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India grants 55 buses to Afghan army in Herat province.

Dark Warrior

Apr 20, 2012
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India grants 55 buses to Afghan army in Herat province.
By Sajad - Sat May 05, 1:10 pm

According to local authorities in western Herat province, the government of India in a bid to assist the Afghan national security forces on Friday granted 55 passenger buses for 207 Zafar Afghan National Army commandment in this province.

A spokesman for the for 207 Zafar Afghan National Army commandment Najeebullah Najeebi said the government of India granted 55 TATA passenger buses and each of the vehicle has the capability of transporting 26 officers.

He also said the buses will be used to transport Afghan army officers and will help to resolve the transportation issues of the Afghan soldiers in this province.

India is the largest regional provider of humanitarian and reconstruction aid to Afghanistan. Indians are working in various construction projects, as part of India’s rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan.

The chief diplomats of India and Afghanistan last week inaugurated a new council aimed at deepening their strategic ties. India plays a key role in supporting Afghanistan’s development and reconstruction, and is also hoping to help support the country’s long-term stability.

Afghanistan during the India-Afghanistan Partnership Council also sought India’s assistance in equipping its security forces, indicating increased security cooperation between the two countries in the run-up to the withdrawal of international forces from the violence-torn country.

India grants 55 buses to Afghan army in Herat province - KHAAMA PRESS | Afghan Online Newspaper
Well done India! :tup: We should continue our assistance to our Afghan brothers and help them get back up on their feet. After all that difficult history they have been through, peace and prosperity is something they definitely deserve.
Many more help coming to our afghan brothers :tup:
lol Afghans don't even consider each other brothers, let alone you. You probably don't even give a **** about Afghans either, but just wanna piss off the Pakistanis.

But it's good that India's helping out, especially in Herat (practically Afghanistan's only 'modern' province/city).
lol Afghans don't even consider each other brothers, let alone you. You probably don't even give a **** about Afghans either, but just wanna piss off the Pakistanis.

To answer you in the most polite way, that's not right.

Indians feel for the Afghans in general. We have ties with the entire region of Afghanistan and Persia dating back thousands of years.

Especially what the Afghan women and children have been through mostly for the fault of external factors is a heart rending experience.

Afghanistan was nothing like this before a particular Army to its east decided to use it for 'strategic depth'.

Afghanistan used to be a modern state, nothing like what it has become today.
lol Afghans don't even consider each other brothers, let alone you. You probably don't even give a **** about Afghans either, but just wanna piss off the Pakistanis.

But it's good that India's helping out, especially in Herat (practically Afghanistan's only 'modern' province/city).

Don't be so cynical.

We have a number of Afghan, Tajik, Baloch, as well as Iranian students right here in India.

There is no dearth of warmth all around.

We have over 10,000 of your boys and girls studying in my city alone.

And its not a new phenomenon either.

lol Afghans don't even consider each other brothers, let alone you. You probably don't even give a **** about Afghans either, but just wanna piss off the Pakistanis.
:rofl: Wow! An Afghan in clown's clothing! :woot:
To answer you in the most polite way, that's not right.

Indians feel for the Afghans in general. We have ties with the entire region of Afghanistan and Persia dating back thousands of years.

Especially what the Afghan women and children have been through mostly for the fault of external factors is a heart rending experience.

Afghanistan was nothing like this before a particular Army to its west decided to use it for 'strategic depth'.

Afghanistan used to be a modern state, nothing like what it has become today.

You do realize that the Soviets were the ones who screwed up Afghanistan, invited by the Afghans themselves?
The concept of Strategic Depth came way later in the 90s and it did not involve being harmful to Afghans in any way but rather to "Check Indian influence in Afghanistan".
Good move by Indian Govt. Hope to see more of these kind of activities within India and outside too.
Brothers make peace with yourselves and others .. Rise and rise ..your kabuliwaala image is still evergreen in our hearts
How much India helped Our afghan MUSLIMS brothers in a war agaist USSR and Taliban ..
can any one enlighten me? HOW many indian died in these wars? how much economy of India went down for these wars, Don't you say interests come first...we may not be angel but the nations would but we are muslim first and PAkistanis second...infact these two words co-align as PAKISTAN came into existence on the name of ISALAM if we remember...


If someone remeber it is Pakistan who would whatever (inspite of all its troubles) would possibly keep helping the world MOSTLY muslims brothers....
Look IRAN had has friendship with India...but at the time when US was stimulating ISRAEL than Pakistan call on IRAN, Afhan and our Prime mininster ...and even Pakistan prime minister said we have a shiites muslim and we can not remain neutral (how much indian PM got a photo session like this for BBC to show a message to the world of BROTHER (lipservice I must say not heartservice (when even your heart has default INABILITY to bleedout for muslims (like muslims for muslims..I mean you may be good but it is something coming from instinct if you are muslim only you can feel BY ALLAH)

However we strong urge INDIAN brothers to help Afghan and PAkistan like this as our brother economy is disrupted but
FOR God sake without trying to distancing it from its soul mates ( UNIVERSAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD)....it is not wrong to to take help others if you have suffered becasue of others like they adn we have suffered becasue of GLOBAL WAR (world community inflicted war), rather it is the moral duty of INDIA and regional friend and world-friends who have not already given practical hand should give hand in prosperity of the regions for those who are ruined since USSR intervention and then our friend US in the regions..after all we all are human beings :)

IF it was not Pakistan on the earh estabilished then we feel now INDIA and USSR were neighbour...as Pakistanis would go out to help out ...
@ happiness mark
.. thats the way we want you to influence afghan in positive direction ..lets compete for goodwill of our afghan brothers rather than destroying them
@ happiness mark
.. thats the way we want you to influence afghan in positive direction ..lets compete for goodwill of our afghan brothers rather than destroying them

lolll... man you confessed, so you are giving them for US.Point must be noted.....BUT WE ALREADY REQUESTING You to help them For GOD sake and also to us as we have fought the all WORLD WARS....MAY GOD MAKE THEM More strong than us , YOU and United STates (AMEEN and suma-ameen, a prayer of a brother), as we both countries have suffered on the earth
Perhaps in case of trouble we look forward to muslim country more, considering our ummah right, to call for a help....

LOOK, How many times you have told the world no more than AFGHAN-LED process is acceptable...we have have been continuously saying when Pakistan learnt that our friend US probably (God knows but they have been our friend, but they have not understand our problems of this complex war of last type, as it was easy for our PAKISTANIS SOUL to give blood for muslims...but when it comes MUSLIM vs MUSLIMS war then even our majority of PAkistan would keep the promise but their one heart would be bleeding that civil peple (muslims) would die and their will be Pakistanis who will be thinking what is the point in going a war for a muslim...it is the same if US will go war for ISRAEL (NEVER), same default problem with all muslims....do you remember how our nation instead of celebrating the win of BD bro war tearing and was wishing why we were not defeated (I'm not writing to get their score just to let OTHERS to understand our problem of INSTINCT which you understand only if you are muslim)...I'm not arrogant in saying as SADLY there has been always conflicts between muslims but their heart would not be happy AT ALL but with NO OTHER OPTION (as external forces would then help to promote this distance WIDE)...

Every one on the planet possesses many identitie...WIDER from general to more specific one is human, then come religion (or no religion atheist, hindu, muslim), nationaliity, ethnic (linguist), then more mother, daughter etc...we all are linked through certain identies and EVERYONE uses that...

It is your perception (or some want to make them think if I'm not wrong) we destroying them...it is some other problem is going with others why afghan-iran-pak on same forum like brther, as in certain previous months Afhan and PAkistan not blaming each other but AFGHAN brother has realized our troubles in this war and suffering after ALL they are MUSLIMS:


WASHINGTON: Pakistan wants its relationship with the United States to be based on realistic expectations, mutual respect for sovereignty and appreciation of each other’s legitimate security interests, Islamabad’s envoy in Washington said.

Ambassador Sherry Rehman said Pakistan wants the important relationship to be mutually cooperative.

She was addressing a reception held in honour of a visiting delegation of National Defense University of Pakistan. The event at the Pakistani embassy was attended by senior State Department and Pentagon officials.

“We want this relationship to be grounded in realistic expectations, respect for each other’s sovereignty, appreciation of each other’s legitimate security interests and understanding of each other’s redlines. Similarly, both sides need to be aware of each other’s limitations and constraints,” the ambassador said of the ties, strained by a series of incidents last year.

Her remarks came as Islamabad and Washington looked at ways to reset relations in the light of Pakistani parliamentary recommendations, a result of the November 26, 2011 Nato strikes on Salala checkposts, which killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and plunged the bilateral relationship to the lowest point in the last decade.

Pakistan and the United States are engaged in the challenging choreography of reconfiguring the bilateral relationship to make it “more transparent and sustainable,” the ambassador noted.

Pakistan’s Parliament has made history by taking charge of spelling out Pakistan’s “concerns, priorities and redlines,” she said.

“We hope to use this framework as the foundation for a healthier, more sustainable and mutually cooperative relationship with the United States.”

Islamabad, she said, considers the Pakistan-US relationship as one of the most important in the world and desires to strengthen it.“For any relationship to be sustainable, both countries must treat each other as partners and respect their core interests.”

In her remarks, Rehman referred to a string of 18-hour long attack in Kabul over the weekend, in which 12 Afghans lost their lives.

“I take this opportunity to reiterate our condemnation of these attacks and express our sympathy and solidarity with the people and government of Afghanistan on the loss of life,” she said, citing strong denunciation of the attacks by President Asif Ali Zardari.

The ambassador told the gathering that Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar has also spoken with Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmay Rasool to convey the same message.
At the same time, the envoy noted that Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s considered comments that the attacks point out the need for better intelligence by both Nato and Afghan forces have been seen as important in Pakistan.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s has reiterated the need for “robust action” while underscoring the shared responsibility by the US and Isaf, by Afghanistan, and by Pakistan to confront and defeat terrorists and violent extremists,” she said.

“There is no doubt that we are all doing that,” the ambassador remarked In this respect, she said while more than 1900 US soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan and thousands of Afghans have paid a similarly high price, Pakistan has paid the highest price fighting these same terrorists and extremists.

Today, Pakistan is a changed country and has lost 37,000 Pakistani citizens to terrorists.“There was one suicide bombing in Pakistan before 2001. There have been more than 300 since then,” Ambassador said, underscoring the sacrifices her nation has made in the fight against terror.

Pakistan’s armed forces, police, and other law enforcement agencies have lost more than 5,000 officials. The roster of Pakistani military dead includes every rank from three star general down to the ordinary private. One in every ten military casualties is an officer. Terrorists have targeted our offices, hospitals, schools and colleges, bazaars, mosques, weddings and funerals.

Economically, she said, Pakistan lost $ 78 billion the war on terror.

“And let us not remember that we have lost one of the greatest leaders in Pakistani history, Benazir Bhutto, to a terrorist assassination.

“Clearly, the people of Pakistan do not need to be lectured about the dangers of terrorism,” she added, while renewing the country’s determination to defeat terrorism.

On Afghanistan, she said, Pakistan supports an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process and is prepared to assist its neighbor in that effort in whatever way its Afghan brothers and sisters want.

“This is not a weightless statement, as we have made an important shift in our Afghan policy of the 1990s. While we have vital stakes in Afghan stability, we are very clear that Pakistan has no interest in playing favourites in Afghanistan, nor can we treat it as our strategic backyard.”

“There can be no military solutions to any conflict in the region, and Afghanistan is no exception,” she added.



I'm sure USA is worried because Aghan and PAkistan are requesting them in last months uninamusly to leave possibly with no footprints.

.and we now a days know that our old friend is diverted to INDIA (should we say this favor of 55 buses is coming from their office (INDIA-US co-ordination) as YES we have been helped by them alot from 50 years and now our brother INDIAS turns to get a help but we know you are more economically strong than us but we GOD has given us more hearts of FULL confidence all knows... :D)..

I guess joint-love of PAK-Afgan (MAY sustain for EVER on the earth who ever is) as PAkistan want to solve its own problem and wish Aghanistan soverign like ourseve...is not acceptable and now others giving impression to our Afghan-bros that PAKISTANIS want to destroy them (hahaha WORLD friends (by our own choice I must say) have already left no space to destry us as in above sherry said we have paid highest price of instability (like some mistakes of our leaders and more of external funds we see Balochistan).

MAY NO MORE SHIR (Violation) on EARTH lets give this region please a break and peace no more intervention in others sovernighty...

When we tell our old-mate of our problem that we can't remain neutral in case of IRAN war becaswe we have muslims shittes....THEN Pleaase remeber we are not showing middle finger to IRAN but Pakistan is putting it in more trouble for a universal cause as already we all idiots have neuclear weapons than why not our Muslim broth can not have...look INSPITE of our troubles and destruction WE HAVE THE MORAL COURAGE TO say ...MY big question to my INDIAN friend is that, IF SAME moral courage has been show by our BIG common friends (china, India, USSR) of IRAN AND AFGHAN ....Yes I remeber CHINA said SIMPLE NO to the ISRAEL envoy and USSR said same...CAN INDIA PLEASE SAY NO TO ISRAEL...but you were rather saying we need oil that is why you can't go for sanction (AND WE Are Gratefull from heart for giving our brothers even lets say for interest, otherwise their are Saudis who should give hand to IRAN instead of prologing so long already inflicted war in ASIA (for humanity I must say))...
Above example is not a proof we don't go all for our intersts (but we are no angel but we try to do for humanity and we don't need a certificate...what we are we ARE PROUD TO BE ...marnaa tuo haq hi, )....YES those 24 Pakistanis who got martyor by USA , has given their blood to build an IRON war untill now and a reason for PAKISTAN to tell the US that we are ALWAYS your friend in Afhan-led process ...we wish peace and stability and sovergnity for them as for us...

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