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India spanks USA over diplomat arrest issue !

It's not like she was strip-searched in public at airport security like one of my relatives, or photographed confused and in handcuffs like Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Khobragade was treated with discretion: we only have her word for it that she was humiliated. Certainly her search was neither public nor invasive. How much "consideration" this woman merits may be a subjective judgment but it appears the U.S. met the legal standard - certainly a greater amount of discretion than was shown in the Strauss-Kahn case. -

Again, you keep coming to the legality of it and I keep telling you that, that's not the issue. We allow american citizens the leeway of an OR. I would bet my last dollar that the state department is wishing they could have had her arrested, booked, fingerprinted,photographed and put in cell till her bail was posted-that was forthcoming in hours. This is a diplomat, a women from a culturally sensitive country- even so, I don't see why any woman/ man diplomat would should be subjected to this, if it is low level infraction. I'm just pontificating if there was a do over - what we should have done.

lol dude, you of all people should not be hating on massage parlours. A guy like you probably never experienced kissing a woman let alone getting laid. Massage parlours is probably the closest you will ever get.

I'd rather we export massage parlours than exporting dairy shops and curry smelling taxi drivers.

[ SEE HIGHLIGHTED]LOL, the chinese said he rather whore his women than do a legal hard day's work. Classic. :lol:
Indian women can never do a massage because Indian women are ugly. I've never seen a good looking Indian woman. They are unattractive which is why no one else marries Indian women. How many white guys have you seen marry Indian women? Hardly any. White guys think Indian women are ugly. That's why white people don't respect Indian men.

Asian women are considered gorgeous by any race.

Stick to driving taxis.

is that why no chinese women have ever won Ms Universe title? LOL. Regardless, it is amusing how you keep saying, insisting in posts above and over and over again here- that you rather prostitute your women than have to do a hard day's work . and that your standard of beauty is how many white guys use your women as prostitutes . do you even have a clue about what you are saying...:rofl:
India cancels all identity cards issued to US consular officials

New Delhi: The dispute between Washington and New Delhi over the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York escalated today, with India taking steps to ensure that US consular officials here now have the same immunity as that offered to their Indian counterparts in America.

India said that all identity cards issued to US consular officers stand withdrawn. They will be replaced with "exact replicas" of those issued to Indian consulate officials in the US. Also, New Delhi has decided that now, no cards will be given to the family members of US consular officials, since that is not a courtesy extended to Indians in the US.

On December 12, New York deputy consul general Devyani Khobragade was arrested on criminal charges of visa fraud and making false statements about how much she paid her housekeeper, Sangeeta Richard.

Ms Khobragade pleaded not guilty to charges of visa fraud and making false statements about how much she paid her housekeeper. The diplomat was freed on December 13 on $250,000 bail.

Ms Khobragade's arrest on December 12 and the fact that she was strip-searched has enraged India, which is demanding that all charges be dropped against her.

The United Nations has approved a request to accredit her to the Indian mission in the UN, a move that could help end the stand-off with the United States and allow Ms Khobragade to be brought home without the prosecution proceeding.

The US has said that as India's deputy consul general in New York, Ms Khobragade had only limited diplomatic immunity from prosecution - not the more sweeping immunity accorded to UN-accredited diplomats.

One possible scenario to solve the crisis would be that she receives full diplomatic immunity in her UN post if the State Department approves her transfer. The US government would then ask for her immunity to be removed so she can face prosecution. Assuming India refused, the State Department could then take steps to have her removed from the country.
Devyani Khobragade case: India cancels all identity cards issued to US consular officials | NDTV.com

I thought things were settling down.. obviously not!
Miss world? lol those are politically motivated contests. The fact no one else marries Indian women says a lot about what others think of your women lol.

Using your body to earn money is accepted in modern society. Just as **** is. It's a personal choice. Maybe since the Hindu religion is so oppressive, your women don't have the freedom to use their body how they want. I guess Indian men want to use it by force ;)

Women's rights is not something Hindus are known for.

everything not in favor of the chinese = politically motivated. :rofl:

well congrats that you think your women being prostitutes is " acceptable", over a legal day's hard work. How many in your tree have you pimped out to lay on their backs for white people?
Indian women can never do a massage because Indian women are ugly. I've never seen a good looking Indian woman. They are unattractive which is why no one else marries Indian women. How many white guys have you seen marry Indian women? Hardly any. White guys think Indian women are ugly. That's why white people don't respect Indian men. Look at the frustration level of Indian men with India being the rape capital of the world.

Asian women are considered gorgeous by any race.

Indians should stick to driving taxis. Gutter jobs are reserved for dirty Indians.


Indian women are beautiful and hot :cheers:
Miss world? lol those are politically motivated contests. The fact no one else marries Indian women says a lot about what others think of your women lol.

Using your body to earn money is accepted in modern society. Just as **** is. It's a personal choice. Maybe since the Hindu religion is so oppressive, your women don't have the freedom to use their body how they want. I guess Indian men want to use it by force ;)

Women's rights is not something Hindus are known for.

If you look at the Indian gods and the epics, women are given equal rights. Who said Indian women are not good looking??

India won lot of Miss world and Miss universe titles and continues to do so........
No other race marries Indian women. Proves my point.
Indian women don't take good care of themselves which carries a stereotype of Indian women. You get the odd good looking bird but that's rare.

Indian women are conservative and they dislike foreign men, They prefer Indian culture reason why you find Indian women not marrying foreign guys :cheers:.

same applies to Indian men, they also do not like marrying foreign women.

On the other hand Chinese women run behind Europeans leaving chinese men, If you go to Singapore you will know this ...... :lol:
Miss world and miss universe is just a few people. India takes these things so seriously. They are politically motivated by judges. These contests never really go to the best looker but take into account personality and other things.

The average Chinese woman is far better looking than the average Indian woman.

Chinese have better skin, apart from that not much is interesting there. They have small eyes compared to any India female, they are weak, .....etc....etc........
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