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I feel cheated.
All this while I believed that there was a higher purpose to the (impetuous) actions of our govt. It's so hard to believe that despite having the best in business, they have failed miserably..
This is the realisation I came to 1-2 months ago, I guess we were to willing to provide them "slack" or blindly trust in them in the absence of any evidence to support our hopes.

I don't know why we expected any differently now- these are politcians afterall.

That said, these sell outs are still the very best India has, how sad is that?
Yes it's poltics but it is politics for the benefit of the BJP- these clowns simply see politics as a game, they don't care about the implications they are simply after power for the sake of power. The real losers are the people of India-again.

It's ugly and to be honest I am not happy with this government two bits and I am not even talking about the developments in the state of j&k. Modi just played the TINA card.
How did that go in Bihar........
There was an alternative there ... Nitish Kumar, same with Kejriwal in Delhi. No wonder why they went with a CM candidate in Assam.

BJP milked the anti congress sentiments to the max before some serious alternative came forward. Caste arthritic played it's part in Bihar but there is no serious actual work being done on punishing the political culprits. If you remember I tagged you after Modi's speech at wembley about punishing 1984 accused, i thought there would be some serious developments on that issue but alas he is keeping that issue to play politics around the election time in Punjab.

No doubt some of his ministers are doing a great job but the way he is playing goody two shoes with oppositions doesn't cut ice with me. Heck new developments in Samjhauta express case and Ishrat Jahan case cast doubts over the whole plot to defame the Hindus over SAFFRON TERROR yet this selfie obsessed wanker is too busy to come out with a statement.
No doubt some of his ministers are doing a great job but the way he is playing goody two shoes with oppositions doesn't cut ice with me
Hey, if that was bringing tangible benefits then great work Modi but, just like with the a$$-licking with the US, it is all a show and India is getting nothing out of it. Actually it's worse than that- with the US the bowing to their will has seen India sink to new lows (Pathankot JIT debacle) and despite the oppostion coodling where is GST? Not even the most BASIC promises are being kept.

And once again, the most distrubing part is this PM is the very best candidate around or even on the horizon.

+ The less said about 1984 justice (or lack thereof) the better as far as I'm concerned, the entire matter and the polticisation of it ever since makes my stomach churn, I cannot even imagine what those poor victims must feel like but hey, they don't represent a signifcant votebank so f*ck them right? They are irrelevent to the powers that be.
Hey, if that was bringing tangible benefits then great work Modi but, just like with the a$$-licking with the US, it is all a show and India is getting nothing out of it. Actually it's worse than that- with the US the bowing to their will has seen India sink to new lows (Pathankot JIT debacle) and despite the oppostion coodling where is GST? Not even the most BASIC promises are being kept.

And once again, the most distrubing part is this PM is the very best candidate around or even on the horizon.

+ The less said about 1984 justice (or lack thereof) the better as far as I'm concerned, the entire matter and the polticisation of it ever since makes my stomach churn, I cannot even imagine what those poor victims must feel like but hey, they don't represent a signifcant votebank so f*ck them right? They are irrelevent to the powers that be.
Tangible benefits? Huh what's that?
Political Hindu right loves to get b1tch slapped every day and present it's other cheek for a similar treatment. It's TINA that's working for him nothing else.
Tangible benefits? Huh what's that?
Political Hindu right loves to get b1tch slapped every day and present it's other cheek for a similar treatment. It's TINA that's working for him nothing else.
As far as disappointment are concerned we are democracy and decision making is a slow process as we have to take need of thousands of people .
But just consider a small fact Did in previous gov. was anyone thinking of such changes to occur . Yes the situation is intense but not that pessimistic .
Keeep hope
Hope is all well and good but at some point it is only fair to expect such hope to translate into meaningful benefits- hope for the sake of hope is absurd.

And why do you term as as____ing ??
Where the shoe fits....
But you cant go blaming for GST to the government. They are actually trying. Its the Congress that has created the blocked especially in Rajya Sabha where they have a majority.
Oh come on, the Congress are playing the same game the BJP had done in opposition, if this govt fails to get GST through for whatever reason it is THEIR fault, blaming others for their own inability to deliver on their promises is for losers. This is the first govt with an outright majority in decades and what are they doing with it? Squandering it. Making stupid statements, getting tangled in non-issues about a certain meat's consumption and bowing before the US.

Excuse me for having higher expectations for this govt, as it stands they are the UPA 3 and have sunk to new lows.
Tangible benefits? Huh what's that?
Political Hindu right loves to get b1tch slapped every day and present it's other cheek for a similar treatment. It's TINA that's working for him nothing else.

Give me an example of a Democracy that isn't a TINA.

TINA itself is the very definition of a Democracy. Only a fool would think otherwise, people can only ever choose the best option with what they are given, this is reality not a fantasy land. US is going through this right now with the options being Hilary or Trump. Feel free to waste your vote in 2019 if you think UPA-3 will be any different than UPA-1 or UPA-2. I'll take my chances with an objectively less corrupt government.

Oh come on, the Congress are playing the same game the BJP had done in opposition, if this govt fails to get GST through for whatever reason it is THEIR fault, blaming others for their own inability to deliver on their promises is for losers. This is the first govt with an outright majority in decades and what are they doing with it? Squandering it. Making stupid statements, getting tangled in non-issues about a certain meat's consumption and bowing before the US.

Excuse me for having higher expectations for this govt, as it stands they are the UPA 3 and have sunk to new lows.

Incorrect. If they had a majority in RS, then GST would already be passed. Your real complaint is that BJP is limited by democratic institutions, yet you would probably throw a tantrum if they overstepped their constitutional limits. Your real criticism is over superficial differences not backed in reality, like someone who has watched too much presstitute garbage by Leftists and Communists or who is one themselves.

I for one welcome what BJP has done. Road construction up (by several factors), electrification up (by several factors), Coal imports down and on-track to being eliminated, inflation is down, corruption down, military contracts finally in sight/signed (Rafale, FICV, MR-SAM, M777, K-9 Thunder, Dhanush, etc.), fastest growing major economy in the World (First time in Indian History!), highest amount of FDI in the World (First time in Indian history!), leverage of allies like Japan for bullet train construction (starting 2017) with favorable loans, indigenous procurement going forward with Tejas (Never saw any movement under UPA, even the name 'Tejas' occurred only during Vajaypee era), Railway overhaul (Have to see how that pans out), water infrastructure push (Have to see how that pans out), Air India getting close to achieving first profitability in 10 (?) years (Still holding my breath that they finally privatize). Other campaigns have had varying degrees of effectiveness depending on where you live/local government, but I can't fault BJP for at least trying as we never saw any 'Swaach Bharat' or 'Digital India' attempts under UPA.

Unachieved Currently: Arjun Mk2 procurement, P75I, Second fighter line, new Rifles + new Bulletproof Jackets (embarrassing to think UPA barely saw progress even here for 10 years), NSG, MTCR, Wassner Agreement, Australian Agreement, GST, Land Bill, Retail FDI (Might not be good for the country to have all retail run by Walmart and 7/11, though), Sealing Borders (Lot of talk here for Western Border, we will see. Bangladesh border had some progress with border finally being defined after 40 years!), UNSC, Iran Gas Pipeline+Chabhar (lot of talk here as well, we will see) and favorable Balance of Trade (Biggest disappointment so far).

If all these can be achieved over the next 3 years (Bar UNSC), I do not see any other valid criticism one could have over this government, except fake cries about 'saffronization' (Even though Ram temple isn't happening) or manufactured controversies. These past two years have undoubtedly seen more progress than the past 10, just see how many thousands of Crores are/will be saved by reduction in Coal imports. One barely even finds any mention of this in the media, despite being one of the most significant things to happen to this country in the past 15 years. Worth much more than several Rafale deals.

Plus the only real engagement with the US so far has been a 'memorandum of understanding' (read: worthless) we have agreed 'in principle' (will it even be signed?) about a 'India-specific', modified (so not even the real agreement?) LSA. US MoD Carter's constants visits and non-committal attitude about Indian issues is evidence of how obviously frustrated they are about India not bowing before them, otherwise they would happily give proper lip service on certain issues like some here are begging for. Otherwise India would be patrolling SCS and have signed a number of agreements already, along with F-18s over Rafale. India has chosen France as their Strategic Partner (see: @PARIKRAMA posts on Rafale news thread), not USA, a slap in the face considering how hard they have been pushing for a tangible alliance these past few years. In fact, if Snecma engines/JV somehow get chosen for AMCA and Mk2 Tejas (unlikely) and then EMALS is dropped for IAC-2, then US becomes a distant 4th (5th? If Ukraine JVs on engines or planes come to fruition) tier military partner after Russia, France, and Israel. A non-strategic partner. This distance is something I sincerely doubt Congress under Italian Mafia dynasty would have done, they would have just sold India to the highest bidder of Uncle Sam.

Oh, and don't you find it the least bit funny that the best relations we have EVER had with Gulf Countries (UAE should come to mind) and other Muslim countries, like Iran, has been under a HINDU NATIONALIST government instead of a Sickularist/Communist one :lol:.
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This is the realisation I came to 1-2 months ago, I guess we were to willing to provide them "slack" or blindly trust in them in the absence of any evidence to support our hopes.

I don't know why we expected any differently now- these are politcians afterall.

That said, these sell outs are still the very best India has, how sad is that?
Its frustrating.
Modi's govt is trying the same old hats on us as the UPA govt.I have no idea why the muftis and abdullahs are pampered by our central govt? Indian army and its soldiers are mere sacrificial lambs to our politicians.
As far as Pathankot JIT probe is considered, to me, Modi now symbolizes a paper tiger, who was misled by America into buying the theory that Pak doesnt back terrorist groups like JeM. Really? are we so naive?
All this mollycoddling for UNSC seat? ...which btw is a far fetched dream.
TINA card?
There Is No Alternative.
Amidst the serious discussions, TINA cracked me up. :lol:
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yeah on the soilder front like in J&K it is quite frustrating . But after all we are a democracy if someone take saction so called Secularists will blame
Democracy is our strength and not our weakness.
So far it has only been used as a tool to hinder the pace of progress in the country.
Indian army must be one of the few institutions in India which has so far remained neutral, and unbiased.
@Levina @ranjeet after reading through some of the threads in the "Pakistan sisat" section, I have to say whilst Modi is performaing well below where one would like, it could be a LOT worse. The things their poltical leaders are doing and getting away with are mind blowing and there's no way any Indian leader could shrug it off in the same way.Their entire poltical class seems to have flown out to London for recreational visits over the past month. Modi gets some heat for spending too much time out of India (last year anyway) on offical visits but their PM is casually walking around London picking up Rolexs and "hiding out" on the grounds of "medical checks". Can anyone fathom the idea that an Indian PM would go to a foreign land for medical checks? This alone is mental, India is no banana republic.

That said, this is setting the bar pretty low- India needs to demand better.
@Levina @ranjeet after reading through some of the threads in the "Pakistan sisat" section, I have to say whilst Modi is performaing well below where one would like, it could be a LOT worse. The things their poltical leaders are doing and getting away with are mind blowing and there's no way any Indian leader could shrug it off in the same way.Their entire poltical class seems to have flown out to London for recreational visits over the past month. Modi gets some heat for spending too much time out of India (last year anyway) on offical visits but their PM is casually walking around London picking up Rolexs and "hiding out" on the grounds of "medical checks". Can anyone fathom the idea that an Indian PM would go to a foreign land for medical checks? This alone is mental, India is no banana republic.

That said, this is setting the bar pretty low- India needs to demand better.

The bar should be the day when pakistani leaders all fly to India for "medical checkup" and to spend time. Now that is a worthy goal.

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