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No gentlemen, the real Pakistan(i) has already started speaking:

I was about to write that he is a confused idiot because he posted this soon after...

Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid · 15h 15 hours ago
this war has come to Pakistan because US has invaded Afghanistan. The main criminal is US, under whose umbrella RAW, BLA & TTP operate!


But then I checked all his tweets since the tragedy began. This man has been using the graphic images of these kids, and of many other places (including Iranian hangings) to popularize his twitter and facebook accounts.

I am amazed how can any self-respecting Pakistani follow this man when it is so clear how he has been cashing in on this tragedy to expand his twitter and facebook fan-base and to forward his own agendas.
Don't want to sound like an oddball.

But how come you people are able to get so disturbed by death of someone far far away and not in any relation with you. I do not feel anything even when someone in my family dies, let alone some children in Peshawar.And this is not limited to nationality, I did not felt any grief during 26/11 attacks.
I thought like youonly but then picture of those parents came to mind ..I was little down ..Then I saw that pic of a beautiful boy and girl coming out of tragedy suddenly some long held tears came out of my eyes ..Realised that my heart is still beating
The fire is alive because your occupying Kashmir, until that changes this is all BS

it is not kashmir, but people like you see india pakistan relations through hindu muslim angle. until the time you stop looking issues from religious angle, you will always find india pakistan relations bottom of the pit.
This was a ghastly attack and crossed all lines of sanity. Shooting school kids is the worst thing anyone could do. The dangers of losing balance between being human and being over religious.
Thank you!
Even Indians whom we have fought wars, feels the pain of massacre of children but some Mullahs are still justifying them.
For a parent, his or her kids are everything.they can understand the pain of Peshawar attack.
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