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Indian RAW kidnaps retired Pakistan Army officer from Nepal

Fake Indian passport to enter pakistan?

Now I have heard everything. Your and your abusive friend are very intelligent and are not letting your hatred cloud your quest for finding the truth.

I know there are no terrorist groups in canada. I asked u if there was an organisation they wanted banned is that how they will do it (like pak banned LET) ? At first I thought you were acting dumb so as not to admit to your governments protection to terrorists. I am not sure anymore.

He's chinese. THat will tell you all that you need to know.
‘Missing’ Pakistan operative was in team that kidnapped Kulbhushan Jadhav
I.E. News Desk| MUMBAI |
Updated: April 12, 2017 5:17 Am
Muhammad Habib Zahir, the retired Lt Colonel of the Pakistan Army who disappeared from Lumbini near Nepal’s border with India and now suspected to be in Indian custody, was in the team that nabbed Kulbhushan Jadhav in March 2016.
Sources in the security establishment have told The Indian Express that Indian agencies had been on Zahir’s trail for long. He was last seen in Lumbini. Monday’s announcement of the Pakistan military court’s decision to award the death penalty to Jadhav, sources said, was tied to the disappearance of Zahir.
“Zahir was at the Indo-Nepal border last week. He was in the team that had trailed Jadhav. There is definitely a connection between the two cases,” an officer said.
“No sooner did the Pakistani authorities learn of Zahir’s disappearance, Jadhav was pronounced guilty of being a spy. The purpose is clear. They didn’t want any Indian agency to go public,” the officer said.
Zahir retired from the Pakistan Army on in 2014 but was said to have been engaged thereafter by the ISI for its covert operations. In 2015, he picked up conversations between Jadhav and his family members and started tracking him, sources said.
“Jadhav used an Indian passport issued in the name of Hussein Mubarak Patel to carry out his dhow business in Iran. Pakistani agencies heard him speaking to his family members in Marathi. Zahir started trailing Jadhav. A trap was laid and Jadhav was apprehended in March 2016,” the officer said.
Sources said Zahir was lured to Nepal with the promise of a “big catch”. The man who turned in Zahir connected with him through a UK phone number to pass “information on a mole”. He met Zahir a couple of times in Oman.
Zahir arrived in Oman on April 2 and reached Kathmandu the next day. On his arrival in Nepal, he was handed over a SIM card at Bhairawa. Zahir was told that this was to facilitate his communication with a point person. From there, he was made to travel to Lumbini near the border,” the officer said.
Zahir’s family also told the press in Pakistan that he was likely picked by an “enemy spy” agency. A PTI report from Islamabad Monday said Zahir’s son Saad lodged an FIR with Rawat police station near Rawalpindi, saying his father was received in Nepal by one Javed Ansari who took him to Lumbini.
“We suspect that my father has been abducted and enemy spy agencies might be responsible for it,” a police officer quoted Saad as saying. “Enemy” word is often used for India in Pakistani security circles. Zahir last contacted his family on Thursday afternoon and since then his phone numbers have not been reachable.
does not look authentic but some fancy imagination of journalist. Poor journalism at the best no facts or evidence is provided to substantiate claims.
does not look authentic but some fancy imagination of journalist. Poor journalism at the best no facts or evidence is provided to substantiate claims.

LOL.... what kind of "proof" do you want ? :cheesy:

This is a newspaper report, not a court case with irrefutable evidence. Do you understand the difference ?
Fake Indian passport to enter pakistan?

Now I have heard everything. Your and your abusive friend are very intelligent and are not letting your hatred cloud your quest for finding the truth.

I know there are no terrorist groups in canada. I asked u if there was an organisation they wanted banned is that how they will do it (like pak banned LET) ? At first I thought you were acting dumb so as not to admit to your governments protection to terrorists. I am not sure anymore.
To enter Iran.. Anyhow in his confession he must have indicated where his passports were hidden,, why do you think he was carrying them on him personally?
You see hatred in logic so RIP to your brain..
Canada does not have terrorists so we do not know how it would treat such a group, depending in war or peace times.. It all depends what is called a terrorist on one side, can be called a resistance group on the other side.. this has happened during WW2..
I appreciate your quest to do fact finding but everyone knows that when you do "detective work" you have to provide the original source for your information (I'm not doubting it by the way, but posting links is standard protocol)

Its from some slidesharing website. Someone had downloaded it from linkedin and put it there, incase the Col decided to delete his linkedin profile.

It was no detective work, it took me 0.43 seconds to find it. Google is all you need.
Other than your weird palistani logic defence of punjabi terrorists based in muridke you are just assuming XYZmust have happened with Kulbhushan because thats what gods angel ISPR said.

These facts come out in a trial. One you are denying him including consular access. You are too bigoted to see that.

In any case as always we will make you pay. We always have.
Well, for now, you are paying.. enough said..do not want to hurt you more, so go get some pain killers and go to sleep..
Well, for now, you are paying.. enough said..do not want to hurt you more, so go get some pain killers and go to sleep..


This thread is about a pakistani army macho dude needing painkillers right now as we chat. Reality check.

@Robinhood Pandey @Levina @Crixus @Indika @Abu Zolfiqar

Came across this picture of Lt Col Zahir in the Scroll.in article, wonder whats the story behind this, and where Scroll got this pic from.

If am not imagining things, that memento he is holding is a Omani dagger, its very distinctive, and Omanis tend to display it on everything and everywhere they can. Which means he has either served/serving in Oman, or atleast has/had some sorta Omani connection. It brings me back to the story of him flying to Nepal via Oman! I mean in the middle east you have Dubai, Abu Dhabi if not Doha, your usual air transit hubs, flying via Muscat, Oman did seem a bit odd at the time, but now its all starting to make sense.

If my observation is correct, then am pretty confident about my theory of him being on an operation in Nepal, and this whole job interview thing being a cover.
View attachment 390243

@Robinhood Pandey @Levina @Crixus @Indika @Abu Zolfiqar

Came across this picture of Lt Col Zahir in the Scroll.in article, wonder whats the story behind this, and where Scroll got this pic from.

If am not imagining things, that memento he is holding is a Omani dagger, its very distinctive, and Omanis tend to display it on everything and everywhere they can. Which means he has either served/serving in Oman, or atleast has/had some sorta Omani connection. It brings me back to the story of him flying to Nepal via Oman! I mean in the middle east you have Dubai, Abu Dhabi if not Doha, your usual air transit hubs, flying via Muscat, Oman did seem a bit odd at the time, but now its all starting to make sense.

If my observation is correct, then am pretty confident about my theory of him being on an operation in Nepal, and this whole job interview thing being a cover.
Nice find.
Wow man and there is one angle given to the whole episode by RK Singh that Mr Jadhav is already dead and this Lt Col and giving capital punishment is just a cover .... but one thing is sure India has'nt acknowledged that Lt Col Zahir is snatched by IB ...may be everything is just a propaganda to cover up something else ...things are never so obvious ...just remember the Ganga hijack episode agencies never work like that

Nice find man if your age permits then apply for IB :) you canserver nation better there just a suggestion
View attachment 390243

@Robinhood Pandey @Levina @Crixus @Indika @Abu Zolfiqar

Came across this picture of Lt Col Zahir in the Scroll.in article, wonder whats the story behind this, and where Scroll got this pic from.

If am not imagining things, that memento he is holding is a Omani dagger, its very distinctive, and Omanis tend to display it on everything and everywhere they can. Which means he has either served/serving in Oman, or atleast has/had some sorta Omani connection. It brings me back to the story of him flying to Nepal via Oman! I mean in the middle east you have Dubai, Abu Dhabi if not Doha, your usual air transit hubs, flying via Muscat, Oman did seem a bit odd at the time, but now its all starting to make sense.

If my observation is correct, then am pretty confident about my theory of him being on an operation in Nepal, and this whole job interview thing being a cover.
Wow man and there is one angle given to the whole episode by RK Singh that Mr Jadhav is already dead and this Lt Col and giving capital punishment is just a cover .... but one thing is sure India has'nt acknowledged that Lt Col Zahir is snatched by IB ...may be everything is just a propaganda to cover up something else ...things are never so obvious ...just remember the Ganga hijack episode agencies never work like that

Nice find man if your age permits then apply for IB :) you canserver nation better there just a suggestion

I don't think Jadhav is dead, had that been the case they would have just kept everything hush hush, rather than highlight his sentencing all over all the media.

I am pretty sure now that the job interview was just a cover to get to Nepal for something far sinister. I agree with you that the website being hosted in India, and VOIP number being India is all too convenient.

Either the Indian agencies were tailing him, snooping on him, or his Oman contact (possibly a double agent) ratted him out, for money of course.

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