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India has 140 Nuclear Warheads – And More Are Coming


Nov 30, 2010
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India has 130 to 140 nuclear warheads—and more are coming, according to a new report. “India is estimated to have produced enough military plutonium for 150 to 200 nuclear warheads, but has likely produced only 130 to 140,” according to Hans Kristensen and Matt Korda of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. “Nonetheless, additional plutonium will be required to produce warheads for missiles now under development, and India is reportedly building several new plutonium production facilities.” In addition, “India continues to modernize its nuclear arsenal, with at least five new weapon systems now under development to complement or replace existing nuclear-capable aircraft, land-based delivery systems, and sea-based systems.” Unlike the missile-centric U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, India still heavily relies on bombers, perhaps not unexpected for a nation that fielded its first nuclear-capable ballistic missile in 2003. Kristensen and Korda estimate India maintains three or four nuclear strike squadrons of Cold War-vintage, French-made Mirage 2000H and Jaguar IS/IB aircraft targeted at Pakistan and China. “Despite the upgrades, the original nuclear bombers are getting old and India is probably searching for a modern fighter-bomber that could potentially take over the air-based nuclear strike role in the future,” the report notes. India is buying thirty-six French Rafale fighters that carry nuclear weapons in French service, and presumably could do for India. India’s nuclear missile force is only fifteen years old, but it already has four types of land-based ballistic missiles: the short-range Prithvi-II and Agni-I, the medium-range Agni-II and the intermediate-range Agni-III. “At least two other longer-range Agni missiles are under development: the Agni-IV and Agni-V,” says the report. “It remains to be seen how many of these missile types India plans to fully develop and keep in its arsenal. Some may serve as technology development programs toward longer-range missiles.” “Although the Indian government has made no statements about the future size or composition of its land-based missile force, short-range and redundant missile types could potentially be discontinued, with only medium- and long-range missiles deployed in the future to provide a mix of strike options against near and distant targets,” the report noted. India is also developing the Nirbhay ground-launched cruise missile, similar to the U.S. Tomahawk. In addition, there is Dhanush sea-based, short-range ballistic missile, which is fired from two specially-configured patrol vessels. The report estimates that India is building three or four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, which will be equipped with a short-range missile, or a bigger missile with a range of 2,000 miles. It’s an ambitious program. “The government appears to be planning to field a diverse missile force that will be expensive to maintain and operate,” the report points out. What remains to be seen is what will be the command and control system to make sure these missiles are fired when—and only when—they should be. And, of course, since Pakistan and China also have nuclear weapons, Indian leaders may find that more nukes only lead to an arms race that paradoxically leaves their nation less secure.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/india-has-140-nuclear-warheads-and-more-are-coming/#disqus_thread .
I dont see a reason to have more than 130-140 warheads...i understand we want to produce more plutonium, so that we can produce weapons(in short time) should need arise, however above than the number we have, apart from wasting time and money, we wont achieve much. Effective delivery system is what we need to concentrate on...
Good job India. China only has 250 warheads. Not enough to be on par with US or Russia
Good job India. China only has 250 warheads. Not enough to be on par with US or Russia

I think it shouldn't be beyond this limit as the purpose is deterrence not nuclear wars.

Personally, I would rather focus on autonomous compatible drone weapons and research into more destructive weapons based on acoustics and frequency resonance which are only experimental.

Imagine a weapon that does not harm the trees, vegetation or animals or general earth's ecology, but has the same destructive force against human beings as that of a nuclear bomb minus radiation fall-out.

That, would be the ultimate deterrent.
Sometimes i think, why should we waste money when we have 140? In order to attach any country, 1-10 are enough..
I dont see a reason to have more than 130-140 warheads...i understand we want to produce more plutonium, so that we can produce weapons(in short time) should need arise, however above than the number we have, apart from wasting time and money, we wont achieve much. Effective delivery system is what we need to concentrate on...

There's a specific number of warheads India should have before the returns start to diminish but it hasn't been reached it yet. Yes, more delivery systems need to be developed but you also need the warheads to use them effectively.

Sometimes i think, why should we waste money when we have 140? In order to attach any country, 1-10 are enough..

India has to deal with nuclear-powered rivals, both at its doorstep. China is creating a military that is rivaling the US and Pakistan is expanding its own nuclear deterrence. India needs to keep pace with this development and having the right number of warheads is the ultimate equalizer.
Sometimes i think, why should we waste money when we have 140? In order to attach any country, 1-10 are enough..
And if the 10 are taken out in first strike? Do you understand US have a global strike programme that they have the ability to take any target within 30 min anywhere in the world? And our response to Nuclear weapons was triggered by none other than US.

We do need to have some strategic programmes. Old missiles such as Prithvi etc should be dismantled along with its warheads and newer powerful warheads on large ICBM's should be developed. With new SSBN's coming in, I believe we would be reaching 200.
Alone India's fastbreeder reactor program will provide fissile material sufficient to make 700 N bombs per year.
There's a specific number of warheads India should have before the returns start to diminish but it hasn't been reached it yet. Yes, more delivery systems need to be developed but you also need the warheads to use them effectively.

India has to deal with nuclear-powered rivals, both at its doorstep. China is creating a military that is rivaling the US and Pakistan is expanding its own nuclear deterrence. India needs to keep pace with this development and having the right number of warheads is the ultimate equalizer.
agreed with all points...having said that matching nuclear warheads is not the aim we are after and i am sure that's what you meant as well...point is simple...effective deterrence is all we should seek and investing money on effective nuclear delivery system is what should be our focus on..once the enemy is assured that no matter what, 130-140 nuclear warheads are coming her way should she try to act smart...peace will surely be ensured...
bhai tu ne jab bhi choori laaaaaambi hi chori :lol:

You say that because you do no known the details sir. Our fastbreeder reactor is such a beast that it can produce more fissile material than it consume. It will convert thorium into plutonium and we have abundant of thorium. We are going to make many such reactor in our fastbreeder reactor program. Now we are entering into a stage where US and Russia were there few decade ago. We shall have abundant nuclear material to to run all our power plants, power our nuclear submarine fleet and make as many bombs as we wish.
As for Pak, as long as it's made inside India by the Indian folks it's OK....

This analysis is based on an IIT alumni's comment: under-grads are products, masters are by-products and PhDs are waste products...

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