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India explores rail link with Iran, Turkey

My point is different.
This is the beginning of India's global strategy? Indians are now aware of it?
Does "banya" (what does that term even mean lol) know that another country can't mine under another countries EEZ or extended EEZ? (if Pakistan wishes for India not to mine/tunnel under its land)

Article 60

Artificial islands, installations and structures in the exclusive economic zone

1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of:

(a) artificial islands;

(b) installations and structures for the purposes provided for in article 56 and other
economic purposes;

(c) installations and structures which may
interfere with the exercise of the rights of the coastal State in the zone.

2. The coastal State shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such artificial islands, installations and structures, including jurisdiction with regard to customs, fiscal, health, safety and immigration laws and regulations.

3. Due notice must be given of the construction of such artificial islands, installations or structures, and permanent means for giving warning of their presence must be maintained. Any installations or structures which are abandoned or disused shall be removed to ensure safety of navigation, taking into account any generally accepted international standards established in this regard by the competent international organization. Such removal shall also have due regard to fishing, the protection of the marine environment and the rights and duties of other States. Appropriate publicity shall be given to the depth, position and dimensions of any installations or structures not entirely removed.

4. The coastal State may, where necessary, establish reasonable safety zones around such artificial islands, installations and structures in which it may take appropriate measures to ensure the safety both of navigation and of the artificial islands, installations and structures.

So "banya", if Pakistan wishes to, it can simply block India's moves, sabotage the pipeline through proxies (like your doing to/in CPEC; making you taste your own atrocities :lol:). Get it?

Wtf is the Chinese West Coast? Did you just invent that term out of the thin air? o_O

Last time I checked, China only had the east coast. :D


Plus, how do you know if China is going to pay the Pakistani truck drivers or not? Are you the senior management of CPEC. :police:

When you can fully quote my whole response to your half researched, half bs posts, then respond. Please don't cherry pick over my post(s). :disagree:

Baniya, if you know business so well, instruct your PM too :D. May you help him waste billions upon billions. :azn:

Keep living the wet dream. :cheers:
Sir, Baniya is a very cool word for a person who knows business... and we know what phobic meaning you were taught and we are glad you are taught that way... so we are baniya kaum... live with it...

For your kind information when you lay a undersea pipeline you do not dig a trench and lay it .. it is layed on sea bed...therefore mining law does not apply it is clearly written in Article 57...

Sharing a law for artificial island for underwater pipeline is something like going to a gun shop and showing him your DL and buying a gun... Though probably that might work in your country but not internationally.

There is a very thin line between sounding smart and sounding stupid.

Using proxies for sabotage, the sea bed which is 4000 meter deep, deeper than milatery submarines to act, and you want your proxies to work there, that is absouluty cool.. I know April1st isn't far away.:cheesy:
There would be a very important pipeline planned over your land and proxies can work much more easier than underwater isn't it..

Now lets come to artificial island... China build some on coral reefs which were only at the dept of few meters.. and you are dreaming of creating an artificial island at the dept of 4000s of meter..:woot:

As per west coast it was my bad... it is western borders...
Hope you enjoy ur weekend... :smitten:
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Sir, Baniya is a very cool word for a person who knows business... and we know what phobic meaning you were taught and we are glad you are taught that way... so we are baniya kaum... live with it...

For your kind information when you lay a undersea pipeline you do not dig a trench and lay it .. it is layed on sea bed...therefore mining law does not apply it is clearly written in Article 57...

Sharing a law for artificial island for underwater pipeline is something like going to a gun shop and showing him your DL and buying a gun... Though probably that might work in your country but not internationally.

There is a very thin line between sounding smart and sounding stupid.

Using proxies for sabotage, the sea bed which is 4000 meter deep, deeper than milatery submarines to act, and you want your proxies to work there, that is absouluty cool.. I know April1st isn't far away.:cheesy:
There would be a very important pipeline planned over your land and proxies can work much more easier than underwater isn't it..

Now lets come to artificial island... China build some on coral reefs which were only at the dept of few meters.. and you are dreaming of creating an artificial island at the dept of 4000s of meter..:woot:

As per west coast it was my bad... it is western borders...
Hope you enjoy ur weekend... :smitten:

Haha, I actually didn't even knew there was a word such as "baniya/banya" & here your assuming that I was raised knowing & having being taught the negative meaning of that word. :woot:

You need to de-propagandize your mind dude. :lol:

Onto the discussion & Article 60:-

1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of:

^since the pipeline will be moving through our EEZ/EEEZ as stated under the article 60, we have "the exclusive right...to authorize & regulate..." meaning that we can deny India's pipelines.

You know who created these laws? Why? For what reasons?
Simple, these laws (like any other laws) can be manipulated & have been by the US (Iraq War, WoT, Afghan War) & so many other sovereign nations since their inception.

And it clearly says that we have the exclusive rights. You want to argue more? :D

(a) artificial islands; (no one is building artificial islands silly, it's just what was quoted) :rolleyes:

(b) installations and structures for the purposes provided for in article 56 and other economic purposes;

Though we
can build artificial islands, place radars on them + silo's for nukes, SAM's, etc. ;)

(c) installations and structures which may interfere with the exercise of the rights of the coastal State in the zone.

Now this is interesting. Pakistan can simply add to their case (against Indian pipelines) that these pipelines will damage Pakistani waters (many different reasons, like gas leaks, etc.) :D

3. Due notice must be given of the construction of such artificial islands, installations or structures, and permanent means for giving warning of their presence must be maintained. Any installations or structures which are abandoned or disused shall be removed to ensure safety of navigation, taking into account any generally accepted international standards established in this regard by the competent international organization. Such removal shall also have due regard to fishing, the protection of the marine environment and the rights and duties of other States. Appropriate publicity shall be given to the depth, position and dimensions of any installations or structures not entirely removed.

Added to the case can be OIC (which a International Org.), which Pakistan can use against India (like it has in the past; blocked India's initiation into OIC). We can again quote the above Article line & build up a case against the destruction of marine environment, etc.

Because how are you going to lay those pipelines on the sea bed without disrupting some fishes, their mating grounds & their food grounds? o_O

4. The coastal State may, where necessary, establish reasonable safety zones around such artificial islands, installations and structures in which it may take appropriate measures to ensure the safety both of navigation and of the artificial islands, installations and structures.

Such "safety zones" around "installation & structures" will definitely obstruct Indian pipelines (they will have to go around & not through, etc) if India gets the go ahead to actually build those pipelines. :lol:

Plus, for sabotage, no matter how deep a target is, all you gotta do is find it's location (which will have to be publicized to the
Coastal State under Article 60) and then dump some TNT/explosive on it from vessels as small as fishing boats.

I'm sure planners will be much more creative. :azn:

Plus, these so called "pipelines" are 3-10 years into the future. And here you are, lecturing us on what will India do & what not. :lol:

First make an official announcement as to when the project will start & then we will talk.

Get that, baniya? :partay:
Not ''some business'' but alot of business.
In 2013-14 your official trade with India was at $4.71 billion but the ''black market '' trade was at least double that.
I dont think it is possible to stop the trade with India.
It's probably true and we have very corrupt regimes in Pakistan hopefully one day we will get rid of them and will have a government which will represent the sentiments of Pakistanis
Will the Indian build a railway at sea?:moil:
It will be a great project.:sarcastic:
India explores rail link with Iran, Turkey
India is weighing the possibility of establishing a rail freight service which would connect the country to Iran and Turkey, New Delhi-based media say. The project is expected to bring about a major boost to trade and economic development of the Asia Pacific region, also involving Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The ambitious plan, covering about 6,000 kilometers, could significantly reduce currently high tariff and non-tariff costs in trade between these countries. For the start, Indian Railways will organize a meeting of South Asian railway heads involved in the project on March 15-16, India’s leading business website the Hindu Business Line reported.

The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has been promoting the project for years through holding various conferences and carrying out feasibility studies on rail network between the countries. ESCAP has identified Dhaka-Kolkata-Delhi-Amritsar-Lahore-Islamabad-Zahedan-Tehran-Istanbul as the possible rail route, according to a senior Indian Railway Ministry official. The route has the strategic advantage of connecting the capitals of these countries.

According to the report, a demonstration container train between Bangladesh and India has been planned in the first quarter of 2017—18. The project is apparently part of the International North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) formalized among India, Iran and Russia in 2000 to link the Subcontinent and the Middle East to the Caucasus, Central Asia and Europe. The ship, road and rail route would connect India’s Mumbai to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas and further to Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia before stretching to northern Europe and Scandinavia.

Besides Iran, India and Russia, countries that are on board to integrate into the transit network include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey, Tajikistan, Oman, Syria and Bulgaria. Dry runs of the route were conducted in 2014, from Mumbai to Baku and Astrakhan via Bandar Abbas. According to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the countries were discussing the “final details” of the project.

The NSTC opens a window for alignment with Silk Road Economic Belt pushed by China to establish new trade and transport links with Central Asia and Europe and provide a counterbalance to US “pivot” to Asia.
I am not getting any related news thread in similar thread option, though I had seen something recently. If yes then to the mods, please merge the threads.

India should start working to build this

Teleport gateway and it will sort all Indian issues from Mumbai to Kabul, Moscow, Tehran etc etc

Another design if you guys like
Haha, I actually didn't even knew there was a word such as "baniya/banya" & here your assuming that I was raised knowing & having being taught the negative meaning of that word. :woot:

You need to de-propagandize your mind dude. :lol:

Onto the discussion & Article 60:-

1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of:

^since the pipeline will be moving through our EEZ/EEEZ as stated under the article 60, we have "the exclusive right...to authorize & regulate..." meaning that we can deny India's pipelines.

You know who created these laws? Why? For what reasons?
Simple, these laws (like any other laws) can be manipulated & have been by the US (Iraq War, WoT, Afghan War) & so many other sovereign nations since their inception.

And it clearly says that we have the exclusive rights. You want to argue more? :D

(a) artificial islands; (no one is building artificial islands silly, it's just what was quoted) :rolleyes:

(b) installations and structures for the purposes provided for in article 56 and other economic purposes;

Though we
can build artificial islands, place radars on them + silo's for nukes, SAM's, etc. ;)

(c) installations and structures which may interfere with the exercise of the rights of the coastal State in the zone.

Now this is interesting. Pakistan can simply add to their case (against Indian pipelines) that these pipelines will damage Pakistani waters (many different reasons, like gas leaks, etc.) :D

3. Due notice must be given of the construction of such artificial islands, installations or structures, and permanent means for giving warning of their presence must be maintained. Any installations or structures which are abandoned or disused shall be removed to ensure safety of navigation, taking into account any generally accepted international standards established in this regard by the competent international organization. Such removal shall also have due regard to fishing, the protection of the marine environment and the rights and duties of other States. Appropriate publicity shall be given to the depth, position and dimensions of any installations or structures not entirely removed.

Added to the case can be OIC (which a International Org.), which Pakistan can use against India (like it has in the past; blocked India's initiation into OIC). We can again quote the above Article line & build up a case against the destruction of marine environment, etc.

Because how are you going to lay those pipelines on the sea bed without disrupting some fishes, their mating grounds & their food grounds? o_O

4. The coastal State may, where necessary, establish reasonable safety zones around such artificial islands, installations and structures in which it may take appropriate measures to ensure the safety both of navigation and of the artificial islands, installations and structures.

Such "safety zones" around "installation & structures" will definitely obstruct Indian pipelines (they will have to go around & not through, etc) if India gets the go ahead to actually build those pipelines. :lol:

Plus, for sabotage, no matter how deep a target is, all you gotta do is find it's location (which will have to be publicized to the
Coastal State under Article 60) and then dump some TNT/explosive on it from vessels as small as fishing boats.

I'm sure planners will be much more creative. :azn:

Plus, these so called "pipelines" are 3-10 years into the future. And here you are, lecturing us on what will India do & what not. :lol:

First make an official announcement as to when the project will start & then we will talk.

Get that, baniya? :partay:
Again the same old problem of english compreshension, Installation and structures for artificial island and laying a pipeline are two different things,.... Yes Pakistan can object that it can hamper its flora and fona,, but has to defend it internationally how a pipleline overland going complete northsouth will not hamper flora and fona of the region and 4000 meter deep undersea pipleline can. :cheesy: So it will be a very tough nut to crack.

Sorry i underestimated the sabotage and destruction ability that you have and known and acknolwledged internationally. Sir do you have any idea what would be more easier to sabotage.. a pipeline just 1 meter above the land or 4000 m deep undersea pipeline in high seas.

I will not be able to argue more on international law with you.. coz it is similar to :hitwall:

Take care and have a nice day ahead.
Again the same old problem of english compreshension, Installation and structures for artificial island and laying a pipeline are two different things,.... Yes Pakistan can object that it can hamper its flora and fona,, but has to defend it internationally how a pipleline overland going complete northsouth will not hamper flora and fona of the region and 4000 meter deep undersea pipleline can. :cheesy: So it will be a very tough nut to crack.

Sorry i underestimated the sabotage and destruction ability that you have and known and acknolwledged internationally. Sir do you have any idea what would be more easier to sabotage.. a pipeline just 1 meter above the land or 4000 m deep undersea pipeline in high seas.

I will not be able to argue more on international law with you.. coz it is similar to :hitwall:

Take care and have a nice day ahead.

No, they are not. The word "Pipeline" (under or above ground; doesn't matter) can come under the terms installation & structures.

Let's look at the basic definition of the above 2 words.


1: the act of putting something in place for use : the state of being put in place for use
2: something put in place for use

Your going to tell me that the word "pipeline" doesn't match the 2 definitions above? o_O


a : something (as a building) that is constructed
b : something arranged in a definite pattern of organization, a rigid totalitarian structure — J. L. Hess
c : organization of parts as dominated by the general character of the whole; economic structure, personality structure
d : the aggregate of elements of an entity in their relationships to each other

Again, the term "pipeline" can be used in this context too. :P

Plus, we're not talking about land regions but the sea & it's marine life/fauna, let's stick to the discussion at hand & not go into tangents.

Obviously it's not "easy" to destroy a pipeline whether it's on/underground or 4000 meters deep in the sea. But it's easier to destroy (very possible with simple tools) than building/rebuilding it. :cool:

I'm just giving you a taste of the very tactics your own country (India) uses & has used on international scales (in the UN & everywhere else) & in proxies too. :)

Truth sounds bitter (especially when it comes back to haunt you), doesn't it? :police:

Cheers, :cheers:
ourt of law, how overland pipeline gas+ oil(which it approved for China) is safe than undersea pipeline( indian pipeline

you are just arguing for the sake of an argument. a pipeline over land is not affecting livestock being raised miles away from it. A deep sea pipeline affects marine life and the prime purpose of an EEZ is to to give control of its undersea resources to its owner which in this case is Pakistan.You need a pipeline you can bypass it off our EEZ. if you grow enough balls to make any preemptive measure our navy will take care of it, if you feel you have some sort of right to use our space you are mistaken and bound to lose billions of investment just like that road you built up to chahbahar(which will be used to connect cpec with rest of Iran and Europe).
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