/Facebook
Eitay Mack

Eitay Mack


On January 2, 2020, 40 Israeli citizens filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Israel demanding that the Israeli Police be prevented from training Indian police officers involved in “severe violations” of human rights and international law in Kashmir.
The petition was filed after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Israeli Police and the Ministry of Internal Security refused to “pre-screen” specific Indian police officers who wish to train with the Israeli Police in the State of Israel, so that none of them are involved in, or responsible for, serious human rights violations in Kashmir, and in particular police officers who allegedly blind, murder, rape, torture and forcibly disappear civilians in Kashmir.
Indian police officers are being trained in “counter-terror warfare” by the Israeli Police in the State of Israel, as part of the agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Republic of India regarding cooperation on homeland and public security issues, from October 1, 2014. In 2017, the Israeli Ministry of Public Security said 120 Indian police officers had completed “a two-week course with the Israel Police on terrorism and intelligence”.
The Israeli citizens’ petition argues that the fact that India is the “biggest democracy in the world”, and an extremely important economic and political partner of the State of Israel and Western countries, cannot legally and morally justify the provision of assistance to specific Indian police officers that are involved and responsible for grave crimes under international law in Kashmir, by way of their training by the police in Israel.
Likewise, the fact that there are terrorist groups and separatist groups operating in Kashmir that commit grave crimes against representatives of the Indian government and security forces, crimes against the local civilian population in Kashmir, as well as crimes and terrorist acts across India, cannot justify morally or legally turning a blind eye to the collective punishment and human rights violations allegedly committed in Kashmir by Indian security forces, which include documented instances of torture, custodial killings and the detention of thousands for extended periods and without legal proceedings, the petition says.

Also read: J&K Internet Shutdown Based on ‘Dubious’ Legal Framework: Report
In addition, hundreds have lost their eyesight in one and in some cases both eyes when, in response to demonstrations – both non-violent and those in which some participants throw stones at Indian security forces – soldiers and police have used live fire and pellet rifle fire. The pellet rifles that came into use by Indian security forces in Kashmir in 2010, quickly fire 400-600 small pieces of metal at a time, so there can be no guarantee that they will not cause unnecessary harm.
On August 5, 2019, the Government of India announced that it has unilaterally decided to scrap Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which was in force from the 1950s and granted special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir, except in the field of security, media and foreign relations.
Since then, hundreds of thousands of policemen and other security forces have been laying siege to the residents of Kashmir, and there is a fear that another wave of insurgency is about to break out, and accordingly another wave of massive repression and collective punishment. Among other things, the internet and communication lines were cut off and about 3,000 people were arrested. Among them are many of the pro-Indian elite that has run Kashmir for Delhi for many years, along with judges, lawyers, heads of the Kashmir Bar Association, businessmen, political and social activists, human rights activists, journalists, teachers, students and more. In addition, the Government of India prevents foreign journalists, human rights organisations and diplomats from visiting Kashmir. In 2019 alone, about 500 habeas corpus applications were pending with the Jammu and Kashmir high court, with some 300 filed after August 5.
On May 4, 2020, the Israeli Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted their response to the Supreme Court. Among other things, they sought to dismiss the petition on the grounds that an intervention as to the identity of the Indian police officers coming to Israel to participate in training would be construed as a blatant intervention by the State of Israel in India’s internal affairs, and could damage foreign relations and trust between both states.
In addition, the Israel Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that they do not have the practical ability to pre-screen police officers participating in the training, since this is information that the Israeli Police does not have access to. This is a very puzzling claim.
First, pre-screening can be done, among other things, by gathering information about which police officers are denied entry by Israel’s allies around the world (e.g., in the US), and which officers are mentioned in reports by local human rights organisations (e.g., the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons – APDP, which outlines a long list of police officers responsible for human rights violations and the forced disappearance of civilians); international groups (such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch); in reports by the UN and its various organisations; in legal proceedings in India; in investigations and publications of governmental and non-governmental human rights Commissions in India; and reports and publications of the lawyers’ organisations.
In addition, the collection of information is possible by requiring the presentation of a “police certificate” of sorts (a certificate of personal integrity) and a statement by the police officer who wishes to train in Israel as to which countries he has visited in recent years, that he has never been barred from entering another country, and has not been involved in severe human rights violations and crimes under international law. Even the Government of India requires that one answer a questionnaire on the matter in order to obtain an entrance visa, and it may prevent the entry of anyone who has been involved in an act of violence, genocide and killing on political grounds.
Also read: Shopian: After Promise of Probe into ‘Fake Encounter’, J&K Police Mum on DNA Report
Second, one notes that the Israel Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have shown their ability to gather “intelligence” and “screen out” BDS activists who have sought to enter the State of Israel. It is surely no less important to prevent the entry into Israel, and training in Israel, of those who blind, murder, rape, torture and forcibly disappear civilians in Kashmir, than to prevent the entry into Israel of an American student who during her studies in Florida “fought” the selling of an Israeli-owned chickpea salad.
Another strange argument that has been made is that it is not possible to discriminate and be stricter with Indian police officers, and that such a policy would oblige the Israeli Police and the foreign ministry to filter out representatives of the security forces from other countries as well. One notes that just recently, in response to a freedom of information request, it became clear that the Israeli foreign ministry has no problem discriminating against Indian citizens – local cleaners at the Israeli embassy in New Delhi receive 7 New Israeli Shekels (NIS) per hour, while an American cleaner at the Israeli embassy in Washington receives 67 NIS per hour. A demand submitted to the foreign ministry to pay Indian local workers at the Israeli embassy in New Delhi at least the minimum wage under Israeli law (29 NIS) was turned down this week by the ministry’s legal adviser, Reut Rozenblum.
Especially after the State of Israel became entangled and after it was condemned all over the world for its military and political assistance to Myanmar, when crimes against humanity and genocide were committed against the Muslim Rohingya minority, it was expected from the Israeli government to take moral stock and take all necessary steps to prevent Israeli assistance to perpetration of crimes against another Muslim minority population.
Although the Israeli government wants to defend its economic and political interests at all costs vis-à-vis the anti-democratic government of Prime Minister Narend ra Modi, it is important that people in Kashmir know that there are also Israeli citizens who think otherwise, expressing solidarity with their struggle to end the repression and day-to-day violence they suffer from the security forces of the government and the illegal measures it is taking. These Israeli activists will do everything in their power to assist in the international campaign for the protection of human and civil rights in Kashmir.
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Israelis appeal against training of India police accused of abuse
A petition filed in Israel’s top court seeks to prevent the training of Indian officers accused of Kashmir abuses.

Usaid Siddiqui
25 Sep 2020
Dozens of Israeli activists have petitioned the Supreme Court seeking to bar the country’s security forces from training Indian police officers involved in “severe violations” of human rights and international law in Indian-administered Kashmir.
“With this petition, we are trying our best to show solidarity with the people of Kashmir,” Israeli human rights activist Sigal Kook Avivi, who was among 40 people behind the petition, told Al Jazeera.

The document was signed in January after the Israeli Police, Ministry of Internal Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to pre-screen members of India’s police force from the Muslim-majority Himalayan region, according to Israeli human rights lawyer Eitay Mack, who filed the petition. As Israel returned to a second nationwide coronavirus lockdown last week, court proceedings are likely to be further delayed.
“The fact that India is ‘the largest democracy in the world’, and is an important political and economic partner of the state of Israel and Western countries, cannot legally and morally justify providing assistance to specific Indian officers who are involved in grave crimes under international law in Kashmir, by way of training by police in Israel,” the petition stated.
Avivi, who has worked among African asylum seekers in Israel, said “as citizens of the world, we want to say we know what is happening to you, we are not ignorant … we see it, we hear it, we know it”.
In May, the Israeli government asked the Supreme Court to dismiss the petition, as any attempt to investigate or screen Indian police officers would be considered an intervention into India’s internal affairs – which could damage relations between the two nations.
Neither Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor India’s Ministry of Home Affairs were available for comment at the time of publication.
India and Israel signed a comprehensive agreement in 2014 to cooperate on issues related to “public and homeland security”, including fighting organised crime, money laundering, human trafficking and counterterrorism operations.
Keep Reading:
Dozens of Israeli activists have petitioned the Supreme Court seeking to bar the country’s security forces from training Indian police officers involved in “severe violations” of human rights and international law in Indian-administered Kashmir.

“With this petition, we are trying our best to show solidarity with the people of Kashmir,” Israeli human rights activist Sigal Kook Avivi, who was among 40 people behind the petition, told Al Jazeera.

Dozens of Israeli activists . . .
Israelis should support Kashmir & Afghanistan.

They are same blood. They are lost tribes of Children of Israel (Children of Jacob/Ya'qoob)

The lost tribes that migrated towards East.

The Afghan Pashtuns and the missing Israelite exiles
Reference to another thread:

Just wanted to point out that all promises "Jews" are hoping for were not made to "Jews", rather to "Children of Jacob/Israel" (COJ), Bani-Israel in Arabic.

Israel was nick name of Jacob. and "promises" of kingdom of heavens were for all 10+ sons.

Many of COJ accepted Eesa (Jesus) and many accepted Muhammad later on. That doesn't kick out those COJ from COJ-club . . .!

So vast majority of COJ are now either Christians or Muslims.

Jews are NOT the only COJ, and not the only bearers of those promises.

So, any of those Christian or Muslim COJ have equal right on Kingdom of Heavens and can claim Israel to be theirs.

Kashmiris and Pashtoons have same amount of right to be in Israel as does Jews.

The Afghan Pashtuns and the missing Israelite exiles

Perhaps the “Israelite Spring” is finally upon us. While the path to peace cannot lie solely in defense, it may lie in the active reuniting of roots and dispersed family trees.

The Jewish people see themselves as a people alone in the Middle East, but an emerging elephant in the room may change this mentality. How will Jews respond when they hear that the descendants of the 10 exiled tribes of Israel ended up in Afghanistan and Pakistan, today number at least 25 million, and haven’t forgotten who they are? Recently, our organization, iTribe, polled almost 100 Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Almost all responded that they were told by their grandparents that they are called Bani Israel, the Children of Israel.

The Pashtuns have dwelt in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan for thousands of years. Although Muslim today, they live by a code called Pashtunwali which greatly resembles Mosaic law. When Pashtunwali conflicts with the Koran, they follow Pashtunwali. For example, Muslims are permitted to eat camel, but many Pashtuns do not do so. Other Pashtun customs which are not common among Muslims but have a clear parallel in Jewish practice include circumcision on the eighth day, lighting candles on Friday evening, levirate marriage, and many others.

Names of greater Pashtun tribes include the Rubeni, Gadi, Ashuri, Efridi, Shinwari, Lewani and Yousefzai, which clearly resemble the tribes of Reuven, Gad, Asher, Ephraim, Shimon and Yosef. The royal family of Afghanistan traces its origins to the line of King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin.
These facts are not new. The Bible mentions the Assyrians settling the Lost Tribes in Gozan, which is one of the names of the Amu Darya, a major Afghan river, identified as such by Rav Sa’adia Gaon. Medieval writings by Jewish travelers to Afghanistan mentions the Israelite origins of the Pashtuns. In more recent times, the connection between Pashtuns and Israel has been documented and discussed in documentaries by Simcha Jacobovici, as well as books by Rabbi Eliahu Avichail and Israeli president Yitzhak Ben- Zvi. Recently, the Internet has given us the ability to contact Pashtuns directly and do extensive research, which has confirmed the sources above.

Many people are shocked when they first hear of the connection between the Pashtuns and the Jews. They ask two main questions: first, aren’t Afghans radical Islamic terrorists? Second, if they are from the lost tribes, what does that mean? What happens now? Regarding the first question, one of the main issues confronting traditional Pashtun culture is radical Islam. Radical Islam filters into the region from Arabia and Iran, backed by oil money. Many Pashtun tribal elders fear that in a few generations there won’t be a Pashtun nation anymore due to targeted efforts by Wahhabists and other Muslim fundamentalists to erase their Israelite roots. Some of the elders with whom we are in touch are working to educate their clans on their true origins and on the importance of reconnecting with the Jewish people.

As for what happens now, the answer is simple. If a person loses his brother as a child and finds him many years later, the first thing they discuss is not how many times a day each other prays. Rather, they inquire about each other’s well-being, and attempt to help each other. Israel is a world leader in military technologies, medicine and sustainability. If, as it seems, the Pashtuns are our long-lost brethren, we should bring our expertise to bear and help them improve their situation.
We can already see this process unfolding.

We can already see this process unfolding.

Enabled by modern technology, Pashtuns and Jews have already begun to network and dialogue. Daily exchanges are happening between Jews and Pashtuns in various forums, for instance, in a Facebook group titled “The People of Israel’s Jirga – Pashtuns and Jews.” Quiet in-person meetings are happening across the globe. Our organization, iTribe, is currently mapping out all communities connected to the lost tribes, including the Pashtun, in an online social network, to create digital bridges between the dispersed exiles of Israel. And together, iTribe and the organizers of the Jirga are organizing what is hopefully the first of many Unite The Tribes conferences in Jerusalem this Thursday, February 22.

Perhaps the “Israelite Spring” is finally upon us. While the path to peace cannot lie solely in defense, it may lie in the active reuniting of roots and dispersed family trees.
We are grateful to those 40 Israeli ladies and gentlemen who have a heart filled with humanity and kindness.

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