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India gets Afghan peace talks slot

If that happens it think our government has also started the plans to talk with peace favoring section of taliban. I think we should get involve more and more and hold talks with taliban leaders till Pak is busy with their own problems.

Dream on. Afghan Taliban support Jihad in India Occupied Kashmir against indian troops. They always had and always will.
Dream on. Afghan Taliban support Jihad in India Occupied Kashmir against indian troops. They always had and always will.

The terrorist organizations are failing and are unable to stir up trouble in the valley
Just some facts for you -
1. Tourism has returned big time in Kashmir this summer.
2. Most of the infiltration bids were unsuccessful resulting in encounters of Jihadis.
3. This was the calmest summer since late 1980s after insurgency had broken.

Islamic Republic Pakistan needs you. Grab a weapon and cross the border. Let us see if you can walk the talk.
You sound like a nerdy kid who cannot believe he got asked to the High School Prom by homecoming queen.

Nothing to see here...
It's the West's continuing effort, increasingly desperate, to prop up India as a regional power.

I had thought India was good at diplomacy, but their abject failure to prop up a puppet regime even after ten years of NATO umbrella is "incredible". It would be laughable if it weren't for the terrible price the Afghans are playing for the US's "great game" in the region.
It would be laughable if it weren't for the terrible price the Afghans are playing for the US's "great game" in the region.

Don't cry for Afghanistan! The Afghanis love being players in the "great game." They could have stopped the game and been showered with goodies at any moment over the past ten years. Perhaps they are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ......
Don't cry for Afghanistan! The Afghanis love being players in the "great game." They could have stopped the game and been showered with goodies at any moment over the past ten years. Perhaps they are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ......

Ah yes.

These pesky little people -- daring to resist occupation forces in their land.

How dare they!
Why in this thread Pakistanis are sounding they had/has no plans for Afghanistan?

How conventiently they are missing their own inventions like Streategic depth etc.

India was no where in the picture when Pakistani fighters were looting Afghan soverginity when fighting for Taliban.

Now since they are/will be not allowed or at least will be checked by few other players the Pakistanis are getting worked up and crying fake for Afghan soverginity.
Does India have any contacts with Afghan Taliban, the men with real power in Afghanistan? No. So stop dreaming.

There'll be two options for Karzai once U.S. leaves Afghanistan, either he'll be assasinated or exiled.

BBC News - Karzai abandons peace talks with the Taliban
Real power, huh??? Oh u mean blowing up schools or market places....they have the real power to kill people ..isnt it?? just like haqqani network in Waziristan and Taliban in FATA?
Pakistanisage, Sir,

Is this reply the best you are capable of? Please re-read it, and, ask yourself if your own reply is not glaringly immature. "You sound"? The opening post was a news/opinion article being quoted, not the musing of a "high school" adolescent. Your posts are not worthy of a "sage" of the Pakistani nation.

You are entitled to your opinion even though I dont find anything you say even remotely of any value.
Dream on. Afghan Taliban support Jihad in India Occupied Kashmir against indian troops. They always had and always will.

Actually the terrorists like Al Queda and LeT, in their dreams of growing so large did India a huge favor. They have made terrorism such a common place word and have ensured that people dont feel 100% safe anywhere. Relatively speaking, they have significantly reduced the contrast between Kashmir(terrorist scare) and rest of the world. Hence to the world, Kashmir no longer looks very different from rest of the world despite the occasional terror strike. You can already see the result in the increased tourism in the valley.. Looks like terrorists from Pakistan scored a self goal here :)

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ......

This is one of the most awesome quotes I have seen.. Awesome...
Don't cry for Afghanistan! The Afghanis love being players in the "great game." They could have stopped the game and been showered with goodies at any moment over the past ten years. Perhaps they are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ......

More Ignorant rants from someone who has no clue about Afghanistan or its people. Is this the best you can come up with trying to impress everyone with tired old cliches ? Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ? How novel and original , Truth seeker ? Sir , you would'nt know the truth if it came and bit you in your derriere.
Don't cry for Afghanistan! The Afghanis love being players in the "great game." They could have stopped the game and been showered with goodies at any moment over the past ten years. Perhaps they are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity ......

Afghan people cannot be occupied. The Mughals tried it and failed. Then the British tried it and failed miserably. The Russians met the same fate and now Nato is failing miserably. There is a reason why Afghanistan is called the GRAVEYARD FOR THE SUPERPOWERS.
There can be no peace talks in Afghanistan without Pakistan's involvement. Any talks that excludes Pakistan is bound to fail. Look at the map of Pakistan and Afghanistan and you will know why. Leaving Pakistan means you are leaving Taliban / Pashtoon out and that is the majority of Afghanistan's Population.

you are right without involvement fo pakistan there will be no peace and with involvement there is no peace
Real power, huh??? Oh u mean blowing up schools or market places....they have the real power to kill people ..isnt it?? just like haqqani network in Waziristan and Taliban in FATA?

No need to act so self-righteous.

The India-backed Northern Alliance were just as ruthless. The only difference is that they lost and the Taliban won.

Why is why NATO had to step in and do the job that India couldn't.

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