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India: No Electricity or Teachers but War Talk Aplenty in Government Schools

india is romantically in love with pakistan. all day everyday all they do is think about destroying pakistan as a solution for their own issues

in an alternate reality where pak wasnt there, india wouldnt know what to do... clearly a country built on the hate of another

an indian member said the other day on PDF, the main purpose of india is to 'secularise and democratise' afghanistan and pakistan. their way of saying 'destroy'

sad state, worthy of ignoring as a relic of the dark ages
So the dollar reserves of India can't provide electricity or teachers to government schools? Color me surprised.
The problem for india is whilst they send someone else sons to war we had 5000 march to help the army and the nation didnt even ask for help.
Talk is cheap. Doing is very hard. Just ask Abinandhan
Rascal Modi begging for votes in the name of dead soldiers is the newest rock bottom in Indian politics .
Problem with these sort of news is, they would and could never portray the complete picture even of a tiny state, let alone a vast country like India. I can make and upload hundred of such videos where the kids hardly know what lies beyond our north western border.
make a bomb that world destroy china and only china so a racist bomb :rofl::rofl:
Problem with these sort of news is, they would and could never portray the complete picture even of a tiny state, let alone a vast country like India. I can make and upload hundred of such videos where the kids hardly know what lies beyond our north western border.
yo bro ! ! you are here ! ! where were you been ? :cray: miss gublu, do you have new cat ?
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