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India responsible for deteriorating situation in Pakistan: Musharraf

But Pakistan is definitely falling back while rest of the world is moving on.

That is too simplistic a claim - before the floods the Pakistani economy was projected to increase at 4.5%, with single digit inflation, and economic growth was to increase even more in subsequent years given continuity of policy. That stacks up favorably with many nations, and indicates progression, not regression.

The floods have set back growth and inflation targets, but are largely a result of nature, not government policy, and may in fact have a silver lining in that the GoP is forced to undertake economic reforms and increase domestic revenue sources (widening the tax net) to fund reconstruction. In the long run these reforms will pay off big time, and possibly would not have been undertaken were it not for the floods.
lol you saw in my post what you wanted to see <facepalm>

Let me simplify what I wanted to say: All countries of the world have good people and bad people. Same goes for India and Pakistan. So what's your point?

"India responsible for deteriorating situation in Pakistan". I thought you were aware of title of this thread but never mind as you are a newbie here..
"India responsible for deteriorating situation in Pakistan". I thought you were aware of title of this thread but never mind as you are a newbie here..

Yes I'm very well aware of the title of the thread and now will you please bother to answer me that when this same Mushy boy had a few days back said that Pakistan supported militants in India, where was this 'Munh mein Ram Ram bagal mein Chhuri' conscience of yours.

See buddy let's talk of insurgencies for a second and forget full fledged wars for sake of debating.

We believe you supported insurgency in Indian punjab.

We believe you supported insurgency in Kashmir and are even doing it today.

We believe you supported insurgency in Indian North East.

We believe you are trying to create instability in India by measures such as fake Indian currency, 26/11 etc.

We believe you very well and for very long experimented on your policy of 'Bleeding India by 1000 cuts.'

So tell me, even if we are to take what this Mushy boy is saying to be true, how can you claim to be more righteous than us?
Yes I'm very well aware of the title of the thread and now will you please bother to answer me that when this same Mushy boy had a few days back said that Pakistan supported militants in India, where was this 'Munh mein Ram Ram bagal mein Chhuri' conscience of yours.

See buddy let's talk of insurgencies for a second and forget full fledged wars for sake of debating.

We believe you supported insurgency in Indian punjab.

We believe you supported insurgency in Kashmir and are even doing it today.

We believe you supported insurgency in Indian North East.

We believe you are trying to create instability in India by measures such as fake Indian currency, 26/11 etc.

We believe you very well and for very long experimented on your policy of 'Bleeding India by 1000 cuts.'

So tell me, even if we are to take what this Mushy boy is saying to be true, how can you claim to be more righteous than us?

Actually you need to use a function in this forum by the name "Search". all the points you are trying to make on November, 17, 2010 have been made 100 times before. They are not new developments and thousands of post on this topic are available already.

If you have new directions to discuss, be my guest but for these trolls, use the existing bulk of discussions for your answers. Sorry for not being able to help you more than that.
Actually you need to use a function in this forum by the name "Search". all the points you are trying to make on November, 17, 2010 have been made 100 times before. They are not new developments and thousands of post on this topic are available already.

If you have new directions to discuss, be my guest but for these trolls, use the existing bulk of discussions for your answers. Sorry for not being able to help you more than that.

Very well then. Let's end the discussion here and now. Eid mubarak.
The advantage with Bharat is that a toothless and incompetent person like Nawaz Shareef is the PM of its rival Pakistan.
Musharraf was absolutely right, infect today india is responsible of bad circumstance of Afghanistan and Pakistan
Why does it come as a surprise?

India is the biggest exporter of cross-border terrorism in the region for the last half century or so.

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