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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

i think Pakistani side was willing to accept any responsibility if there was any; whereas indians were not

proof of that is the pre-cautionary arrest and detention of alleged suspects like HS and the raiding of JuD seminaries and institutions -- which was an extra-ordinary measure since the courts hadn't the evidence to warrant such actions (lets not delve there though because it's a recipe for more side-debates)

you can't really juxtapose 26/11 (a one-off terrorist incident which we all condemned in strongest terms) versus non-sporadic covert actions in Pakistani Balochistan via a third-country

Pakistan accepted the responsibility because of the pressure put on it by the international community and not because it was willing but that is the view of an Indian and may be the international community. As far as Indian involvement goes I think until and unless you involve and produce sight able evidence to the international community the so called involvement is not going to be taken seriously.
I condemn all terrorism irrespective of nation which do it.

You are entering into a very bad territory. You are trying to justify terrorism funded by India on pretext of terrorism that came from Pakistan.

There can be no justification of terrorism. I don't care what terrorists infiltrate from Pakistani side. Our military can deal with them. But there is no reason to support terrorism in Pakistan. There is no justification to respond terrorism with terrorism. India has now lost its moral side in India-Pak conflict.

Very valid argument but the truth remains. We have been fighting terrorism for a long,long time and to stop that counter measures are important.(to fight cancer you have to kill the good cells to)
I in no way side with the pakistani establishment, but to say that India has never done anything is absurd.

The indian establishment seems to have tried to prove how irrelevant Pakistan is.
You could see the hate on Mrs Gandhi face whenever she referred to Pakistan.

They have fiercely attacked Pakistan's federation. Coupled with pakistan's mistakes, pakistan's problems snowballed.

Pakistan establishment's biggest mistake has been that it had decided to side with Islamic fundamentalism to neutralize Indian influence.

The only solution is dialogue. Afg, Pak, Iran and Ind dialogue with US and britain as mediators.
I in no way side with the pakistani establishment, but to say that India has never done anything is absurd.

The indian establishment seems to have tried to prove how irrelevant Pakistan is.
You could see the hate on Mrs Gandhi face whenever she referred to Pakistan.

They have fiercely attacked Pakistan's federation. Coupled with pakistan's mistakes, pakistan's problems snowballed.

Pakistan establishment's biggest mistake has been that it had decided to side with Islamic fundamentalism to neutralize Indian influence.

The only solution is dialogue. Afg, Pak, Iran and Ind dialogue with US and britain as mediators.

It's a tit for tat and it goes on and sadly will go on..
There was a genuine effort at peace - and probably the most concrete effort before Kargil happened.

Kargil is the cause of most of the suspicions from our side.

Mumbai was the final nail for these suspicions to become poisoned.

Presently Indian leaders have been hinting numerous times to Pakistan to bring legality to the Mumbai blasts case and take action against Sayeed. If this is done I am sure there will be a genuine hand shake from India.
India and Pakistan are a bunch of emotionally charged neighbours , latest sabre rattling during Musharraf's days proved how foolish both sides were , Pak Army spent all its funds deploying armies to the border , has it not been that all of India's IT business was at stake of being flushed in the toilet that they de-escalated. Offcourse Lala still thinks with his head to an extent.....but when will this end and peaceful coexistence will happen , like Europe. I must say India needs to play a better role , right now its pathetic !!
That remark is 2011.
Latest from Washington..
In emailed comments to the Free Beacon, an unnamed spokesperson of the embassy was quoted as saying, “Such comments attributed to Sen. Hagel, who has been a long-standing friend of India and a prominent votary of close India-U.S. relations, are contrary to the reality of India’s unbounded dedication to the welfare of the Afghan people.”

The embassy added that India’s commitment to a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan was unwavering, as reflected in India’s significant assistance to Afghanistan in developing its economy, infrastructure and institutional capacities, and that India’s “opposition to terrorism and its safe havens in our neighbourhood is firm and unshakeable”.
Ever Wonder why there has hardly any terror attacks in BJP ruled states. Why yr Bhatkals dude been unable to do anything in Gujarat. UPA goverement in order to appease Sunnis is not taking required action against the IM sleeper cells. But when BJP comes to power in 2014 things will very different.

Then why there were blasts in Ahmedabad few years ago. The thing is Bhatkals born because of govts like the one of Modi backed by BJP.
Then why there were blasts in Ahmedabad few years ago. The thing is Bhatkals born because of govts like the one of Modi backed by BJP.
Seems like you approve terrorist attacks. No wonder US uses drones against Pakistan.
Seems like you approve terrorist attacks. No wonder US uses drones against Pakistan.

Its ok..Posts like the one you quoted, dripping of empty,desperate bravado, atleast make you de-sensitive to the blasts and deaths that occur daily in Pakistan, which otherwise as a human, you would be very sympathetic too.
So the world accepts it finally.

India no longer has moral high ground over Pakistanis. You create trouble for us in Baluchistan, we just return the favor.

Its ok..Posts like the one you quoted, dripping of empty,desperate bravado, atleast make you de-sensitive to the blasts and deaths that occur daily in Pakistan, which otherwise as a human, you would be very sympathetic too.

And similarly your trolling on our forums make us de-sensitive to the Mumbai incident and every other terrorist act that happens inside India.
So the world accepts it finally.

I'll requote the most favorite come-back of the Pakistanis here..

US is not the world..

And to think of it, its not even the US that is saying this..one senator whose appointment as Sec Def has been filibustered said it two years back..:D

And similarly your trolling on our forums make us de-sensitive to the Mumbai incident and every other terrorist act that happens inside India.

I dont mean to compare or anything..the scale of terrorism in India and Pak is not comparable..Pak may be compared with somalia or mexico in that count..
I'll requote the most favorite come-back of the Pakistanis here..

US is not the world..

And to think of it, its not even the US that is saying this..one senator whose appointment as Sec Def has been filibustered said it two years back..:D

And I'll requote the most come-back of the Indians here..

You are shooting the messenger dude!

I dont mean to compare or anything..the scale of terrorism in India and Pak is not comparable..Pak may be compared with somalia or mexico in that count..

Maybe and thats unfortunate. Similarly India is not comparable to Pakistan when it comes to other issues such as rapes, lack of basic necessities such as toilets etc. but we shouldn't go on that route.

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