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Indian claim of F16 shot down

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Mar 11, 2006
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The Hindus are claiming an F16 or JF17 was shot dowm.
What kind of evidence would they realistically have?
If even 1 jet is downed it is no achievement for india as their pilot is arrested alive which is great humiliation for them
Oh but the F-16 fell in Azad Kashmir after being hit in IOK; however unfortunately, Thanos snap had happened at the very instance and it got vaporized. Now we have to wait until the 'Avengers - Endgame' is released for it to be resurrected.

Forgive me folks, I am not drunk just very happy with my armed forces!
Indians claim ground troops saw a plane going down. That's it! So if one looks at recent history (thinking of PAF planes as IAF in Indian media) it is likely that what the Indian ground troops saw was actually the Mig21 going down and didnt know any better.
Indians claim ground troops saw a plane going down. That's it! So if one looks at recent history (thinking of PAF planes as IAF in Indian media) it is likely that what the Indian ground troops saw was actually the Mig21 going down and didnt know any better.
Seriously this is getting embarrassing, they cant make a simple credible story.
SU-30 MKI wreckage
No F-16 is shot down. In-fact F-16s were not involved in front line action at all. Indian media & Modi call center brigade have habits to make tall claims & fabricate the real position to save face. The reality is, IAF 2 down & taken by Thunders. These kinds of claims will circulate just so that Indian masses be kept away from reality in this regard.

Thread closed having no substance to discuss.

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