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India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights


Mar 24, 2010
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$1,280 to reserve plot in Christian cemetry in India ! It is nearly same price in Canada. Muslim graveyard in India have been encroached and non-Muslims have built buildings on them. I heard about a Hindu temple also had the same fate when somebody built shopping center on its property in Pakistan. Land grabbers have no religion only money.

AFP: India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights

India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights

By Rupam Jain Nair (AFP) – 2 days ago

NEW DELHI — India's teeming cities, where even the living jostle for space, are running out of room for the dead.

India's Hindus cremate their loved ones, but the country's Muslim and Christian minorities usually choose burial -- and they fear the practice is under threat.

About 185 million Indians belong to the two faiths, with census figures recording 13 percent of the population as Muslim and two percent as Christian.

Finding land for burials in urban areas is the primary problem, religious leaders say, as India's cities become ever more congested and every piece of earth is fiercely fought over.

"Go anywhere in India and see the graveyards, they are all full," said Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, chairman of the All India Imam Organisation in New Delhi. "The government has been overlooking this issue for decades."

Ilyasi said the lack of burial space is not just a problem in major cities such as New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata but has spread to many small towns.

Muslims bury the dead as fast as possible, and disapprove of cremation as they believe there will be a physical resurrection on the Day of Judgement.

To meet their needs, increasing numbers of Muslims are joining together to buy small pieces of wasteland to convert into "Kabristans" -- Muslim graveyards.

Mohammed Arif, a resident of Noida on the outskirts of Delhi, purchased a government-registered plot along with his siblings and cousin in 2008.

"When my nephew died in a car crash, we struggled to get space in a graveyard in Delhi to bury him," said Arif. "We want to avoid such a crisis in future."

Indian Muslims often face widespread discrimination and live in the most densely packed, poorest parts of inner cities.

A 2008 government report on "wakf", an Arabic word for property donated permanently by Muslims for the benefit of their community, showed that 50 percent of all wakf plots across India have been encroached on.

"Government offices, hotels and schools have all been constructed and many slums are standing on wakf property," said Rehman Khan, a lawmaker who sits on the parliamentary wakf committee.

"Don't award us new land but at least give us back the land we own and we will make our own graveyards," he said.

India's relatively small Christian community -- like many of their faith around the world -- are increasingly choosing cremation over burial for reasons of both space and cost.

But Father Rebello, chairman of the Delhi Cemetery Committee, said many Indian Christians were hesitant to abandon the tradition of burial.

"Several families are turning one grave into a family grave to accommodate all the members -- at least four more can be buried in the same place," he said.

"We are suggesting families should start cremating the bodies and recently a priest in Delhi was cremated to promote it but we cannot force anyone."

The concept of family graves, or the "tier" system, where coffins are placed one above the other, originated in India in the southern state of Kerala and has slowly gained more acceptance.

Priyanka Thomas, a widow living in New Delhi who last month reluctantly chose to bury her husband in her father-in-law's grave, said the decision was inevitable.

"Myself and then my children will be buried in the same grave," she said. "It is more economical for families as they have to spend less and Christians often visit graves, so prefer burying their loved ones close to their church."

In the eastern state of Bihar, the Catholic church is asking the faithful to donate up to 60,000 rupees (1,280 US dollars) to reserve plots.

"We don?t have space for more bodies in existing graveyards," said Vincent Francis, a priest in Patna, the capital of Bihar. "The state government just won't give us more land."

Some graves in the city of Chennai have been repeatedly reopened to add more family members, said Francis Fernandes, a local priest.

"One family went into a state of shock when seeing a half-decomposed body when they were trying to place the second coffin in their family grave," he said.

Sabha Dayal, a New Delhi professor who specialises in town planning, said civil authorities had to take burial needs as seriously as any other infrastructure requirement.

"Advertisements promote new residential premises offering swimming pools and golf courses, but have you ever seen them stating that land has been allotted for cremation and burial?" asked Dayal.

"The problem is that these do not generate revenue," she said, adding the government often demolished existing graveyards to widen roads or for new commercial ventures.

About 80 percent of Indians are cremated in the Hindu fashion -- often beside a river, and with the corpse decorated with flowers and covered in ghee (clarified butter) before the skull is cracked to release the spirit.

Another death ritual in India is practised by a small community of Zoroastrian Parsis who leave their deceased on dakhmas, or "Towers of Silence", to be consumed by vultures.

But for the country's Muslims and Christians, the government offers little hope of new graveyards as urban development picks up pace.

"The shortage of graveyards stirs resentment among the minorities and can be an issue during local elections," a senior official at the Ministry of Urban Development told AFP on condition of anonymity. "In truth, these are small issues and they need to dealt with locally."
There is an acute shortage of Graveyard space in cities. There are few options available for the people.

1. Have a Muliti layered burial for the whole family.
2. Cremate the body and just bury the ashes.
3. Buy the Burial space ( It happens in a lot of countries)

Encroachment of Wakf properties is not something out of the ordinary, these kind encroachments happens for Hindu Temple Properties as well as Christian properties.

Its much more prevalent as to occupation of Temple Lands.
Well the best approach is to allot land outside of the city, somewhere in the outer suburbs. Preferably away from prime land. But will have to be guarded to protect from grave robbers( horrible report on how some graves were dug up hours later to remove organs for sale or use as cadavers).

And tell the fourth kid he cant be buried with his siblings, not possible.. that is major cause for overcrowding.
"India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights"


i think india is only country who give complete freedom to every person, every religion. and indian muslims r most modern in Islamic world. i am giving u a example:
my economic teacher aizaz ahmed was married to hindu girl shweta sharma. and they r living happily. and it is normal in india. but if the same thing is happen in ur country then forget the living happily i have doubt they will live or not. :yahoo::yahoo:

"India's Muslims, Christians fight for burial rights"


i think india is only country who give complete freedom to every person, every religion. and indian muslims r most modern in Islamic world. i am giving u a example:
my economic teacher aizaz ahmed was married to hindu girl shweta sharma. and they r living happily. and it is normal in india. but if the same thing is happen in ur country then forget the living happily i have doubt they will live or not. :yahoo::yahoo:


Marrying a Hindu makes a Muslim modern how? Such a marriage is not valid at all in Islam. I have nothing against Hindus or non-muslims. care to ask him for us backward people how it is valid?

I ll give you a pass on rest of your statements!
Marrying a Hindu makes a Muslim modern how? Such a marriage is not valid at all in Islam. I have nothing against Hindus or non-muslims. care to ask him for us backward people how it is valid?

I ll give you a pass on rest of your statements!

muslim marrying with other religion shows that indian muslim don't care about old tredition, they think about their future. and i don't think so that it can hurt any religion. muslim in india and all indian free to choose their partner. and also muslim woman are free to do job without any veils even they r doing such jobs which was not allowed in muslim religion for woman.

most of pakistani think muslim are hated in india..if it is true how can top three muslim actor are most popular in india(including 90 crore hindus and 20 crore muslim).
Well the best approach is to allot land outside of the city, somewhere in the outer suburbs. Preferably away from prime land. But will have to be guarded to protect from grave robbers( horrible report on how some graves were dug up hours later to remove organs for sale or use as cadavers).

And tell the fourth kid he cant be buried with his siblings, not possible.. that is major cause for overcrowding.

The problem is that these cities are expanding with a very fast rate.....The place alloted for graveyard may become part of the city in just 1-2 years even if it is 10kms away(for big cities)
1. Have a Muliti layered burial for the whole family.

Sad scenario for Christians and Muslims.

2. Cremate the body and just bury the ashes.

They are not Hindus who could be cremated and turned into ashes. besides the gory scenes of half burnt dead bodies left over in the gangs for lunch of animals is so scary. And this happens in India due to poverty as the families can not afford the costly wood for burning the dead bodies. So Mr Evil if NON-Hindus listen to you and go for cremating then from where they are going to buy the costly wood or even simple wood for that? Keeping in view the grave poverty level of Muslims and Christians in India.

3. Buy the Burial space ( It happens in a lot of countries)

With massive poverty from where Muslims and Christians will bring money to buy burrial land ?
And if there is enough land to be sold then why Indians are cheating them by saying due to expanding cities there is NO land.
As the article states some Christians are taking up cremation.
I think its time for the Muslim community go the same way.

Can any one imagine if Hindus were also burying their dead ,large part every Indian city would used as Kabarstan ??
muslim marrying with other religion shows that indian muslim don't care about old tredition, they think about their future. and i don't think so that it can hurt any religion. muslim in india and all indian free to choose their partner. and also muslim woman are free to do job without any veils even they r doing such jobs which was not allowed in muslim religion for woman.

most of pakistani think muslim are hated in india..if it is true how can top three muslim actor are most popular in india(including 90 crore hindus and 20 crore muslim).

First off, mualims believe in religion, not tradition. ( not that a lot of backword ness does come from indo-pak traditions)
Those laws never change.Plenty of women do and have been working out there in muslim world. Pakistan & Iran notably. That is nothing new.
islam does not prevent from choosing your own life partner.

What you need to understand that you have your belief & practicing muslims have their own. You should not criticize someone's religious beliefs.

They are not Hindus who could be cremated and turned into ashes. besides the gory scenes of half burnt dead bodies left over in the gangs for lunch of animals is so scary. And this happens in India due to poverty as the families can not afford the costly wood for burning the dead bodies. So Mr Evil if NON-Hindus listen to you and go for cremating then from where they are going to buy the costly wood or even simple wood for that? Keeping in view the grave poverty level of Muslims and Christians in India.

Absolutely wrong idea.

Those weren't half burnt dead bodies at all ,but dead bodies that are flown in the sacred water of the Ganges . As per Hindu believe system they would washed off all their sins and go to heaven .

And there is no buy costly wood either .Its usually the cheap firewoods that are for Hindu cremation .
Now every big city of India has facility of electric burners to cremation purpose which is extremely Eco friendly and cost effective.
As the article states some Christians are taking up cremation.
I think its time for the Muslim community go the same way.

Can any one imagine if Hindus were also burying their dead ,large part every Indian city would used as Kabarstan ??

Those Christians are newly converts from Hinduism so for them it might not be an issue to be burnt like hindus BUT Muslims do not burn their dead.

What a dooms day for Muslims in India that one after other thing is picked up to change their religion by Hindus.

The ashes and half burnt dead bodies in gangs already are creating problems besides how do you see the elimination of forests/greenery
Absolutely wrong idea.

Those weren't half burnt dead bodies at all ,but dead bodies that are flown in the sacred water of the Ganges . As per Hindu believe system they would washed off all their sins and go to heaven .

I can post matter and pics to back my comment but the stuff is not suitable to be posted to make people yak and feel odd.

Again ok if what you said is right. Again the Question is how many people can afford the wood amounting to tons and tons ?
I think its time for the Muslim community go the same way.

Feel free to give that idea to your local masjid. I am sure you can convince them they same way they can convince you to bury your dead. personally I would nt make a suggestion that goes against the rites of another religion.

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