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New Recruit

Jun 10, 2010
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Meet 18-year-old Diwakar Vaish. This youngster apart from others his age is his undeniable talent in the still-nascent field of robotics in India. He has created four humanoid robots (designed, created and programmed by him) that possess much of the physical functionality a human body does, and one -- Robot Isotope -- that can even do the Bhangra.

An admitted techno-freak, Diwakar spent much of his school years participating in tech competitions, and winning most. But what gave him the boost he needed was winning at Quanta, an international competition for robotics held in Lucknow in 2009, for which he created a race boat that beat out competition from 40 countries.

Less than a year since and Diwakar is all set to storm the FIRA (Federation of International Robosoccer Association) World Cup in Bangalore this September with three of his robots that have been designed to perform as defender, goalkeeper and attacker.

Here we speak to the young talent about his creations, how he got started and his plans for the future

All through school he was always participating in tech competitions. The best part of this was that he won nearly all of them. He also won the international competition for robotics held in Lucknow called Quanta. There were about 40 countries participating. Winning Quanta was a huge morale boost. That gave him the belief and confidence that the money and effort that I had spent would be fruitful.

However, it turned out to be very rewarding. Once you have the determination and belief that you can do something, everything else falls into place.

In Class 12 he must have attended about 5 days of college, so you can see how crazy he is about robotics.


YouTube - Robot Dancing
Good it would be good if more youth are attracted to technology and science.

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