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Indian SC rejects Modi govt’s ‘classified documents’ stand on Rafale papers

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Indian SC rejects Modi govt’s ‘classified documents’ stand on Rafale papers
By Reuters
Published: April 10, 2019

A Rafale fighter jet performs during the Aero India air show at Yelahanka air base in Bengaluru February 18, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS

NEW DELHI: India’s Supreme Court said on Wednesday it will hear a request for an investigation into the $8.7 billion fighter jet deal with France’s Dassault Aviation, in a setback for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.

As India heads into a general election on Thursday, the court agreed to examine new evidence published by newspapers after it rejected the petitions last December.

The published material was privileged defence documents, the government says.

“Preliminary objections of the Centre are dismissed,” said the court, led by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, referring to the federal government, adding that it would set a date for further hearings.

Modi, facing a tightening election, has vehemently denied opposition allegations of wrongdoing in the purchase of 36 Rafale planes and the government had asked the court to reject the petitions, citing national security.

The arms deal has been an election issue with Modi’s chief rival, Rahul Gandhi, saying it exposed the claims of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government’s assertions of running a clean administration.

Modi indirectly admits superiority of Pakistan’s armed forces

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said Wednesday’s decision was not a setback for the government and the court had only agreed to consider new evidence. “We are very sure that the review petition in the light of these facts would not be considered,” he said, adding it would probably be dismissed.

Two former ministers of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and an activist lawyer seeking the investigation argued that the deal’s escalating price should be investigated after documents relating to some aspects were published by the Hindu newspaper.

The government told the court national security was at stake and the leak of the documents infringed the Official Secrets Act, a law dating to the colonial era.

A spokesperson for Congress, Sanjay Jha, said, “The attempt by the Modi government to stonewall the Rafale scam probe has been scuttled by the Supreme Court.”

I said " I Think stage is set! Allah(Only single God of Muslim) be our supporter and ally.

If you still dont understand from where i am coming from ...then just leave it
What he means is that since Modi is in a deep shyt, Pakistan should be ready for Modi adventures to divert public attention somewhere else...

Well quite possible. Not sure though, since nothing much is gonna happen on this because the SC will soon be closed for vacation and any further hearing will happen only after the General elections for sure. :-)
Well quite possible. Not sure though, since nothing much is gonna happen on this because the SC will soon be closed for vacation and any further hearing will happen only after the General elections for sure. :-)

Oh, I did not know that courts also go on summer vacation. If so, thats pitty. Because I can tell you, for example, that in Pakistan there is a backlog of cases going into hundreds of thousands. So if anything, courts should be working twice or thrice as much as they are doing right now. Vacation sounds pretty odd.
Nothing gonna happen.Only thing that going to happen is Mr Prashant Bhushan and Mr N Ram will screwed that too royally :D
Oh, I did not know that courts also go on summer vacation. If so, thats pitty. Because I can tell you, for example, that in Pakistan there is a backlog of cases going into hundreds of thousands. So if anything, courts should be working twice or thrice as much as they are doing right now. Vacation sounds pretty odd.

I bet it's because of your lack of knowledge or shear ignorance. :-)

Just check the following link from Pakistan.

Courts go on summer vacations

A vacation doesn't mean the courts will be locked down completely. There will be vacation courts working and only critical and most important matters will be heard and settled, other matters will be scheduled after the vacations, and I guess it's almost the same in every democratic nations.
When indian netajis and Indian Airchief make statements like " Only Rafale can save them against PAF F16s"

I hope the French are ready to Milk the Indian Cow. Im sure Chokidar and his corporate buddies will milk the Indian cow too.

Its a win win situation for everyone!!

Achay din Aagaye
I bet it's because of your lack of knowledge or shear ignorance. :-)

Just check the following link from Pakistan.

Courts go on summer vacations

A vacation doesn't mean the courts will be locked down completely. There will be vacation courts working and only critical and most important matters will be heard and settled, other matters will be scheduled after the vacations, and I guess it's almost the same in every democratic nations.

So which means judges go on vacation (probably taking turns) but not the whole court. Thats different then. :-)
So which means judges go on vacation (probably taking turns) but not the whole court. Thats different then. :-)

Yep but not exactly. Almost all senior judges will be mostly on vacation while few juniors manage the affairs, if i'm not wrong.

But since cases like Rafael review is not too critical like some death penalty review etc. it will be considered only after vacation for sure.

Yogi for PM.

LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh, I did not know that courts also go on summer vacation. If so, thats pitty. Because I can tell you, for example, that in Pakistan there is a backlog of cases going into hundreds of thousands. So if anything, courts should be working twice or thrice as much as they are doing right now. Vacation sounds pretty odd.
Ever wonder why courts and police forces are so shitty in our world? Its precisely because of bold part. Overloaded courts/police complemented by meek resources and yet expected to work top notch...never happen and will never happen...need of the hours is to provide resources(including manpower) to these institutions and a system that ensures, resources are put into where they belong. However since such things don't bag votes, these go on last in the priority list...which means, it never happens!!...once in between media will pick some really deplorable case and will get into crusade mode over it... state machinery will dedicate all these resources to tackle situation in hand however in reality, it would be done at the cost of dozens and dozens of equally and sometimes even more deplorable cases!! .....Even though i have no idea about how things are in Pakistan, however i can bet you that it wont be much different than our side!!
Ever wonder why courts and police forces are so shitty in our world? Its precisely because of bold part. Overloaded courts/police complemented by meek resources and yet expected to work top notch...never happen and will never happen...need of the hours is to provide resources(including manpower) to these institutions and a system that ensures, resources are put into where they belong. However since such things don't bag votes, these go on last in the priority list...which means, it never happens!!...once in between media will pick some really deplorable case and will get into crusade mode over it... state machinery will dedicate all these resources to tackle situation in hand however in reality, it would be done at the cost of dozens and dozens of equally and sometimes even more deplorable cases!! .....Even though i have no idea about how things are in Pakistan, however i can bet you that it wont be much different than our side!!

Well as usual, other than complaining do we have a solution to suggest ??? :-)


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