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Indians boycotting 'Made in China' wares for Beijing's support to Pak

what are the chinese going to do with the rare earth's ?? Eat it for dinner ??
There are plenty of buyers, India isn't the other other nation that exists.

we can pick and choose what we are boycotting
Than that basically defeats the purpose of a boycott.
There are plenty of buyers, India isn't the other other nation that exists.

Than that basically defeats the purpose of a boycott.

your whole argument is silly
What prevents other buyers of rare earths from selling to India ? You are assuming India is direct consumer of these rare earths.

boycotts can be selective
.However for the vast majority, like 90% or even more, India can easily replace China for goods manufactured using western tech & we know the vast majority of Indian imports comprises of these products.

Why do you think the likes of Foxconn are setting up shop here, they also save lots on the transportation costs you know. For Indian domestic consumption China is easily replaceable, even though it will not happen in a day or two.

You must be daydreaming. Consumer products don't need a lot of know how, what they need is efficiency and ability of mass producing to meet the global market demand by required timeline. Being a mass manufacturing base requires not only the low labor cost ,more importantly it require advanced infrastructures and energy, power supply which India is decades behind of China, the backwardness in infrastructure alone would push the cost of the product big time. That's why Indian products are much more expensive than the Chinese'. You just don't have this unrivaled Chinese efficiency.

In order to become a manufacturing powerhouse ,China for decades invested heavily in building roads ,highways, railways, airports, ports, power plants, efficient supply chains... now China has the world's best highways, railways, ports, airports...those make the production and transportation super cost efficient .There are tons of poor countries around the world and not everyone of them can become a manufacturing hub.
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You must be daydreaming, being a mass manufacturing base requires not only the low labor cost ,more importantly it require advanced infrastructures and energy, power supply which India is decades behind of China, the backwardness in infrastructure alone would push the cost of the product big time. That's why Indian products are much more expensive than the Chinese'. You just don't have this unrivaled Chinese efficiency.

In order to become a manufacturing powerhouse ,China for decades invested heavily in building roads ,highways, railways, airports, ports, power plants, efficient supply chains... now China has the world's best highways, railways, ports, airports...those make the production and transportation super cost efficient .There are tons of poor countries around the world and not everyone of them can become a manufacturing hub.
Tell you what, my friend order a cheap ciitizen automatic watch from India on register mail and it took 46 days to arrived in australia while he order a watch from China and also using register mail and it took only 14days to do so. :enjoy:
Thousands of training institutions all across China for decades trained millions of skilled workers and technicians for all kinds of industries ,that's also India can't catch up with in short term.
Tell you what, my friend order a cheap ciitizen automatic watch from India on register mail and it took 46 days to arrived in australia while he order a watch from China and also using register mail and it took only 14days to do so. :enjoy:

I am quite surprised it actually reached Australia at all
You must be daydreaming, being a mass manufacturing base requires not only the low labor cost ,more importantly it require advanced infrastructures and energy, power supply which India is decades behind of China, the backwardness in infrastructure alone would push the cost of the product big time. That's why Indian products are much more expensive than the Chinese'. You just don't have this unrivaled Chinese efficiency.

In order to become a manufacturing powerhouse ,China for decades invested heavily in building roads ,highways, railways, airports, ports, power plants, efficient supply chains... now China has the world's best highways, railways, ports, airports...those make the production and transportation super cost efficient .There are tons of poor countries around the world and not everyone of them can become a manufacturing hub.
A lot of the blame can also be attributed to to the economies of scale, in manufacturing, that isn't there yet. You're deluding yourself if you think automating production is more efficient than anything done uniquely in China. The main reason why the likes of Hon Hai haven't replaced a vast majority of the their labor force with robots is because they're more expensive atm, otherwise with automation you should know that human capital is (more) easily expendable.

And you've seen our auto, ancillary, pharma sectors & therefore should know by now that we're getting there, even if slowly. You basically proved my point & again I'll reemphasize, for anyone not willing to turn pages, that to meet India's domestic needs a lot of these manufactures can relocate to India. The problem they're facing now is that they have excess capacity installed in China, so much of their factories will run idle if they were to relocate elsewhere in a major way.

First, the thread is 14 pages long, do the math.

Second, YOU replied to ME, NOT the other way around.

My argument is perfectly valid, if you're too intellectually dishonest to admit that, I don't really care.
That still doesn't make your particular argument right, no matter how dishonest you paint me as.

The point is, my point is that Chinese factories are expendable, their economies of scale however atm are not.
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A lot of the blame can also be attributed to to the economies of scale, in manufactured, that isn't there yet. You're deluding yourself if you think automating production is more efficient than anything done uniquely in China. The main reason why the likes of Hon Hai haven't replaced a vast majority of the their labor force with robots is because they're more expensive atm, otherwise with automation you should know that human capital is (more) easily expendable.

And you've seen our auto, ancillary, pharma sectors & therefore should know by now that we're getting there, even if slowly. You basically proved my point & again I'll reemphasize, for anyone not willing to turn pages, that to meet India's domestic needs a lot of these manufactures can relocate to India. The problem they're facing now is that they have excess capacity installed in China, so much of their factories will run idle if they were to relocate elsewhere in a major way.

That still doesn't make your particular argument right, no matter how dishonest you paint me as.

We will see who is deluding themselves, as I pointed out, labor cost alone doesn't mean much. What counts more and is not easily achieved is infrastructure to support the industry . let's both stop here and wait to see what will happen and who turns to be right in the end.
We will see who is deluding themselves, as I pointed out, labor cost alone doesn't mean much. What counts more and is not easily achieved is infrastructure to support the industry . let's both stop here and wait to see what will happen and who turns to be right in the end.
Yeah we shall see, but since China itself has decided to move up the food chain wouldn't you say that they're looking to ditch low cost manufacturing?

You don't have to answer that, just food for thought.
My first reaction was good for the Indians, Chinese quality sucks but then I realized Indian quality sucks more :p:

Well, my friend, we can't make a judgement on the quality of Indian goods because they simply don't exist due to India's lack of ability to manufacture them. But the more interesting point is that Chinese products in India are of lesser quality because Indians are too cheap to pay for better quality. Indian traders in China are known to be exceptionally greedy and unscrupulous because they always source products that have been rejected by Chinese quality control because these are offered at huge discounts. In the end, it's really Indians screwing Indians to make a profit. So let India boycott Chinese products and continue living in the dark ages; it doesn't affect China one way or the other.
Thousands of training institutions all across China for decades trained millions of skilled workers and technicians for all kinds of industries ,that's also India can't catch up with in short term.

East Asia rules in World Skills

Skills to rule: East Asia's dominance in 43rd WorldSkills Competition in Brazil
屏幕快照 2015-09-10 16.30.23.png

One of the vocational schools in China's poorest province Guizhou
It provides Free education to students from the countryside.

Well, my friend, we can't make a judgement on the quality of Indian goods because they simply don't exist due to India's lack of ability to manufacture them. But the more interesting point is that Chinese products in India are of lesser quality because Indians are too cheap to pay for better quality. Indian traders in China are known to be exceptionally greedy and unscrupulous because they always source products that have been rejected by Chinese quality control because these are offered at huge discounts. In the end, it's really Indians screwing Indians to make a profit. So let India boycott Chinese products and continue living in the dark ages; it doesn't affect China one way or the other.
You r right.....indian traders never care about quality....they flood to Yiwu to buy the cheapest stuff which indian middle class can only afford....

Do u think indian consumers can afford a DJI Phantom4? The price equals several months of salary for the world's biggest Middle Class in india....
Silly idea...When we purchase items from China, it is because, we get it cheaper from them than sourcing it domestically.
So rather than banning Chinies product, we should tax the industry which is using China products and making good margin rather than transferring it to customer...But technically i do not not support ban in any trade activity.

And again, for me, people's perception in India for China is not the same like Pakistan...China still gets respect for its rise to world stage due to its constant desire to rise to the top. We appreciate many things of China and in same token we do not like couple of things of them. Between 2 nations, it is not always possible, both of us like each others policies. So political consideration should not get impacted to the trade relations.

Actually Indian industries do produce everything domestically but when our national interest and national security is in danger like any other country we Indians have to change ourself.

China on Saturday defended its “second technical hold” to prevent a UN ban on Masood Azhar, saying there were "different views" on India's application and that Beijing's move will allow more time for the "relevant parties" to have consultations.

Actually Indian industries do produce everything domestically...

That, in a nutshell, encapsulates the Indian mentality. Never mind that fact that Indian industrial base is primitive and lacks the capability to produce many varieties of products, but an Indian will blithely ignore that and choose to believe that "Indian industries do produce everything domestically", which is nothing but bullshit.
That, in a nutshell, encapsulates the Indian mentality. Never mind that fact that Indian industrial base is primitive and lacks the capability to produce many varieties of products, but an Indian will blithely ignore that and choose to believe that "Indian industries do produce everything domestically", which is nothing but bullshit.

This is truth , In India we produce everything , everything is listed on BSE .

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