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Indian muslim :Javed Akhtar's India & Pakistan

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go back to india and take your dravidian mojhair family with you. you people ruin our race. you are a Syed lol yet you look like south indian. try again.

Dude , this is not cool .They are your own countrymen . Have you ever seen us indians fight with each other over race , colour or language on this forum ? Again mohajirs are your own people . Don't alienate them
Dude , this is not cool .They are your own countrymen . Have you ever seen us indians fight with each other over race , colour or language on this forum ? Again mohajirs are your own people . Don't alienate them

Hey! Why do you want to ruin the fun? :D
go back to india and take your dravidian mojhair family with you. you people ruin our race. you are a Syed lol yet you look like south indian. try again.

Reading the following prophetic narration should be enough to make you stop and think before you move your mouths next time:

Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “If a man addresses his brother as, ‘O’ Disbeliever,’ it returns to one of them; either it is as he said or it returns to him.” (Agreed upon – in both Bukhari 10/427 and Muslim 60)

Abu Zarr reported that the Holy Prophet said: No man accuses another man of being a sinner, or of being a kafir, but it reflects back on him if the other is not as he called him.'' (Bukhari, Book of Ethics; Book 78, ch. 44)

"Withhold [your tongues] from those who say `There is no god but Allah' --- do not call them kafir. Whoever calls a reciter of `There is no god but Allah' as a kafir, is nearer to being a kafir himself.'' (Tabarani, reported from Ibn Umar)

"Three things are the basis of faith. [One is] to withhold from one who says `There is no god but Allah' --- do not call him kafir for any sin, nor expel him from Islam for any misconduct.'' (Abu Dawud, Book of Jihad, 15:33)

Regarding Imam Abu Hanifa, the founder of the Hanafi system of Islamic law, which has more followers than any other system in Islam, it is written: "He did not call as kafir anyone from among the people of the Qibla.'' (Sharh Mawaqif, fifth part)

According to the Quran, if a person says assalamu alaikum to us to indicate that he is a Muslim, we cannot say to him "you are not a believer.'' (4:94)

The second thing we learn from this verse is that if, from among a non-Muslim people, a person addresses us by assalamu alaikum, that is sufficient proof that he is a Muslim. When such incidents took place during the Holy Prophet's life-time, sometimes it was suspected by some Muslims that such a person was not sincere. But the Holy Prophet would say to them: ``Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?''

Thirdly, the verse cited above goes on to say: "You yourselves were like this before.'' That is, you too embraced Islam in this way, so what was sufficient for you is sufficient for them.
Dude , this is not cool .They are your own countrymen . Have you ever seen us indians fight with each other over race , colour or language on this forum ? Again mohajirs are your own people . Don't alienate them

Brother i m not a Mohajir, I m a pakistani. May Allah give him some knowledge to become a Pakistani and a Muslim.
Mikkix how stupid are you? These indian Muslims are saying they are better Muslims than Pakistanis and insulting Pakistanis and you are sitting here defending these indians while insulting your own compatriots. You are a piece of naive uneducated garbage. You are an absolute embarassment to Pakistan.
Mikkix how stupid are you? These indian Muslims are saying they are better Muslims than Pakistanis and insulting Pakistanis and you are sitting here defending these indians while insulting your own compatriots. You are a piece of naive uneducated garbage. You are an absolute embarassment to Pakistan.

I am not here to support indian or pakistani, i m here to say to all pakistanis and indians that how dare you all to call others non muslims and believe themselves to be better than others, its not a matter of country, its a matter of Islam. any indian muslim says that he is a better muslim I will against it.
and vice versa.
Plz insult each other and carry on your work but dont use Islam for country debate...
trojan. exe says
Hh what is it now you are an Aryan? and your Dravidian roots are a Myth. lol, look at your bland face it resembles the typical indian. Now listen here Mr. Hindustani, you are not a Muslim. Your false claims of being so only angers the Almighty. From the depth of hell is where your soul will rest. Every Muslim in the world has denied you so called hindu converts as Muslims. Cook Thoo.

You hindu converts are not Muslims. You are hindus. You will never be accepted as Muslims. Nobody in the world accepts indians as Muslims. You are and always be known as hindus. Your only identity will be indian and hindu. NEVER as a Muslim.

My only problem is bolded part...

He is pathetic no matter if he is Pakistani or Indian. Who give him this right to judge the imaan of other Muslims. He need to correct himself before pointing fingers on others. If peoples did not converted from Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism then Islam will never be the second largest religion. I want to know what he think about Hazrat bilal(r.a)
So brother are you saying mohajirs are not Pakistani ?

Mohajir are those who migrated from one country and lived in another. I was born in pakistan raise in Pakistan.
All migrated people that migrated in 1947 are mohajirs and they are few and can be countable. and they were become pakistani when they rejected indian passport.
Mikkix how stupid are you? These indian Muslims are saying they are better Muslims than Pakistanis and insulting Pakistanis and you are sitting here defending these indians while insulting your own compatriots. You are a piece of naive uneducated garbage. You are an absolute embarassment to Pakistan.
I have read some of your posts and as usual you are talking non sense. How old are you? :)
I bet he doesn't even know what it means , the way he keeps throwing this term around . Now he will go and grab a dictionary

At least I can get a dictionary, where in the slum will you get yours.
Urdu speaking people in Pakistan are the same as other Pakistanis.
and you are showing your mentality if you are enjoying this hatred and racism among others

Haha! The racism and hatred was directed at me was it not? I just found it funny.

why would you post your picture in your avatar? you look like an indian and you are :sick:


See? You've gotta admit, it's kinda funny watching these idiots call everyone who doesn't agree with their views an "Indian".
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