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Indian Army admits carrying out covert ops in Pakistan.

This self admission of waging covert operations in Pakistan, amounts to an act of war under international law, which justifies any Pakistani strike in India as a matter of legitimate self defense. So, don't beat your chest when the peanut is handed back to you. (Not that we give a sh it)

And what was Musharraf's admission of supporting militants in J&K. An olive branch ? And frankly, in today's world Pakistan will find it an uphill battle legitimizing any of its action at all.. And don't worry.. For every peanut, we will send you back a dozen.. The days of IK Gujral are long gone and forgotten..

An act of war that resulted in Narindra Modi's 'martyrdom' , as a 'payback'.

Mar gaye Modi ko Maarne waale ;)...
We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

:lol: looks like right now its going in reverse.. look around in Pakistan which has now become synonymous with violent internal divisions, always a shot / blast away from a full blown civil war.
to infiltrate his circle?

let me guess --- they wanted to replace his fountain pen with an explosive one (a la mossad)

Hafiz Saeed gives speeches out in the open; everyone knows where he lives. Maybe this brave former general of india (the one who doesnt know his date of birth) should visit this thread on PDF.

he can get one of his spooks to just take a rickshaw to Johar Town Lahore, near Anarkali Bazar.

if they see a paan shop/newspaper stand nearby and some barricades, they'll know they're close


(true story by the way)

this burger khor insults his own intelligence with his verbosity,

anyway awesome dude this general,true jatta.

Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage. Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.

We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

hehe,i guess thats the level of contemplation you can ever achieve.

Bnia/Brahmin head is even more sinister,i repeat again and again,Right wingers of India are genuine and have more than enougb common sense to deal each and every situation.

Secondly,your forefathers tried something in Punjab but it was more due to Indira herself the Khalistan Militancy happened,Pak was there only to provide support.

Instead,we actually severed pakistan into 2.

One is talk,other is the real walk.

Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage. Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.

We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

hehe,i guess thats the level of contemplation you can ever achieve.

Bnia/Brahmin head is even more sinister,i repeat again and again,Right wingers of India are genuine and have more than enougb common sense to deal each and every situation.

Secondly,your forefathers tried something in Punjab but it was more due to Indira herself the Khalistan Militancy happened,Pak was there only to provide support.

Instead,we actually severed pakistan into 2.

One is talk,other is the real walk.
Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage.

Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

werent there riots there a few weeks ago....heard something about it
And what was Musharraf's admission of supporting militants in J&K. An olive branch ? And frankly, in today's world Pakistan will find it an uphill battle legitimizing any of its action at all.. And don't worry.. For every peanut, we will send you back a dozen.. The days of IK Gujral are long gone and forgotten..

Mar gaye Modi ko Maarne waale ;)...

Very soon your peanut shop will be disbanded and your dear bjp will go back to the business of handing over our operatives in VIP flights escorted by ministers:)
I am glad that India's covert operations are back in Pakistan. That foolish man who became India 's prime minister for a short duration stopped these in 1997. He hoped Pakistan would respond in kind. They as a matter of fact staged an attack on Indian Parliament, killed innumerable Indian Army personnel's families in Jammu and then ultimately staged the Mumbai attack. In response India had no mechanism to respond covertly. It's covert capabilities had been shut down.

I wished Mr. Gujral, the incompetent prime minister of India was there at the Mumbai Taj to face the barrel of Pakistani guns and learn first hand that appeasement does not work. What stops these attacks is when Saeed Hafiz faces the barrel of Indian guns.

Three cheers to Gen. VK Singh for restarting these operations. Next time the Pakistani Commandos come by sea, send our own to Lahore to kill Saeed and his cohorts.
Terminate him and go radio silent - imagine what you can do with the leverage created out of a billion angry Hindus and grateful 200 million Muslims,Secularists & Christians. BJP wins the sympathy votes, gets into power - blames the congress for not providing enough security , keeps milking it for another 10 years for political mileage.

Few hundred million Hindu youth hoping to rule India as a matter of 'the right of birth' - get radicalized as a result - unleashing revenge upon their fellow citizens......Shudhifying drive picks up again, Modi becomes an avatar and is worshiped for 'dealing with the malichas with divine power' in the temples.We don't need to fight India - we need to do EXACTLY what our forefathers did -- play on its internal divisions.

That sounds like the 1971 operation by India, the deep scars and permanent psychological damage would be unbearable indeed and make india a failed state of warring factions of artificial identities where young people are nothing but cannon fodder in the hands of old generals, feudals and religious charlatans.

@Topic - if the intelligence work was outside the remit of army, then responsible officers must be disciplined. We can not have rogue deep state running and sabotaging our policies as they please, we, who have put faith in democracy and patiently grinned through the teething pain deserve better than that.
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Why are we getting up in arms about something that is obvious? Both Pakistan's and India's military and intelligence wings are conducting covert operations on each other's soils, this is old news.
I am glad that India's covert operations are back in Pakistan. That foolish man who became India 's prime minister for a short duration stopped these in 1997. He hoped Pakistan would respond in kind. They as a matter of fact staged an attack on Indian Parliament, killed innumerable Indian Army personnel's families in Jammu and then ultimately staged the Mumbai attack. In response India had no mechanism to respond covertly. It's covert capabilities had been shut down.

I wished Mr. Gujral, the incompetent prime minister of India was there at the Mumbai Taj to face the barrel of Pakistani guns and learn first hand that appeasement does not work. What stops these attacks is when Saeed Hafiz faces the barrel of Indian guns.

Three cheers to Gen. VK Singh for restarting these operations. Next time the Pakistani Commandos come by sea, send our own to Lahore to kill Saeed and his cohorts.

They never stopped. Also, don't for one second believe that your military and intelligence are pure and innocent. They have supported and continue to support terrorism and separatism in Pakistan.
Admitting doesn't change the fact that they're still messing with us. What's Pakistan going to do?
The turn of events is now so preposterous that it is getting beyond the believable. A government leaking a top secret report and admitting to covert operation just to fix a COAS whose inclination towards BJP may encourage soldiers to vote for the party. This cannot be simple politics and there is a far more sinister aspect to it than meets the eye. I cannot believe that even a treacherous and cowardly party such as Congress can dare to be so traitorous. Either they have taken leave of their senses, or are so compromised that the thought of getting displaced from power is unimaginable. I fear that Congress may be acting at the dictates of their foreign handlers and financiers. It is widely suspected that many parties - certainly the SP, but also probably the Congress, may be getting Wahabi funds, and their pay masters are now so entrenched and invested that Congress has to remain in power by any means.
Admitting doesn't change the fact that they're still messing with us. What's Pakistan going to do?

the proxy war will go on till some ground breaking peace treaty is signed...as to what pakistans do, well you have the option of dreaming like @Aeronaut ... its free and makes you feel good. :omghaha:
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This self admission of waging covert operations in Pakistan, amounts to an act of war under international law, which justifies any Pakistani strike in India as a matter of legitimate self defense. So, don't beat your chest when the peanut is handed back to you. (Not that we give a sh it)

Yawn...a newspaper report naming unnamed sources is hardly an admission. If that were to be true, Pakistan has admitted to covert operation many times, both against India as well as the U.S.in Afghanistan. Are there any shortage of newspaper articles which quote unnamed Pakistani officials...:lol:

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