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India snubs China, to attend Nobel ceremony

Bottom line is -- to call Geelani an indian is a joke, considering that every single one of his speeches are anti-indian in nature (put lightly :lol:) --a mere mirror of popular Kashmiri sentiments on the ground.


Aren't Arundhati Roy's speeches anti India? Isn't she Indian? so is Geelani
Aren't Arundhati Roy's speeches anti India? Isn't she Indian? so is Geelani

Geelani is Kashmiri.....Kashmir is a disputed territory.

as for Roy --yes she is indian. I am surprised to see some of the calls for violence and other hate-speeches by indians here against your own citizen (a woman at that) who was merely exercising her democratic rights to speek freely, no?

so you'll give safe haven to dalai lama, but condemn Roy? what is this nonsense

he's been dead for over 4 years now.....and there is a difference between opposing a figure vs. opposing an entire country

I'm glad to see that Geelani calls for a peaceful struggle, an indigenous one..... ;)

more effective this way

True. the difference is opposing Brahmdagh Bugti vs. opposing an entire country (balochistan)

I'am glad to see that Brahmdagh Bugti calls for a peaceful struggle, an indigenous one..... ;)

For every situation in India, there is a similar one in Pakistan too. seeking the moral high ground on this issue would simply backfire.

Our army didn't kill Geelani as you did to akbar khan bugti

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf termed his death a victory for Pakistanis and congratulated the secret service chief who carried out this brutal operation. Pakistan's Information Minister Mohammad Ali Durrani, confirmed that the operation included both air and ground assault

India should learn from pakistan on how to address the peaceful struggle.
Geelani is Kashmiri.....Kashmir is a disputed territory.

as for Roy --yes she is indian. I am surprised to see some of the calls for violence and other hate-speeches by indians here against your own citizen (a woman at that) who was merely exercising her democratic rights to speek freely, no?

so you'll give safe haven to dalai lama, but condemn Roy? what is this nonsense

I guess Roy will get safe haven in Pakistan and China.Why is Pakistan not attending the Nobel ceremony? Why dont you respect the human rights of the Chinese? Dont be selective.
True. the difference is opposing Brahmdagh Bugti vs. opposing an entire country (balochistan)

that made absolutely no sense........and Baluchistan is a Province, not a country

looks like grade school taught you geography almost as well as it taught you failed attempt at sarcasm

I'am glad to see that Brahmdagh Bugti calls for a peaceful struggle, an indigenous one..... ;)

right :lol:

sitting in Kabul instead of the ''nation'' he claims to represent. :tup::whistle:

For every situation in India, there is a similar one in Pakistan too.

similar yes....same scale? No.

Our army didn't kill Geelani as you did to akbar khan bugti

your army would kill Geelani if he killed or even tried to kill your soldiers. While AFSPA and other draconian laws allow you (in disputed territory) to detain and/or even kill mostly unarmed civilians, we at least gave the man a chance to surrender peacefully and with dignity.

of course you'll talk next about 'disappeared persons' in Baluchistan (because by now i know you bhartis too well) and my pre-designated response would be for you to dig deeper into the modus-operandi of terrorist groups like the BLA --which receives backing from our enemies

APHC as far as I know gets zero material support from Pakistani Nation.....moral backing only perhaps. He is even on record asserting this, as well as asserting that the Kashmiri intifadah is a purely indigenous one --as Kashmir is a disputed territory still waiting for its fate to be determined.

hope that helped clear things out for you this time........

India should learn from pakistan on how to address the peaceful struggle.

seems india never wants to accept ground realities, and instead chooses to immerse itself in false dreams and denial

you'd be better served with some new policy-makers who can learn to promote regional peace and cooperation......Pakistan (or China) aren't countries you are able to bully or push around. Best to bridge the gap and cooperate more, yap less ;)
I'm quite interested in this phenomenon actually.

I'm going to try and find an Indian analysis regarding this issue, I want to know what their own experts think of the constant hyping up of the China threat.

Is it just India that is "hyping up" the China threat? Last time I checked it was the US comparing China to Nazi Germany.
Is it just India that is "hyping up" the China threat? Last time I checked it was the US comparing China to Nazi Germany.

That was just ONE politician in the US.

It's true that this kind of sentiment does work it's way across the world, but it is not comparable to the Indian media. That is my opinion.

It really all stems from the psychological impact of the 1962 war and China's ensuing alliance with Pakistan. It's just fear really, a fear that is unwarranted in my opinion, but there you go.
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It really all stems from the psychological impact of the 1962 war and China's ensuing alliance with Pakistan. It's just fear really, a fear that is unwarranted in my opinion, but there you go.

1. Do you take that back stabbing as small incident??

2. And for your relations with pak why china feels hot coal when US sends its CBG on so called south china sea?? or why you feel agitated when we try to near your sea?

3. what about Kashmir??

4. what about opposing India on international forums like IMF or NSG.

5. If you act like enemy you can't expect flowers in return.

6. Just wait till this American puppet MMS replaced with some good leader then we will see how you always don't care about our concerns and work overtime to harm India and Indians.

7. I'm all for India-china friendship but for that china have to behave like a friend.
^^^ Exactly what I'm talking about.

Also when you say that MMS is an "American puppet" and he should be replaced, do you mean replaced with Rahul Gandhi?
Geelani is Kashmiri.....Kashmir is a disputed territory.

as for Roy --yes she is indian. I am surprised to see some of the calls for violence and other hate-speeches by indians here against your own citizen (a woman at that) who was merely exercising her democratic rights to speek freely, no?

so you'll give safe haven to dalai lama, but condemn Roy? what is this nonsense

Why do you hate Altaf Hussian?
Bottom line guys, we snubbed China because we can!!

fair enough....and they snubbed General VK Singh (and by extention snubbed hindustan and its occupation of J&K)

works both ways right :cheers:

Why do you hate Altaf Hussian?

dunno who told you that.....but oh well

by the way, he's in SELF-IMPOSED exile. He's popular in Sindh among his constituents, he's welcome to come or go whenever he pleases.

that's a nice looking SLK roadster in your avatar......whose car are you posing next to? :lol:
CS, CD, the longer you stay on this forum, the more you will know about the true face of 99% internet Indians here. Most of them are not here for discussions but on a misson to vent their hate against China and Chinese.
Especially CD, no matter how nice you have been trying your best to promote the so-called "China-India friendship", they still able to find way to bash you and China, they simply taking advantage of your kindness as weakness, time to wake up, you are like fighting a losing battle looking for friendship on a defence forum.
Thats why i try my best to stay out of arguments with Indians and avoid them at all cost, it ain't worth it.:cheers::china:

Well, I hope I am not in the 99%. I do want better relationship between both countries, many Indians do. And I like how you said "Internet-Indians", because most of us not really think about China like that. And this just a defence forum dont take anything personally or hate on other groups because of your interactions between some Internet Indians.

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And this just a defence forum do take anything personally or hate on other groups because of your interactions been some Internet Indians.


Of course, these things won't affect my interactions with individuals.

99% was probably just a figure of speech rather than an actual number, and you're a good poster by the way so I wouldn't worry about it. :tup:
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