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India may buy more T-90Ss from Russia

Good News , With T-55's Being Phased Out , we need More Tanks to fill the Numbers
Hope Army Orders Upcoming Arjun Mk2 in Big Numbers :cool:

yes t 90 s for quantity. t 90 M for quality.
There are two T-90M's.One is the variant which we are producing at Avadi as of now.This has Kaktus ERA and a welded steel turret similar to the T-90A Vladimir of the Russian Ground Forces but without the Shtora.The original T-90S Bhisma we got in the late 90's were cast turret and had Kontakt-5 ERA.
The HVF T-90M looks like this

The original Russian T-90S we got in knocked down kits looks somewhat like this.

You can spot the differences in the placement of ERA tiles.The newer variant having much more neater and no spaced placement of the ERA tiles.

The HVF Avadi license produced T-90M is similar to the T-90S(Welded Steel, Kaktus ERA) and T-90SA which was offered to Algeria without the Shtora-1.

There is another variant called T-90M (Object 188M) which was made specifically for export and was revealed in late 2009 at Nizhny Tagil.It is a completely new design incorporating a different turret.Older T-90's cannot be upgraded to this variant, even if they can it's not practical and economical.It seems it was designed in direct response to the Ukrainian T-84 Oplot M.Here are some features of it.
- New bigger turret without weakened frontal areas and with the all-aspect ERA covering.
- ERA 'Relict'
- Additional roof protection against atop attacking munition.
- New additional autoloader, placed on the aft part of the turret and able using the new longer sub-caliber rods.
- Aft ammo storage.(A turret bustle like western tanks)
- Panoramic 3-channel IR commander site with improved anti-split/rounds protection.
- 7.62 mm automatic turret instead of 12.7mm.
- Totally new 2A82 125 mm Main Gun (2A46M5 - optional).
- FCS with the net-centric module.
- New radio.
- New navigation system.
- New anti-split kevlar layer instead of the standard Russian anti-neutron layer.
- new anti-fire system.

Here are some photos.


In my opinion we should let HVF complete the order for the 1330 or so T-90M Bhisma(Welded Steel Turret) tanks and order the T-90M/Object 188M tanks directly from Russia.We should also upgrade the monkey model T-72M's to T-72M1M variant.
i find it surprising how some members here seem to think they know better then the army commanders who drive this tank . one should not compromise on security just so we are happy that we are buying an indigenous tank .

also the arjun is 58 tons and will not work in Punjab or in jammu where a lot to tank regiments are situated as they are too heavy .
To some members here who say others are spewing BS please check to see if you are not doing the same!
T-90 is a bogus, over-expensive old system. Arjun MBT is better than T-90 in every aspect. Its an overkill.

Its pure vodka+wh*re supply working over General's minds. There is no other excuse for modifying requirements again and again, just to dump domestic products.
also the arjun is 58 tons and will not work in Punjab or in jammu where a lot to tank regiments are situated as they are too heavy .
To some members here who say others are spewing BS please check to see if you are not doing the same!

LOL. Here we go. Army fanboy is here. Oh, we are pure and tall Indian army, we can't be corrupts?

Arjun MBT was made on Army's specifications. Go and ask the corrupt Army why they changed those specs, just to support their imported junk(T-90) which failed in desert trials. :tdown:

Indian Army is NAKED now as far as Arjun MBT scandal is concerned. Though they feel bad when someone questions their integrity. So much for the image of pure and tall generals who sleep with Russian waitress and modify requirements to suit imports but won't budge a centimeter when product is home-made. :tdown:

That Punjab and Jammu quote was spread by an Army General, after Army lost face in desert trials. Officially, there is no such thing. You really buy that argument? :lol: :lol:
LOL. Here we go. Army fanboy is here. Oh, we are pure and tall Indian army, we can't be corrupts! :rofl:

Arjun MBT was made on Army's specifications. Go and ask the corrupt Army why they changed those specs, just to support their imported junk(T-90) which failed in desert trials. :tdown:

Indian Army is NAKED now as far as Arjun MBT scandal is concerned. Though they feel bad when someone questions their integrity. So much for the image of pure and tall generals who sleep with Russian waitress and modify requirements to suit imports but won't budge a centimeter if product is home-made. :tdown:

refute me with a source if what i said is wrong . i still maintain it is too heavy for certain areas hence the army is not deploying it . but please fell free to enlighten me with your great wisdom.... i await your reply :)
refute me with a source if what i said is wrong . i still maintain it is too heavy for certain areas hence the army is not deploying it . but please fell free to enlighten me with your great wisdom.... i await your reply :)

Weight is not a criteria by which Battletanks are inducted or rejected. Vodka and wh*res matter, which DRDO doesn't provide. ;)
Weight is not a criteria by which Battletanks are inducted or rejected. Vodka and wh*res matter, which DRDO doesn't provide. ;)

look mate if you want to post answers from your vivid imagination then, feel free. but before you wish to trash someones opinions or facts at least try to come up with some valid arguments .. you seem to have a very low opinion of army officers . you think they are vodka swilling , who*r chasing gentlemen? have you ever met an officer of the Indian army ? more so the black berets of the armored corps? they might surprise you , they have a stronger disposition than the vodka drinkers and skirt chasers you mention .

ps : officer in the army have a leaning towards scotch and rum . some junior officers prefer beer . as for vodka i believe we Indians consider it a drink for the ladies :cheers:
I hate this crap, why they are going for T90s we need ARJUN. If IA says we will buy MK2 there will be none if they cant pay for produced MK1. It's always development that will make the product success if they just omit the good and need best. GOD ITS HARD TIME.
look mate if you want to post answers from your vivid imagination then, feel free. but before you wish to trash someones opinions or facts at least try to come up with some valid arguments .. you seem to have a very low opinion of army officers . you think they are vodka swilling , who*r chasing gentlemen? have you ever met an officer of the Indian army ? more so the black berets of the armored corps? they might surprise you , they have a stronger disposition than the vodka drinkers and skirt chasers you mention .

ps : officer in the army have a leaning towards scotch and rum . some junior officers prefer beer . as for vodka i believe we Indians consider it a drink for the ladies :cheers:

Weight is not a criteria by which Battletanks are inducted or rejected. And, Vodka is not the only thing, it is only an icing, over the real thing(percentage/dalaali). And yes, Vodka is for ladies, that's why it comes with a wh*re and free trip to Russia on taxpayer's money. ;)

Indian Army is not tall and pure, as you imagine. They are human like us. This corruption/percentage business happens all below their big stinky noses. Open your eyes baby. :lol:
We should put moe effort into Arjun MK2 and increase our attack heli fleet.......we need serious numbers not 22
i find it surprising how some members here seem to think they know better then the army commanders who drive this tank . one should not compromise on security just so we are happy that we are buying an indigenous tank .

also the arjun is 58 tons and will not work in Punjab or in jammu where a lot to tank regiments are situated as they are too heavy .
To some members here who say others are spewing BS please check to see if you are not doing the same!

Please are you taking about army commanders like General Kapoor, that corrupt scumbag? Please with generals like that, most posters on this forum know much more than him and George Fernadez put together. Let me give you example, we recently had a military exercise in North India where used Heli's in conjuction with our ground forces in attack formations. Not a big deal right>? Well, guess what this was the first time in India's military history it was done. This is a pathetic state of affairs. The strategy of using Heli's in warfare was the basis for the introduction of such aircraft as well as to aid in the movement and evacuaion of troops. Please so next time you point our BS, take a close look at the higher ups in our defence establishment, because they should be ashamed moron.. Understand why why there is no support in the gov't to implement basic rules and action against corruption. The politicans love the way things are, look at how good the Reddy's are living. Think man, a gold belt, a gold throne, etc. Corrutpion is all around us and you think it's in the defence forces? Get the defence minister portfolio is the most lucrative and scandal prone position there is, that is why AK Anthony was given this position. he is highly regarded in Kerala for his incorrigible persona. That's why we didn;t bend for old F 16 crumbs....
really??? weight is not a criteria ? please tell me how will a 58 ton arjun cross over bridges in punjab or jammu when they weight cant be supported ?
i am not denying in any of my posts that some members of the general staff may be corrupt . but no need to use the same brush to paint the rest!!!
at least come up with some facts rather than your theories .

why do you think the army needs 300 light tanks now for the mountains divisions? you cant have only one type of a heavy tank in our inventory . ours is a very diverse terrain that the army has to defend , hence the need for diffrent tanks . also read my posts . no where have i said that the arjun is inferior . i just put forth a possible reason why the t90 is selected.
No!Please no more T90Ss!Order the Arjun in place of the russian tin can.In that 1200mn dollar(3 mn per tin can)we can order upto 320 arjun mk2 instead of 400 metal coffins.It seems the top brass is putting the valucle lives of soldiers in grave danger to just satisfy their ego and pockets.Shame on them.In terms of protection,fir power and mobility t90s come no whear near Arjuns.

T90 is not Tin can, Its one of the best Tank in its category.... I love Arjuna , that doesn't means I bash T90s.... Arjuna has been proved as good as (or better than) T90.. Arjuna has an edge in desert warfare, while in muddy (punjab in rainy season), Arjuna Mobility will be limited (so for M1 abaramas and other , due to there weight..)

I think Army should follow IN way and order more Arjuna than T90...

Inducting more T90's is a good move to counter pakistan and china. T90 is an efficient platform than arjun. Hence more T90's. Army knows well whether T90 is good or Arjun . We simply cannot say buy indigenous and to compromise on security.
Parallely e should induct Arjun's also . It will be helpful in knowing the defects and we can develop the machine further indigenously.

You are wrong, Arjuna is not a less potent platform, These are bastard dallals who sabotaged it.. These Son of *** put sand in Arjuna tank to sabotage its engine and get the order for T90s... They make hell lot of money as commission in T90 deal....

DRDO evaluated Arjuna themself and by third party as well, There was 1:1 comparison betwn T90 and Arjuna , and Arjuna overpowered T90s

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