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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Friday that his government has given the armed forces full freedom to take any necessary action, and he also appeared to downplay the clash that killed 20 Indian soldiers and injured more than 70 on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control in the Galwan Valley on Monday.

This sentence from the global times article meant 20 killed and 70 injured Indian soldiers happened on the Chinese side of Line of Actual Control in Galwan Valley. It's not about Chinese numbers at all.
And I thought our Indian members would be at least proficient in English :rofl:
Fair, the way it is worded could mean that too. Do you really think that China will ever acknowledge their losses? Nope! :) I remember reading a post from Hu Xijin's Twitter account where he did acknowledge causalities but did not provide the number. I don't think China ever will, not for the next 20 years atleast.

US sources citing 35 dead on the Chinese side. https://www.usnews.com/news/world-r...ina-face-off-in-first-deadly-clash-in-decades

I take it you are a smart chap. Let's be real, in a brawl like that, in the dark, on a ridge, with hundreds going at it, do you think soldiers from only one side will die?

Same USNEWS ranks India #14 most powerful country in the world.

Maybe you should tell Global Times to remove the reference where it states 70 causalities.

In general, what's funny is how much the Pakistani members jump for joy, given they are the ones who lost East Pakistan, not to mention 3 wars and a limited conflict in 1999, after claiming it was Mujaheddin at first. :0
The reality is that its not India that's loosing territory, its Pakistan. Pakistan will economically mortgage itself with Chinese infrastructure projects and surrender control to China after being unable to pay. This is how modern colonization takes place, economically.

If members want to refer to 1962, why don't they also refer to 1967? Perhaps that does not support their preconception. 1962 was a Chinese victory and 1967 was an Indian victory. China or India, just like any other country can win if many things line up - training, tactics, coordination, logistics, intelligence, technological edge and preparation. China got schooled by Vietnam and so did the US. They both underestimated the groundwork before undertaking a war.

Modern war is not like a bar fight, where if someone punches you, you punch right back. Neither country can sustain a full blown war and they are aware of it. Not even the United States, let alone a country which is developing fast, but still 2-3 decades behind the US(China).

Countries pick the time, place and strategy of their choosing. China made its pick, after months of immediate preparation, and years of overall preparation in the general area. Now we will have to wait and see where, what and how India picks its battle.

I've been reading this forum for over 15 yrs. Over the last year or two, the forum has become a joke. This is no longer a forum where there is intelligent discussion on strategic topics. It turned to a collection of troll posts and adolescent jokers typing faster than they can think.
Casualty and deaths are different bhai. One is injury or death, one is confirmed dead. One report stated India having 100 casualties.
US sources citing 35 dead on the Chinese side.
usnews.com is a run down now 3rd rate newsblog spamming social media with these "5 things you must know to lose weight" clickbait and promoted content articles
usnews.com has 1% of the audience of borderline bankrupt fakenews trash like Washington Post and its staff fits into a single office room
usnews.com alleges to be paraphrasing what it alleges to have been told by an anonymous source
This anonymous source is alleged to be familiar with what U.S. intelligence allegedly believes or has assessed.
There is no actual citation of that anonymous source.
There is no citation of any U.S. intelligence at all.
There never was an U.S. intelligence report.

That can mean absolutely anything, if even true that they spoke to someone who did claim that.
usnews.com could have been talking to some random Indian on Twitter claiming his dad works for Lockheed Martin who knows a Vietnamese plumber who spoke to some pumbler at the Pentagon and so on. They could have been talking to some random Falun Gong cultists in America. Who knows? What kind of bullshit source is this supposed to be?

And anyways American propaganda mouthpiece parotting Indian lies or lying on behalf of India are no inch better or more relibale sources than Indian propaganda mouthpieces themself or making Indians damage controll and more credible or more believeable.

Stop being such a pathetic liars.
La, come on. Let's be real here. Do you think 0 Chinese soliders died?

Casualty and deaths are different bhai. One is injury or death, one is confirmed dead. One report stated India having 100 casualties.

So, how many Chinese soldiers lost their lives? :)

usnews.com is a run down now 3rd rate newsblog spamming social media with these "5 things you must know to lose weight" clickbait and promoted content articles
usnews.com has 1% of the audience of borderline bankrupt fakenews trash like Washington Post and its staff fits into a single office room
usnews.com alleges to be paraphrasing what it alleges to have been told by an anonymous source
This anonymous source is alleged to be familiar with what U.S. intelligence allegedly believes or has assessed.
There is no actual citation of that anonymous source.
There is no citation of any U.S. intelligence at all.
There never was an U.S. intelligence report.

That can mean absolutely anything, if even true that they spoke to someone who did claim that.
usnews.com could have been talking to some random Indian on Twitter claiming his dad works for Lockheed Martin who knows a Vietnamese plumber who spoke to some pumbler at the Pentagon and so on. They could have been talking to some random Falun Gong cultists in America. Who knows? What kind of bullshit source is this supposed to be?

And anyways American propaganda mouthpiece parotting Indian lies or lying on behalf of India are no inch better or more relibale sources than Indian propaganda mouthpieces themself or making Indians damage controll and more credible or more believeable.

Stop being such a pathetic liars.

What is funny is how you hide behind a fake flag. :) Ashamed to sport the two greens?

And I thought our Indian members would be at least proficient in English :rofl:
La, come on. Let's be real here. Do you think 0 Chinese soliders died?

So, how many Chinese soldiers lost their lives? :)

What is funny is how you hide behind a fake flag. :) Ashamed to sport the two greens?
Some Chinese blogs say 2-5 dead 12- 15 injured
On a more serious note, do you really think 0 Chinese soldiers died in a clash that took place on a ridge in complete darkness with hundreds of men fighting each other?

La, come on. Let's be real here. Do you think 0 Chinese soliders died?

So, how many Chinese soldiers lost their lives? :)

What is funny is how you hide behind a fake flag. :) Ashamed to sport the two greens?
Some Chinese blogs say 2-5 dead 12- 15 injured
The maximum number of Chinese soldiers that died was 2, from a Chinese source who later deleted his post. The same source also stated 47 Indian soldiers were killed and that the Chinese had photographic evidence of this. But most other Chinese sources, including SCMP, say no Chinese soldiers were killed and instead some were lightly injured. So basically 0-2 dead, up to 20 injured (mostly light injuries). I would be surprised if even 2 Chinese soldiers died because the "fight" only lasted for a short while before the Indian CO was killed and the whole entire group routed.

On a more serious note, do you really think 0 Chinese soldiers died in a clash that took place on a ridge in complete darkness with hundreds of men fighting each other?
It is possible. Note by the Indian army's own admission most of the soldiers died after succumbing to their wounds in freezing temperatures overnight. That means the Indian army's medical logistics and search teams failed miserably in treating and evacuating their wounded. As for the Chinese, I'm sure some were wounded, maybe even severely, but the PLA readily evacuated them in time. If anything, had the PLA not captured the 60 Indian soldiers, some of whom were badly wounded, these soldiers may have died in the night but were instead saved by their captors.
Precisely, don't you see how China fakes numbers? My take on it is this, they planned this all, but the results turned out unfavorably. India gave the soldiers a funeral according to their army's tradition.
See the photos. Do you think the army picks 20 out of (your claimed) 47 for an official funeral, in a country where the news, twitter and youtube are available?

Can you show me one Chinese source of their soldiers having a (official) funeral? Even you seemed to side with the idea that 2 died right?

Chinese coronavirus numbers 85,000. Do you believe it? If you do, you'll also believe the earth is flat. This is the country that falsely accused Dr Li Wenliang and made him testify.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion, bring it on. I have been visiting this site since 2007, and I have seen a lot of members come and go. Over a time like that, you see it all... the gullible, the misinformed, the biased, the sensible and the morons.

The maximum number of Chinese soldiers that died was 2, from a Chinese source who later deleted his post. The same source also stated 47 Indian soldiers were killed and that the Chinese had photographic evidence of this. But most other Chinese sources, including SCMP, say no Chinese soldiers were killed and instead some were lightly injured.

The maximum number of Chinese soldiers that died was 2, from a Chinese source who later deleted his post. The same source also stated 47 Indian soldiers were killed and that the Chinese had photographic evidence of this. But most other Chinese sources, including SCMP, say no Chinese soldiers were killed and instead some were lightly injured. So basically 0-2 dead, up to 20 injured (mostly light injuries). I would be surprised if even 2 Chinese soldiers died because the "fight" only lasted for a short while before the Indian CO was killed and the whole entire group routed.

How old are you?

In a country with a free press, you will have rankings.

When China stops being afraid of Twitter, lets continue this discussion....

usnews.com is a run down now 3rd rate newsblog spamming social media with these "5 things you must know to lose weight" clickbait and promoted content articles
usnews.com has 1% of the audience of borderline bankrupt fakenews trash like Washington Post and its staff fits into a single office room
usnews.com alleges to be paraphrasing what it alleges to have been told by an anonymous source
This anonymous source is alleged to be familiar with what U.S. intelligence allegedly believes or has assessed.
There is no actual citation of that anonymous source.
There is no citation of any U.S. intelligence at all.
There never was an U.S. intelligence report.

That can mean absolutely anything, if even true that they spoke to someone who did claim that.
usnews.com could have been talking to some random Indian on Twitter claiming his dad works for Lockheed Martin who knows a Vietnamese plumber who spoke to some pumbler at the Pentagon and so on. They could have been talking to some random Falun Gong cultists in America. Who knows? What kind of bullshit source is this supposed to be?

And anyways American propaganda mouthpiece parotting Indian lies or lying on behalf of India are no inch better or more relibale sources than Indian propaganda mouthpieces themself or making Indians damage controll and more credible or more believeable.

Stop being such a pathetic liars.
Precisely, don't you see how China fakes numbers? My take on it is this, they planned this all, but the results turned out unfavorably. India gave the soldiers a funeral according to their army's tradition.
How has China faked numbers when they haven't even given out any numbers? You might be able to make an argument for this if they threw a number out but they didn't. We could also argue that India's casualty count of 20 dead is not true because of numerous reports saying upwards of 50 Indian soldiers were killed. The numbers I cited came from pretty reliable Chinese sources (note SCMP is a Hong Kong publication that often has pretty good intel on mainland Chinese sources.
Chinese coronavirus numbers 85,000. Do you believe it? If you do, you'll also believe the earth is flat. This is the country that falsely accused Dr Li Wenliang and made him testify.
How old are you?
Nice try with the Red Herring.
If you want to have an intelligent discussion, bring it on. I have been visiting this site since 2007, and I have seen a lot of members come and go. Over a time like that, you see it all... the gullible, the misinformed, the biased, the sensible and the morons.
How old are you?
Older than you. If anything I also try to have a discussion with sensible people. I have been frequenting forums for a very long time as well so I can distinguish pretty well between trolls and rational people.

In a country with a free press, you will have rankings.

When China stops being afraid of Twitter, lets continue this discussion....
Why do you keep tossing a red herring? No one is talking about press freedom or human rights. Save that for some other moral debate. It has nothing to do with what we are discussing.
usnews.com is a run down now 3rd rate newsblog spamming social media with these "5 things you must know to lose weight" clickbait and promoted content articles
usnews.com has 1% of the audience of borderline bankrupt fakenews trash like Washington Post and its staff fits into a single office room
usnews.com alleges to be paraphrasing what it alleges to have been told by an anonymous source
This anonymous source is alleged to be familiar with what U.S. intelligence allegedly believes or has assessed.
There is no actual citation of that anonymous source.
There is no citation of any U.S. intelligence at all.
There never was an U.S. intelligence report.

To add to that.

Paul D Shinkman who shills at the the lowkey publisher US News and created the "someone said U.S. intelligence said" rumor without a shred of evidence is a mouthpiece for the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) which is a just mouthpiece and propaganda scriptwriter funded by and shilling for U.S. weapon manufacturing industry and U.S. defence contractors.

Their publications hold zero credibility since they follow not just an agenda laid uppon them by sponsors, directors and editors like most U.S. media mouthpieces but a personal interest to fan up anti-China rethoric including spoonfeeding beligerent populations like that of India with fakenews.
Last edited:
On a more serious note, do you really think 0 Chinese soldiers died in a clash that took place on a ridge in complete darkness with hundreds of men fighting each other?
Yes, as per pak members they Jet Li'd or Ip Man'd their way through the darkness. Hell, not even a single report of how many perished? What a shame? They must be so embarrassed by their soldier's actions they don't even want to put up numbers.

On a separate topic. Especially for the Ertuğrul fans.

What I was trying to say is that no information from China is reliable (when it makes them look unfavourable). Be it Coronavirus stats or GDP data or whatever. It wasn't to present a red herring, but to give you other situations where the same pattern repeats.

Why did I talk about Twitter? Because other voices can be hear and not silenced. It wasn't to talk about human rights. In the absence of other free platforms, you hear the biased version that makes the CCP look great.

And how do you know you are older than me? You got my ID or something? :)

How has China faked numbers when they haven't even given out any numbers? You might be able to make an argument for this if they threw a number out but they didn't. We could also argue that India's casualty count of 20 dead is not true because of numerous reports saying upwards of 50 Indian soldiers were killed. The numbers I cited came from pretty reliable Chinese sources (note SCMP is a Hong Kong publication that often has pretty good intel on mainland Chinese sources.

Nice try with the Red Herring.

Older than you. If anything I also try to have a discussion with sensible people. I have been frequenting forums for a very long time as well so I can distinguish pretty well between trolls and rational people.

Why do you keep tossing a red herring? No one is talking about press freedom or human rights. Save that for some other moral debate. It has nothing to do with what we are discussing.
On a more serious note, do you really think 0 Chinese soldiers died in a clash that took place on a ridge in complete darkness with hundreds of men fighting each other?
Initially zero died until one recently due to injury, I think last month. That was the news in Chinese net. Most Indians died due to hypothermia from fleeing into the river.

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