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India's northeast speaks out against racism

Not really worth it,to be honest,this thread.Mainland and its inhabitants won't change whether we voice our opinion or not.After all people who think rape of women and abuse by security forces is par for the course won't think much of racism..unless they are on the receiving end.
These same people will be campaigning and preaching others about how rape is abhorrent and simply extend indirect support to the rapes by security forces.These same people will cry about racism they face in the west and rest of the world,all the while being some of the biggest racists and hypocrites on earth.It is not difficult to see why the rest of NE has long given up on mainland and mainlanders with only a few still bothering to communicate with them,futilely I may add.
To cut the story short,yes racism exists against mongoloid people from NE and talking about it is not going to bring an iota of change.NE will just have to stand up and strengthen itself.
hi....nice to see a blunt, unsophisticated but a very candid post. although i do not like u painting all the northerners with the same brush, but sadly, you are not very far away from the truth.
people from the north and i mean the hindi heartland, suffer (or lets say enjoy) from a superiority complex. the coz of this is purely based on ignorance (and not malice...for the most cases).
this bias towards the north easterners is not isolated as the southern ppl also bear the brunt of this complex.....fair/tall vs dark/etc....against bengalis/assamese as they are lazy ppl.
only difference in the case of mongoloid-looking ppl (northeastern) and the above case is that the above ppl have way more interaction with the northereners and it wud take at least 2 decades of active intermingling to bridge the gap.
now, the above explanation doesnt prove that the northeasterners are angels themselves. I was in arunachal for a couple of years myself. I saw how the tribal ppl , without any reason, harassed poor bihari vendors. not only them , but anyone who was a non tribal - bengali bihari assamese punjabi anybody who is non tribal (i was a victim myself)-------what is this if it isnt RACISM ??? ring any bells ???
.....situation in manipur, nagaland n mizoram isnt any different. the northereners were raping mugging etc but bcoz they thot those victims as soft targets but not "chinkies", in the NE states they exploit openly based on racism------ tum log saala amaara state me aaya, aam jo maarji wo kaarega----is the fucking pet dialogue of the so called angels.

so my dear brother open up ur mind before speaking up......

extending support to rapes via security forces bit is has some truth thoh.....our forces are no better than any other armies i guess.......rapes committed by jawans in assam n kashmir are proof enough (dont dare ask me for any proofs anybody). unfortunately , these violations against humanity are like compensations against less leaves and poor salaries.


Bhai tu ek baar idhar Mumbai aaja..... Mai tujhe NE walo ke area me leke jaata hoon then you decide how much racist we rest are against NE Indians. I agree there are many people who are racists, but lets not generalise.
Heck, we Indians are racist against other Indians too (Biharis/ Tamils/ Gujjus....):lol:
the main concern of the OP was to make some fun of indians. as their is not much more material to counter us with, what better subject would be throw upon us as those of rape, toilets, poverty n now , racism....
A recent street brawl in New Delhi that spiralled out of control and led to the death of a young student from India's Arunachal Pradesh has brought into focus what people from the northeast have always bitterly complained about without getting much of a hearing: racial discrimination that they routinely face in the rest of the country for their Mongoloid looks.

Since Nido Taniam was killed in late January, the complaints have grown louder and northeasterners have taken to the streets in large numbers across India to highlight the discrimination.

Every year thousands of young people from the northeast migrate to New Delhi and other cities for higher education and jobs. The seven states known as "Seven Sisters" are connected to India with a sliver of land that spans over the northern top of Bangladesh, and are plagued with chronic underdevelopment and separatist conflicts.

It is common for the people from the northeast to be called "Chinkies" - a word so common that many have become immune to it but derogatory enough for the government to punish its use with five years jail term. Harassment from landlords, employers and assaults on the street are commonplace.

Now India's northeastern community is campaigning for an anti-racism legislation. But they say most Indians including the government are in denial that Indians are racists.

Some of them speak to Al Jazeera, sharing what they are forced to endure for being from India's northeast:

Kim, Call centre worker from Manipur, now working in Haryana
"Men in Delhi treat us as if we are loose women. Just the other day, I was standing at the pickup point for my office cab to take me to Faridabad. There was another woman next to me from northern India working for a tech company; we both were in formals. A car pulls up and the man asks, 'Madam do you need a ride?' His look and his voice made it clear what he was looking for.

"But the point is why he asked me and not the other woman?

"At our workplaces, the men always invite me and other girls from northeast for any party they are having. As if we are party girls. They keep nagging us saying, 'Lets go grab a beer, a drink.' Why don't they ask other women and why ask only for drinks and parties? Even when we say no, they don't give up.

"It becomes very difficult because most of the time they are our managers. If the rent is 5,000 rupees ($80.42) for any normal Indian, for us it is 7,000-8,000 ($112 - $128)

"When we ask for a rent agreement to get a phone connection etc, they make us buy it in black for 300-500 rupees ($4.83 - $8.04)."

Bruce K. Thangkhal, Journalist, Delhi
"When people call me Bahadur, China, etc, I ask them politely, 'Why do you call me this? I am also an Indian.' But in response they pull my shirt, twist my arms or grab my neck.


Bruce K. Thangkhal, Journalist [Supplied/Al Jazeera]
"A few months ago my sister and I went to Sarojini Nagar Market in Delhi. Someone called me King-Kong, Chow-chow, momo in a low tone voice but loud enough for me to hear.

"When I confronted they roughed me up. A crowd formed and they enjoyed the show. They pinched my cheeks. The men tried to pull my sister’s hair, touched her back.

"Last year, I was travelling in the metro in the general compartment. Two seats to my left were reserved for ladies and physically challenged people, where some men were sitting. I was at the third seat.

"A woman, who was wearing formal clothes, so it was clear she was an educated woman said, 'You stand up.' I did not hear her because I was listening to music so she shouted. I asked, "Why don’t you ask them who are sitting at the wrong place, why me?"

She said, "You don’t respect women?" I was so embarrassed, a crowd gathered and they made me feel as if I was harassing the woman.

This same incident happened to me five times last year. To them I am an easy target.

D. Yirang Jimbe, Call Center worker, Haryana
"Two years ago, I was with my brothers and sisters in my rented apartment in Gurgaon.


India Page: Racism Vox Pops: Yirang Jimbe [Supplied/Al Jazeera]
"The landlord and his son came to our room at midnight to ask for rent.

"They kicked our door, so when we went out they beat my brother. 'All we said was why are you asking for rent at midnight and we have never been late in paying.'

"But we had to be quiet because our sisters were with us; we were scared they would do something to them.

"We can't complain to the police. Then no one will rent us rooms in the locality. The police don't even take us seriously. It is only a waste of time.

"Even when I am with my sisters or girlfriends, they look at our women and say, 'It will be so much fun to be with you.'

"We avoid confrontation; they will only beat us and maybe kill us like Nido."

Jackson Gonmei, Student, Delhi
"I was working at call centre in Delhi associated with a California-based company since 2012. In June, they asked me to stop coming with no notice. But till date they did not clear my last month's salary.


Jackson Gonmei [Supplied/Al Jazeera]
"Every time I call they challenge me saying, 'try and do whatever you want.' They are rude and misbehave.

"I have started the legal process through the northeast helpline.

"For months I asked for an employment letter but they refused.

"Because we are treated as outsiders, they get away with suppressing us. I am not chasing the money; I think it is time that I have to speak up.

"On the streets people comment, 'Are you from Nepal or China?' Do you know Karate, Kung-fu? Do you eat snakes, dogs?"

Phurpa Tsering, Northeast India Forum Against Racism

"Our demands are the enactment of the anti-racism law and that the pending cases of violence against northeasterners be put in fast-track court.


Phurpa Tsering, Northeast India Forum Against Racism [Supplied/Al Jazeera]
"We recognise that there is racism in India not only against northeast people but also against south Indians, adivasis (tribals). That is why we want a cohesive and comprehensive law that addresses racism in the country.

"Even the prime minister, uses the word prejudice, which is a very milder form and does not address racism. The media is biased. For example, when the police lathi-charged protesters on February 14, the media said it was mild. But I was
there and I have seen people with broken limbs, bones; it was not mild at all.

"Prior to the post-mortem, the Asian Age newspaper wrote on February 4 saying Nido Tania died of drug overdose. This falls in line with stereotyping. Northeastern women are seen as morally loose, easy to get.

"Men are portrayed as drug addicts, drop outs, good for nothing, scumbags. These events, like Nido's killing, rape
cases are very polarising. It makes you very conscious of your race. Who you are? What you are? This will result in isolation."

Alana Golmei, North East Support Centre and Helpline (NESCH)
"We receive an average of 20-30 calls a month. Most are related to non-payment of salaries to northeasterners working in BPOs and physical assaults.


Alana Golmei, North East Support Centre and
Helpline (NESCH), Delhi [Supplied/Al Jazeera]

"When we call the employers, most of them are in Haryana so they say, 'I am Haryanvi. I am a local man. You are an outsider, what can you do?'

"Verbal abuse is something very small because people encounter this everyday.

"They keep it to themselves and don't complain. We are little immune to it. We have been facing it and not speaking up and this has led to more serious assaults like the death of Nido Tania."

Binalakshami Nepram, Activist, Manipur
"I have handled five dead bodies of young people from the northeast. A week before Nido Taniam died, two women from Manipur were molested in broad daylight in south Delhi. A 27-year-old woman from Manipur was sexually assaulted and
murdered in her own flat by the landlord and his brother-in-law in Chirag, Delhi.

"A young boy died in Safdarjung hospital because he was denied a bed in the hospital. Now we say: enough is enough. We don’t want to be treated as second-class citizens.

"They call us chinki. Who is making us feel different? Is it us? Or the people of the other parts of India?"

Aruni Kashyap, Author, Assam
"The word remote is a problematic modifier to stand in front of 'Northeast.'


Aruni Kashyap, Author [Supplied/Al Jazeera]
"Remote - for whom and from which standpoint? Do people in Delhi use the word remote to describe Chennai or Kottyam?

It shows the psychological disconnect people of mainland India has with our region.

"Prejudice against Biharis/outsiders in northeast should be condemned no doubt, but this is often a topic that comes up when we talk about racism against northeastern people and often used as a conversation blocker.

"It is like saying Indians in the western countries have no right to complain about racism because Indians are racists themselves."
All from al Jazeera. :coffee:

I wonder why all mix so freely with the rest of us if they are so discriminated? Why do they work in all the cities, in every profession imaginable, in each and every nook and corner of the country they are supposedly continuously violated?


extending support to rapes via security forces bit is has some truth thoh.....our forces are no better than any other armies i guess.......rapes committed by jawans in assam n kashmir are proof enough (dont dare ask me for any proofs anybody). unfortunately , these violations against humanity are like compensations against less leaves and poor salaries
From your experience in the Indian Armed Forces sire?

@Dillinger @JAT BALWAN
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Bhai tu ek baar idhar Mumbai aaja..... Mai tujhe NE walo ke area me leke jaata hoon then you decide how much racist we rest are against NE Indians. I agree there are many people who are racists, but lets not generalise.
Heck, we Indians are racist against other Indians too (Biharis/ Tamils/ Gujjus....):lol:

Yes many Indians are racist towards NEers,but many are not & this number is increasing day by day trust me
Wait , aren't you mixing up a lot of things , the matter at hand is racism against us north easterners. explain the bolded part..
You are speaking as if our people are not capable of committing any crimes at all. Rapes happen and will happen with or without them. I agree in the past ,security forces are under the cover of AFSPA, guilty in certain situations.And nobody in their right mind anywhere in India support this. things have changed now , time to move on.

Agreed that there are certain amount of racism is prevalent in north India , but not every people in north are racist . Most of them are equally disgusted by incidents of rape and racism .
why blame the entire community/country for the action of some ignorant individuals ?
Your post give the impression that you are no different from the certain racist north Indians. you are equally racist against anyone different from you, so F.U..
((give a good read to your post, you have presented to the world our typical backward tribal mentality ))
for the bold part -- try to impose the same AFSPA in delhi/ haryana/UP etc and see the repurcussions.
silence is guilty enough
for the bold part -- try to impose the same AFSPA in delhi/ haryana/UP etc and see the repurcussions.
silence is guilty enough
Always opposed the AFSPA , never supported it , lived through it until i moved to guwahati... but remind me, why it was imposed in the first place?? why it is always the local police commandos and forces who abuse it ??
hi....nice to see a blunt, unsophisticated but a very candid post. although i do not like u painting all the northerners with the same brush, but sadly, you are not very far away from the truth.
people from the north and i mean the hindi heartland, suffer (or lets say enjoy) from a superiority complex. the coz of this is purely based on ignorance (and not malice...for the most cases).
this bias towards the north easterners is not isolated as the southern ppl also bear the brunt of this complex.....fair/tall vs dark/etc....against bengalis/assamese as they are lazy ppl.
only difference in the case of mongoloid-looking ppl (northeastern) and the above case is that the above ppl have way more interaction with the northereners and it wud take at least 2 decades of active intermingling to bridge the gap.
now, the above explanation doesnt prove that the northeasterners are angels themselves. I was in arunachal for a couple of years myself. I saw how the tribal ppl , without any reason, harassed poor bihari vendors. not only them , but anyone who was a non tribal - bengali bihari assamese punjabi anybody who is non tribal (i was a victim myself)-------what is this if it isnt RACISM ??? ring any bells ???
.....situation in manipur, nagaland n mizoram isnt any different. the northereners were raping mugging etc but bcoz they thot those victims as soft targets but not "chinkies", in the NE states they exploit openly based on racism------ tum log saala amaara state me aaya, aam jo maarji wo kaarega----is the fucking pet dialogue of the so called angels.

so my dear brother open up ur mind before speaking up......

extending support to rapes via security forces bit is has some truth thoh.....our forces are no better than any other armies i guess.......rapes committed by jawans in assam n kashmir are proof enough (dont dare ask me for any proofs anybody). unfortunately , these violations against humanity are like compensations against less leaves and poor salaries.

the main concern of the OP was to make some fun of indians. as their is not much more material to counter us with, what better subject would be throw upon us as those of rape, toilets, poverty n now , racism....

I completely agree with the points. Descrimination exist everywhere. I can affirm your points because I am an Assamese, even I discremenate against tribals and hindi speaking population in a few cases.
Even there is too much discrimination among ne states.State boarder dispute has become a setious issue in recent times, in aassam nagaland boarder in last few days nagas attacked 20 villages of assam citing that it is their territory. They burned down 20 villages, 19 dead bodies of killed villagers found till now. CRPF is doing nothing stating that they cant take action against ceasefired militents unless fired upon.
In retaliation Assamese have started economic blockades against nagaland.
These kind of problems will remain. But our Mantra is unity in diversity, so for the vast majority Indianess will remain in times of glory & trouble to help each other out.

hi....nice to see a blunt, unsophisticated but a very candid post. although i do not like u painting all the northerners with the same brush, but sadly, you are not very far away from the truth.
people from the north and i mean the hindi heartland, suffer (or lets say enjoy) from a superiority complex. the coz of this is purely based on ignorance (and not malice...for the most cases).
this bias towards the north easterners is not isolated as the southern ppl also bear the brunt of this complex.....fair/tall vs dark/etc....against bengalis/assamese as they are lazy ppl.
only difference in the case of mongoloid-looking ppl (northeastern) and the above case is that the above ppl have way more interaction with the northereners and it wud take at least 2 decades of active intermingling to bridge the gap.
now, the above explanation doesnt prove that the northeasterners are angels themselves. I was in arunachal for a couple of years myself. I saw how the tribal ppl , without any reason, harassed poor bihari vendors. not only them , but anyone who was a non tribal - bengali bihari assamese punjabi anybody who is non tribal (i was a victim myself)-------what is this if it isnt RACISM ??? ring any bells ???
.....situation in manipur, nagaland n mizoram isnt any different. the northereners were raping mugging etc but bcoz they thot those victims as soft targets but not "chinkies", in the NE states they exploit openly based on racism------ tum log saala amaara state me aaya, aam jo maarji wo kaarega----is the fucking pet dialogue of the so called angels.

so my dear brother open up ur mind before speaking up......

extending support to rapes via security forces bit is has some truth thoh.....our forces are no better than any other armies i guess.......rapes committed by jawans in assam n kashmir are proof enough (dont dare ask me for any proofs anybody). unfortunately , these violations against humanity are like compensations against less leaves and poor salaries.

the main concern of the OP was to make some fun of indians. as their is not much more material to counter us with, what better subject would be throw upon us as those of rape, toilets, poverty n now , racism....

I completely agree with the points. Descrimination exist everywhere. I can affirm your points because I am an Assamese, even I discremenate against tribals and hindi speaking population in a few cases.
Even there is too much discrimination among ne states.State boarder dispute has become a setious issue in recent times, in aassam nagaland boarder in last few days nagas attacked 20 villages of assam citing that it is their territory. They burned down 20 villages, 19 dead bodies of killed villagers found till now. CRPF is doing nothing stating that they cant take action against ceasefired militents unless fired upon.
In retaliation Assamese have started economic blockades against nagaland.
These kind of problems will remain. But our Mantra is unity in diversity, so for the vast majority Indianess will remain in times of glory & trouble to help each other out.

We are worse. :D
dont patronize
browses through assamese newspapers of ninties like doinik asom,xadin,you will get a fair idea from the amount of alleged atrocities reported(the hiteswar saikia's 2nd term)
anyway that is not the topic at hand
topic is racism
racism does exist in India(more so in northern India).even in NE it exists,one tribe/ethnicity cant bear to look at the other(naga-kuki,meite-paite,bodo-kochrajbonsi),various slangs are used for people from other states
so its not like,we can claim high moral ground

just a couple of days ago the in house,francois marie arouet,declared me an outsider,because he thinks i am not ethnic assamese
Always opposed the AFSPA , never supported it , lived through it until i moved to guwahati... but remind me, why it was imposed in the first place?? why it is always the local police commandos and forces who abuse it ??
u seem to have touched a very basic point of human psyche.
i hope u have come across the saying : power corrupts.....and if the power is over alien ppl, concience doesnt take a backseat.....it just leaves the room.
dont patronize
browses through assamese newspapers of ninties like doinik asom,xadin,you will get a fair idea from the amount of alleged atrocities reported(the hiteswar saikia's 2nd term)
anyway that is not the topic at hand
topic is racism
racism does exist in India(more so in northern India).even in NE it exists,one tribe/ethnicity cant bear to look at the other(naga-kuki,meite-paite,bodo-kochrajbonsi),various slangs are used for people from other states
so its not like,we can claim high moral ground

just a couple of days ago the in house,francois marie arouet,declared me an outsider,because he thinks i am not ethnic assamese

I guess this is the case among other societies too. Dscrimination within Assamese is pretty eveident. We discriminate calling each other muttock, chutiya, kalita, ahom etc etc. Even some of my Ahom friends, they are too conservative thinking themself as part of royal kin. I guess that is the story of our life. Have to live on with it.
u seem to have touched a very basic point of human psyche.
i hope u have come across the saying : power corrupts.....and if the power is over alien ppl, concience doesnt take a backseat.....it just leaves the room.
Sort of , the most famous case of AFSPA abuse is that of Monorama Devi . Check out the name of the accused . Two of them are naga jawans . Tehelka few years ago reported with pics a incident of killing of a young ex militant in a busy market , all done by local manipuri police commandos. Its the local forces who abuse the law more than IA . However things have changed rapidly now .
AFSPA has nothing to do with race or region . It is just a shitty law which just make everyones life difficult everywhere.
Blame our Gogoi and Ibobi for bringing in the law in the first place , had they opposed, things would have been so much differnt.
dont patronize
browses through assamese newspapers of ninties like doinik asom,xadin,you will get a fair idea from the amount of alleged atrocities reported(the hiteswar saikia's 2nd term)
anyway that is not the topic at hand
topic is racism
racism does exist in India(more so in northern India).even in NE it exists,one tribe/ethnicity cant bear to look at the other(naga-kuki,meite-paite,bodo-kochrajbonsi),various slangs are used for people from other states
so its not like,we can claim high moral ground

just a couple of days ago the in house,francois marie arouet,declared me an outsider,because he thinks i am not ethnic assamese
where?please elaborate if you don't mind:enjoy:

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