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Indian diplomat held for counter espionage for Pakistan

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Gupta charged with spying for Pakistan

NEW DELHI: A junior Indian diplomat arrested three months ago on allegations of spying for Pakistan was charged on Tuesday under the Official Secrets Act, police said. Madhuri Gupta, who had been working in the Indian embassy in Islamabad prior to her arrest, was booked under three sections of the act. Gupta, 53, was employed in the embassy’s information service. She was called back to New Delhi in April on the pretext of consultations only to be arrested at home by police. Depending on the precise nature of the charges, Gupta could face a prison sentence of anywhere between three and 14 years if convicted. Gupta had been under surveillance for six months before she was taken into custody. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
so wot one old indian diplomat caught!!!...she wasnt a big deal........anyway good work by the firm........i am sickened the way pakistani officials hang around like poodles when people like Halbrooke come.........:argh::argh::undecided
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