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Indian intelligence agencies assist attackers to attack the Chinese Consulate in Karachi

shiv sena is declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan. Guess what that news made them happy.
From what I accumulated the best way to deal with these belligerent indians is to troll them and shatter their ego.
Nothing pisses them off more than when you talk about their sadistic nature and remind them how miserably they fail at torturing others. I am responsible for most indian trolls having a meltdown on this forum:lol:
shiv sena is declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan. Guess what that news made them happy.
From what I accumulated the best way to deal with these belligerent indians is to troll them and shatter their ego.
Nothing pisses them off more than when you talk about their sadistic nature and remind them how miserably they fail at torturing others. I am responsible for most indian trolls having a meltdown on this forum:lol:
Funny woman.
shiv sena is declared as a terrorist organisation by Pakistan. Guess what that news made them happy.
From what I accumulated the best way to deal with these belligerent indians is to troll them and shatter their ego.
Nothing pisses them off more than when you talk about their sadistic nature and remind them how miserably they fail at torturing others. I am responsible for most indian trolls having a meltdown on this forum:lol:
sista, you n me both... 8-)
Seems like Pakistan is treating the attack as a godsend. Any reason to blame India and cling to China, amirite?
China is taking this far more seriously than Pakistan...this is the first time india attacked China's consulate.
Ofcourse. It was China's consulate after all. But where in tarnation has China accused India?
It's only Pakistan so far and well ....frankly.....Pakistan is Pakistan.

There should be a joint Covert Ops desk manned by ISI & MSS with only ONE task: Set India ablaze.
Any particular reason for setting us ablaze or just the usual cr*p?
Cause so far, only Pakistan has mentioned some vague connection between the consulate attack and India.
Ofcourse. It was China's consulate after all. But where in tarnation has China accused India?
It's only Pakistan so far and well ....frankly.....Pakistan is Pakistan.

Any particular reason for setting us ablaze or just the usual cr*p?
Cause so far, only Pakistan has mentioned some vague connection between the consulate attack and India.
Pakistani authorities have said that the evidence to india. Regardless, india has no room to complain since india even blames car accidents on Pakistan!
If Indians want to teach Chinese lessons, Indians should attack the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi directly. Indians please don't be despicable villains and stop provoke relations between China and Pakistan, because Indians are doomed to fail and the despicable attacks by Indians will only further increase the unity and willpower of China and Pakistan.

Please don't put up silly posts. There is no information available yet; if the Pakistani intelligence services were quite so well-informed, they might have been enough well-informed to nip the attempt in the bud. It is worthless to deflect one's own deficiencies onto others, or to seek desperate shelter behind a common bogey-man. Sooner or later, the inherent contradictions in this alliance will come out, and show both sides the value of sloganeering substitutes for genuine common interest.
Pakistani authorities have said that the evidence to india. Regardless, india has no room to complain since india even blames car accidents on Pakistan!
So how come you haven't sent the evidence to China yet? Why is China silent on this issue. Why is it just Pakistan so far?
Looks like clutching at straws to me.
India a terror facilitator will feel the brunt after this blatant aggression. There is a hefty price to be paid. India cannot escape retribution. China and Pakistan stand united against shitland India. The Indians will find out soon enough what it means to support terror.
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