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Entrepreneurship in Indonesian Aerospace industry

Another high profile person in Indonesia Aerospace industry, Ilham Habibie. I brought Ilham Habibie interview which was actually made in 2011, before he really pursue his original passion at aviation industry. Currently he makes another company which is PT RAI (in collaboration with Erry Firmansyah/ former Jakarta Stock Exchange Director), this company is designing R-80 passenger aircraft ( 80 seats plane) that is expected to have its maiden flight at 2018.


Ilham Akbar Habibie : Still
in love with original passion,

T. Hidayat and Burhan Abe, Contributor, Jakarta | Management | Sat, August 20 2011, 8:30 AM

As the son of a former president of Indonesia, Ilham Akbar Habibie opted to start his business from zero rather than benefitting from the various privileges of the status that has followed with him for years.

With persistence and perseverance, Ilham, the oldest son of Baharudin Jusuf Habibie and Hasri Ainun, has been striving to reestablish PT Ilthabi Rekatama, a family company that had not been managed very well. “I had to decide whether to become an entrepreneur or remain a professional,” he recalled.

He said that in 2001 rather unwillingly and with a heavy heart he had to leave PT Dirgantara Indonesia (previously PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara — PT National Aircraft Industry).

According to him, although the company was not in a very good condition PT DI still had a reasonably good future. “At least PT DI has succeeded in manufacturing products that have been used by consumers,” he said.

What PT DI needed at that time, continued Ilham, was research to add to the portfolio of its products. “It is impossible for an aircraft factory to survive by relying on the production of only one type of aircraft,” he said while adding that at the time PT DI was conducting a research for the production of a new variant but unfortunately the project had to stop due to an agreement between the government and IMF.

Ilham who was then the company’s commercial director decided to leave PT DI. He said when he decided to return to Indonesia he had an important ambition; to enhance the nation’s image.

On top of everything, Ilham also has working experience at the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer, Boeing. “I want to dedicate my capabilities and skills for the benefit of my country,” said Ilham who has lived in Germany since birth.

During his career at Boeing, Ilham, who was born in Aachen, Germany on May 16, 1963, worked as one of the wing designers for Boeing 737. This was the experience he took with him to PT DI. At DI, which was established based on his father’s initiative, Ilham did not start in a top position, but started working from the bottom up. “First I was assistant to the Project Head, then Division Head until finally I was appointed as one of the directors,” he said. “Until such a time when I couldn’t see further career prospects at PT DI. Then I had a talk with my father and I told him that I had decided to leave PT DI,” he added.

It was not an easy decision, because the aircraft engineering world had been his passion from childhood. “I left PT DI with a weeping heart,” he said.

After leaving PT DI the father of three actually had not decided what he planned to do next. In his mind there were two options, to be an entrepreneur or to remain a professional.

However, he turned to the business world and became an entrepreneur. But Ilham was aware of his shortcomings in management and financial matters so he took the required MBA program.

“As a matter of fact becoming a businessman had never been in my thoughts before, but the situation prompted me to make that decision and I had to do my MBA as my background is engineering and I saw the need for learning about finance and economics,” said Ilham while adding that from 2001 until 2003 he gained further knowledge at Chicago Booth School of Business (formerly Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago), Singapore Campus.

During the time he was pursuing further education, Ilham enjoyed a lot of benefits, not only did he gain the knowledge he needed of finance and economics for which the University of Chicago is one of the
best, but also by being able to network extensively.

While continuing his further studies Ilham had already started the initial steps to become an entrepreneur. Ilham, a PhD holder from Technical University of Munich, Germany, started to reorganize the family company which had been not managed properly.

The focus of the company’s line of businesses was narrowed down. “At first we tried to concentrate on property, but later had to abandon this sector,” he disclosed.

“Our main focus was then on three sectors: natural resources, manufacturing and technology,” he added.

For natural resources Ilham established a company called Sound Oil, an oil and gas exploration company that is already listed on the London Stock Exchange. Sound Oil has offshore oil and gas concession in West Java, gas concession in Bangkanai, Central Kalimantan. The company also has a project in Italy.

Besides Sound Oil, Ilthabi Rekatama also has a coal mining company that is not yet in production, PT Ilthabi Bara Utama (IBU). The company has a 35,000 hectare concession in East Kalimantan which is estimated to be able to produce 3.3 billion tons of coal.

“We have just sold IBU to Bayan Resource,” he acknowledged. “Currently we are developing Coal Bed Methane (CBM) as an alternative energy,” he added.

In manufacturing Ilthabi Group is still focusing on two sectors, namely foundry and refrigeration while for technology Ilthabi Group currently manages a website called Home | Orbit Digital which is a continuation from Orbit magazine that was published by his mother, Hasri Ainun Habibie.

Apart from these three businesses Ilthabi also manages a financial service company, Asuransi Wuwungan (Wuwungan Insurance). According to Ilham this company has been maintained because it was the family’s very first company. Another reason is that the company is a joint venture between the family and other relatives.

Ilham, who is also the chairman of ICMI presidium said that so far he is quite satisfied with the performance of Ilthabi group and that he will always strive to improve the welfare of the 2,000 employees within the group. Therefore further developments will be made so that the group of companies earn the respect of other companies in the country. “Another project in progress is herbal plantations,” he revealed.

He said that to succeed one has to be focused as well as being realistic and flexible in facing various situations. These are all important, he added, because it is quite often that what one plans cannot be realized. Another important thing, Ilham said, is discipline.

One dream is still linked to his first passion, aircraft manufacturing. “That dream of mine has never died,” he said. He said he still has a very serious desire to go back to the aircraft business. “But maybe not the manufacturing aspect,” he admitted.

Ilham said that lots of luck would be required to go back into the aircraft world. “In life luck is when preparation is in synchronization with opportunity,” said Ilham quoting what was once said by the famous Roman philosopher, Seneca.


Name: Ilham A. Habibie, Dr. Ing., MBA
Place and date of birth: Aachen, Germany, 16 May 1963
Marital status: Married, 3 children

1981-1994: Technical University of Munich, Germany
2001-2003: Executive MBA Program, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Singapore Campus

Work Experience:
1987-1994: Technical University of Munich, Institute of Fluid Dynamics: Academic and Research Assistant, Prof. Dr. Ing. Boris Laschka
1994-1996: Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle, US: Engineer Specialist
1994-2001: PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PT. IPTN), last position Executive Vice President, Commercial
1997-1999: Lecturer, Bandung Institute of Technology
2004- present: President Director PT. Ilthabi Rekatama

- See more at: Ilham Akbar Habibie : Still in love with original passion, aircrafts | The Jakarta Post
President Jokowi to revive country`s aviation industry
Senin, 13 April 2015 18:24 WIB | 399 Views

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi, right) listen to the explanation of former President and aviation experts BJ Habibie (second left) at National Innovation Forum 2015 in Puspiptek, Serpong, Tangerang, Banten, on Monday (April 13, 2015). (ANTARA/Yudhi Mahatma)
Tangerang (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) here on Monday pledged to revive the countrys aviation industry by supporting and offering incentives to the industry.

"Research funds would be increased, so that in the long term, a product could be manufactured and economically used by the people," he stated while visiting the Science and Technology Development Center (Puspitek) in Tangerang, Banten, on Monday.

With regard to the amount of funds needed for research, he pointed out that the government would and could seek consultation regarding them with experts, including former president B.J. Habibie.

Apart from increasing research funds, President Jokowi noted that the government would also purchase domestic products.

"Yes, (the government would provide) the research funds for N245, N219, and R80. That would be the obligation of the state. Initially, the government would purchase the products. Why not?," he stressed.

President Jokowi affirmed that in the future, more research must be conducted in the field of aviation to transform them into a national project, so that the direction would be clearer.

"It would be impossible for us to use large aircraft to reach small islands in the country to improve their connectivity," he pointed out.

The countrys aviation industry has started showing signs of revival, with the production of new aircraft such as N210 and R80 that have even been ordered by several commercial airlines in the country.

(Reporting by Hanni Sofia Soepardi/Uu.H-YH/INE/KR-BSR/A014)
N-219 Project get additional 75 orders from local airlines, so in total it has already taken 175 preliminary orders.


PT DI receives order for 75 N219 aircraft
Senin, 13 April 2015 22:38 WIB | 717 Views

Tangerang, Banten (ANTARA News) - State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) will make 75 N219 light aircraft for three local airlines, namely PT Nusantara Buana Air (NBA), PT Aviastar Mandiri, and PT Trigana Air Service.

President Joko Widodo witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PT DI and the three airline companies at Puspitek (Research and Technology Center) in South Tangerang district, Banten province, on Monday.

"The MoU between PT DI and three local airline companies shows the trust that consumers have on N219 aircraft as well as on other national products," President Director of PT DI Budi Santoso said.

N219 is a small airplane that can carry 19 passengers.

PT DI noted that an N219 aircraft that is equipped with the latest electronic and aviation technology comes at a competitive price.

It can take off from a relatively short airstrip of 500-600 meters long.

The airplane will be one of the state-owned aircraft industrys best products in the future as it has been designed for multi-purpose missions in remote areas.

N219 will be able to bridge remote areas in Indonesia, Santoso pointed out.

Former President B.J. Habibie and Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education M. Nasir were also present at the signing of the MoU.

As per the MoU, PT NBA will buy 20 aircraft with 10 unit options, while PT Aviastar Mandiri will have 20 units with 10 unit options.

PT Trigana Air Service will buy 10 units with five unit options.(*)

PT DI receives order for 75 N219 aircraft - ANTARA News
R80 Very Economical for Indonesian Conditions

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The government's plan to help the development of the R80 aircraft piloted former president BJ Habibie, is considered appropriate. Henry Tedjadarma flight observers said the plane with a carrying capacity of 70-90 passengers like those of R80 is needed in Indonesia.R80 similar aircraft industry needs to be developed in the country as they relate to national air logistics system. With the development of R80, said Henry, Indonesia also can develop resistance dirgantaranya technology because it does not depend on other countries. "Moreover, R80 is supported by modern technology," he said to ROL, Tuesday (14/4).Henry assess R80 is suitable for conditions in Indonesia. This aircraft can be used for flights to remote areas with a short flight range between 250-400 kilometers and with a short runway. These inefficient such flights served by jet aircraft.R80 aircraft, said Henry, have a fly-by-wire technology and twin engine propelar. This type of aircraft is very economical when compared to aircraft jet engines. For the next 20 years, he said, the world needs about 1,700 similar planes R80. "Meanwhile, the portion Indonesia needs around 30 percent," he said.

R80 Sangat Ekonomis untuk Kondisi Indonesia | Republika Online

President Jokowi Include R80 as the National Program

Monday, April 13th, 2015, 18:15Serpong

Joko Widodo President promised to include the program of making the plane R80 initiated the third President of the Republic of Indonesia, BJ Habibie, into a national project. Joko Widodo President's promise following the wishes of PT Regio Aviation Industry to seek domestic investors to finance the production of the first phase of R80 400 units at a cost of around Rp 90 trillion."Later we enter into a national program," said Jokowi at Graha Widya Bakti Puspiptek, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten, on Monday (13/04).PT Regio Aviation Indonesia (PT RAI) also stated otherwise find domestic investors including banks of Indonesia, it will be handed over to a foreign consortium."What we need is government support for financing part of Indonesia. Private parts and abroad, they will come if the government contributed to the sense of saying 'please' because the aircraft industry such as Boeing and Airbus can help the same, "said BJ Habibie to President Joko Widodo while showing miniature R80. R80 aircraft has a capacity of 80 to 90 passengers were intended to serve the short-to medium-sized regional. BJ Habibie also expressed a twin-engine turboprop aircraft has a fuel efficiency and low maintenance costs.Director of PT.RAI, Agung Nugroho said, the development of the R-80 aircraft was conducted to strengthen connectivity between islands in Indonesia, while increasing the national logistics system. According to him, it's been three Indonesian airlines expressed interest to buy the aircraft with a capacity of 80 people, the NAM Water, Trigana and Kalstar with total orders for 145 aircraft.

Presiden Jokowi Berjanji Masukkan R80 Sebagai Proyek Nasional
CN -235 MPA / older version

Indonesian, South Korean officials meet to discuss in KFX

By: Greg Waldron
Source: Flightglobal.com
Jakarta has reiterated its commitment as a partner in South Korea’s KFX indigenous fighter programme.

The Indonesian defence ministry released a statement on the programme following a visit to Indonesia by representatives of Seoul’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA).

"To overcome the problems that arise in the implementation of cooperation in KFX / IFX, it is necessary that the programme receive supervision from both countries. The Government of Indonesia has provided direction to PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) to implement the programme well ", says Lt Gen Prabowo Ediwan.

It adds that that DAPA is working with Korea Aerospace Industries - which was recently awarded preferred bidding status to develop and build the fighter - to ascertain the role of PTDI in the programme.

The KFX is envisaged as a two-engined fighter that is more advanced than the Lockheed Martin F-16, but not up to the standard of types such as the F-35 Lightning II. It will replace obsolescent types in the Korean air force’s inventory, namely the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom and Northrop F-5.

The Indonesian government has a 20% share in the KRW8.5 trillion ($8.3 billion) programme. Seoul is expected to order 120 examples of the KFX, and Indonesia 80.

​Indonesian, South Korean officials meet to discuss in KFX - 5/5/2015 - Flight Global
Indonesian Aerospace eyes airliner variant of CN235
05:37 18 Mar 2015

Indonesian Aerospace is considering the development of a commercial variant of the CN235 tactical transport aircraft.

The company has explored the concept of the airliner variant, designated the N245, and believes it could build two prototypes by the 2017-2018 timeframe, says company director of production Arie Wibowo.

The manufacturer envisages the variant carrying 35-50 passengers on short, regional segments. "It would be a spoke-to-spoke aircraft," says Wibowo.

Wibowo spoke with Flightglobal at the biennial Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition. The Indonesian airframer believes it could develop the new variant and produce two prototypes for $200-250 million, which would come from the Indonesian government.

Indonesian Aerospace already has the world's only active production line for the CN235. Creating a commercial variant would involve re-designing the tail-empennage to remove the ramp. Creating a N245 would therefore require a series of alternate production stations parallel to the main line.

The engine would also change to a Pratt & Whitney PW127, from the General Electric CT7 that powers the CN235s now in production.

Indonesian Aerospace sees the N245 operating at 25,000 feet, higher than the typical operating altitude of the CN235.

The company feels the N245 would fill a useful niche between its developmental N219, which targets the segment now served

bhttp://Indonesian Aerospace eyes airliner variant of CN235 - 3/18/2015 - Flight Global the Twin Otter and Cessna Caravan, and the ATR series.
Some Indonesian made radar

Indera by PT RCS (Private Owned Company)

Type: for ship navigation



(Government Agency), PT INTI (State Owned Company).

Type: Coastal Radar



PT INTI Program

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PT Infra RCS (Private Owned Company)

Wiwiek Sarwie Astuti (CEO)


PT Infra RCS Products


Electronic Chart Display and Information System ( ECDIS ) is a specific form of computer -based navigation information system that complies with the regulation of the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) and can be used as a substitute map navigasikertas in some areas.

Actual ECDIS system displays information of Electronic Navigational Charts ( ENC ) and integrates position information from the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and other navigational sensors, such as radar, fathometer and Automatic Identification System ( AIS ). Electronic Chart Display and Information System ( ECDIS ), along with Electronic navigational Charts ( ENC ) provides for the sailors a real -time navigation system that integrates information from various sensors.

INFRA ECDIS ( INFRA Electronic Chart Display and Information System) began to be installed in KRI with tonnage over 750 tons from 2012. INFRA ECDIS compliant made in the nation developed by PT . RCS Infra Indonesia since 2012. INFRA ECDIS already integrating AIS, GPS and gyro devices, and features a video overlay. Additionally INFRA ECDIS display can also be accompanied by ARPA targets weather data produced by BMKG or international meteorological agencies ( NOAA ).

The main features include ECDIS INFRA : making safe shipping route planning ( Planning) , conduct route checking ( Routing ) and route monitoring ( navigation ) as well as SAR and other functions. INFRA future ECDIS can be used also by civilian shipping, fishing, etc. so as to improve the safety and ease of navigation at sea.

INFRA ECDIS have got the certificate of IMO and IHO so as to be integrated with a variety of digital maps ( ENC ) both Official and Non Official that will allow the user to specify the type of map to be used. In the development of ECDIS, PT . RCS Infra Indonesia mulaia develop various types and kinds for use in ECDIS both military, civilian and commercial ships. In terms of dimensions have developed various forms of better desktan ECDIS, desktop and portable.



  • Dispay type : 22", Full HD resolution, High Contrast
  • Control desk : Keyboard and trackball for rapid positioning of cursor
  • Main memory : 2xSO-DIMM, Max 8GB DDR3 1066/800
  • System chipset : Intel HM55 Chipset
  • Graphic accelerator : Integrated S3 Graphic for Quad Display output
  • Operating Temp/Humidity : 0-500 C
  • System Safety Optional : Uninterupted Power SUppy (UPS)
  • System Integration : ARPARadar (Overlay), Echo Sounder, Speed log, Wind speed and direction sensor position receiver (GPS), AIS, Compass and engine rpm sensor
  • Chart System : IMO Compliant: vector electronic navigation chart (ENC) S-57 and raster data comply with ARCS (adminralty raster chart service)
  • MMI : Easy Man Machine Interface, enhanced by the ergonomically designed custom control panel



LPI Radar-IRCS is an X-band naval radar system featuring solid-state FMCW (Frequency- Modulated Continuous-Wave) technology with very low transmit power and frequency agility, making LPI Radar-IRCS a true Low-Probability-of-Intercept (LPI) radar. It implements state-of-theart hardware technology and advanced signal processing techniques which lead to superior capability in detection of surface targets. LPI Radar-IRCS is equipped with tracking software MATA® (MAritime Tracking Aid) to include ARPA functionality, AIS, ECDIS, GPS and compass, enabling INDERA MX-2AH to function as a complete on-board navigation system on its own. LPI Radar-IRCS is a quiet naval radar which allows you to see without being seen.


  • Microstrip patch array gain : around 30dB
  • Dual antenna configuration for transmit and receive
  • Azimuth range : 180 degree
  • Elevation range : - 5 degree up to 10 degree
  • Beamwidth : < 1 degree
  • Vertical beamwidth : around 15 degree
  • 1st side lobe : <- 20dB
  • TX-RX coupling : > 60dB
  • Rotating speed : 0 - 20rpm
  • Beam misalignment : < 20%

  • Frequency : X band (8-12 Ghz)
  • Ranges : 48 NM, 24 NM, 12 NM, 6NM, 3NM
  • Output power max : 10 Watt
  • Transmit power min : 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, 0.3125 Watt
  • Carrier frequency : 9,4 Ghz
  • Frequency agility : sweep to sweep
  • Noise Floor : <- 90 dBm
  • Doopler speed : 40 Knot max
  • ESM range : 2 miles
  • RX noise figure : max 2.5 dB
  • Operating system : linux or windows
  • IF bandwidth : 512 khz
  • Number of range cells : 512
  • Range cells : 125 meters, 62 meters, 32 meters, 12 meters, 6 meters
  • PC Based processing system
  • Standard PC display
  • Max Beat frequency 2 Mhz
  • Beat Signal sampling by 16 bit ADC


Fequency Generation
  • Main frequency generator DRO (dielectric resonance oscillator)
  • FM modulation
  • Linear saw-tooth by using DDS (direct digital synthesizer)
  • Sweep Repetition Frequency : 1.5 khz
  • Fixed sweep : 2 Mhz, 4 Mhz, 16 Mhz, 32 Mhhz

ESM (Electronic Support Measures)


ESM system function, or also called Electronic Warfare (EW) Receiver, is to identify and determine the direction (Angle of Arrival / AoA) electromagnetic emission emitted opponent electronic devices, such as radar, communications equipment, missiles, etc.. An ESM system generally consists of ESM Receiver, Processor and Direction Finder (DF). ESM Receiver serves as a sensor to detect and measure electromagnetic emissions, and the results are then forwarded to the processor that serves to identify the detected signal. The DF is used to determine the direction of the emission beam. ESM system is designed to operate as a Naval ESM system, namely the use of ESM systems optimized for the needs of the Navy, especially in warships. Systems for domestic ESM was developed by Dislitbangal for 3 years from 2010 to 2012.


The main function of Naval ESM system that has been developed is to identify and determine the direction (Angle of Arrival / AoA) electromagnetic emission emitted opponent electronic devices, including radar, communications equipment, missiles and jammer. Sources of these emissions can be derived from various types of vehicles, such as ships, submarines, aircraft, satellites, missiles, etc..
Results of the identification signal is detected and the direction of the signal is used to determine the types of threats that may be posed, so anticipation can be done to overcome them. The identification process is carried out by processing in computer software.


ESM device applications in the military is very spacious, with advances in technology and changing paradigms of hard attack warfare systems, electronic attack to attack soft or commonly referred to as electronic warfare, where ESM is very useful to detect the use spectrum opponents, can be implemented to analyze the spectrum of war / electronic warfare against opponents.Other applications that store data leads to the spectrum of the Ajan is stored in the form of library that will be analyzed and used by other equipment.

Measures Capability

  • Radio Frequency (RF)
  • Amplitude (power)
  • Direction of Arrival (DOA) also called Angle of Arrival (AOA)Time of Arrival (TOA)
  • Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI)
  • PRI TypePulse Width (PW)
  • Scan type and rate
  • Lobe duration (beam width)
  • Receiver Type : Crystal Video Detector (CVD)
  • Frequency range : 2-18 Ghz
  • Unambiguous Bandwidth :16 Ghz
  • Sum of bits : 12
  • Frequency Resolution : 4.5 Mhz
  • Frequency Accuracy : 6 Mhz
  • Minimum input signal power : -60 dBm
  • Maximum input signal power : 0dBm
  • Dynamic Range : 60dB
  • No damage input power : CW = 1W, Pulse = 20 peak
  • Antena Type : Spiral Arsimedes
  • Gain : 1-8 dBi
  • 3dB bandwidth : 115 degree - 60 degree
  • Polarization : RHCP
  • Axial Ratio : 3 dB max
  • VSWR : 1 = 2.5 max
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PT Infra RCS

Coastal Radar


Portable coastal radar has advantages in terms of ease of observation / monitoring waters / beach by moving the location in accordance with the observational data to be obtained. When placed in a high position of the sea level, the range will be wider observation area / away whereas if the position just a few meters from the sea level observation area just a few areas. Radar positions for height about 15 meters from the sea level radar coverage (Line Of Sight) could reach about 16 Nm, while if the radar antenna height is 40 meters from the sea level radar coverage can reach about 22 Nm. Ease of installation and operation of a portable coastal radar to be one important requirement. The following illustration conveyed coastal portable radar that may be referenced in the research and manufacture of this type of radar.

Coastal radar using FM-CW (frequency modulated continuous wave) radar because this type has advantages such as: operational and maintenance costs, power consumption rencah, relatively small size, detection range is quite far away, and not easy to know the other side will glow his radar (low probability of intercept = LPI).


  • Microstrip patch array gain : around 30dB
  • Dual antenna configuration for transmit and receive
  • Azimuth range : 180 degree
  • Elevation range : - 5 degree up to 10 degree
  • Beamwidth : < 1 degree
  • Vertical beamwidth : around 10 degree

  • IF bandwidth : 512 kHz
  • Number of range cells : 512
  • Range cells : 125 meters, 62 meters, 32 meters, 12 meters, 6 meters
  • PC Based processing system
  • Standard PC display
  • Max Beat frequency 2 Mhz
  • Beat Signal sampling by 16 bit ADC
Fequency Generation
  • Main frequency generator DRO (dielectric resonance oscillator)
  • FM modulation
  • Linear saw-tooth by using DDS (direct digital synthesizer)
  • Sweep Repetition Frequency : 1.5 khz
  • Fixed sweep : 2 Mhz, 4 Mhz, 16 Mhz, 32 Mhhz

  • Frequency : S band (2.8 -3.1 Ghz)
  • Ranges : 40 Nm, 20 Nm, 5 Nm, 2.5 Nm
  • Output power : 10 Watt
Software : IMO Standard + ARPA + ECDIS features of ISRA Radar
  • Low transmit power (<= 10 Watt)
  • Low probability of intercepet (LPI) radar
  • No interference to other radars
  • Target tracking
  • Doppler capability
  • Able to be integrated into a radar network




PT Infra RCS Website:

Infra RCS Indonesia

Company Profile

We are a company engaged in the development and marketing of electronic devices such as sensors, communication devices, as well as maintenance services to the Indonesian Armed Forces & Public Institutions.

Activities and Scope of Work includes the RCS Infra manufactures and markets electronic devices, focused on the sensor.

a. Proven Product

  1. ESM (passive radar)
  2. LPI Radar-IRCS (silent radar)
    • Undetectable radar / ESM under figile type 100
    • Dynamic, attached to the ship
  3. Infra ECDIS
    • Function for navigation (routing)
    • Depending on the ENC / map
b. On going (R & D)

  1. Coastal radar (radar pantai)
    • Oversight function, to monitor moving objects into Indonesian maritime territory, including: Smuggling, Theft marine, accident, etc.
PT TES (Private Owned Company)


Muhammad Mulia (PT TES CEO)



PT Technology & Engineering System (TES) was initially established with a core focus on radar maintenance completing upgrades, repairs and modifications of the Indonesian Air Force’s early warning system. Since then it diversified into providing vehicle training simulators for tanks, Hawk aircraft and also upgrading an existing CN-235 flight simulator for Malaysia. Its latest project is the completing a Bell 412 simulator for the Armed Forces of Indonesia. Additionally PT TES has applied its engineering and technology services in the energy sector providing repairs, modifications, upgrades and modernization.
Ardress: Jl. Tamansari no. 48 Bandung 41160
Phone number: +62 22 420 7728
Fax: +62 22 421 4180
Web: T&E Synergy | Technology and life

PT Technology and Engineering Simulation (TES)



Indonesian Regional Airliners Making Progress
by David Donald
- November 29, 2014, 9:00 AM


A model of the Regio-Aviasi R80 at November’s Indo Defense show in Jakarta. Developers based its design on the IPTN N250 of the 1990s, but with a lengthened fuselage and new avionics systems.

19-seat PTDirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) N219 has just entered the construction phase, while the R80 from Regio-Aviasi Industri (RAI) has moved into the detailed design phase.

RAI’s aircraft represents a rebirth of the N250 regional airliner, of which IPTN flew two prototypes in the 1990s.IPTN shelved the project in 1997, a victim of the Asian financial crisis. Start-up company RAI has revived the N250 as the basis for a 70- to 92-seat airliner to compete with the Bombardier Q400 and ATR 72.

RAI has retained approximately 60 percent of the N250’s structure, but the longer R80 uses systems compliant with future ATC requirements. The aircraft features fly-by-wire flight controls and a full “glass” cockpit with touchscreen displays. The initial R80 design includes a conventional control yoke, as stipulated by early customers, but RAI plans to offer sidestick controllers in the future. Power will come from either the Rolls-RoyceAE2100 or Pratt & Whitney Canada PW150A.

The R80 seats up to 92 in a single-aisle, four-abreast configuration. RAI designed the cabin for the quick turnarounds required for high-intensity short-sector operations, with six doors, including two starboard-side service doors and two passenger entry doors. Cargo doors serve the two compartments at either end of the passenger cabin on the port side.

Detailed design work employing Dassault Systèmes 3-D software has just begun. Plans call for PTDI to build two flying prototypes and two ground-test airplanes in Bandung. RAI has scheduled first flight for 2017 and the company expects Indonesian certification in 2019. It has taken orders for 145 aircraft: 100 from Nam Air, 25 from KalStar and 20 from Trigana Air.

Meanwhile, PTDI’s own regional project, the N219, achieved a milestone in September as it cut first metal. The company has set a target of August 10 next year for roll-out, to coincide with the country’s national technology day. It expects to fly the airplane next December and gain Indonesian certification in 2016.

Based to some extent on the Airbus DS NC212 Aviocar that PTDI has built under license for many years, the N219 primarily would serve routes in Indonesia’s remote mountainous regions, where airfield facilities often consist of little more than a strip cut into the side of a hill. The design is therefore rugged, and well equipped with navigation aids. Two 850-shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-42 turboprops will give a takeoff run of less than 2,000 feet at mtow. Garmin is supplying the five-screen flight deck.

For passenger transport the N219 can seat up to 19 passengers in a two-by-one arrangement. However, PTDI also seeks military and other users, and has designed a two-ton cargo interior and various special-mission variants. Like the R80, the N219 would first gain certification in what the company considers its priority market, Indonesia. However, both programs aim to pursue EASA and FAA accreditation for subsequent export sales. Plans call for Airbus, PTDI’s strategic partner, to assist with the process.

Indonesian Regional Airliners Making Progress | Air Transport: Aviation International News
MONDAY, 22 JUNE, 2015 | 05:58 WIB

LAPAN to Launch A-2 Satellite in October, Two More Coming


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Spaces (Lapan) is set to launch ship-monitoring satellite, Lapan-A2, using India’s PSLV-C23 rocket in October 2015.

“Lapan-A2 satellite is scheduled to be launched in the upcoming October for ship-monitoring and remote-sensing purposes,” said Lapan Head Thomas Djamaluddin regarding the long-delayed launching, as quoted by Antaranews.

According to Thomas, the satellite will be launched from Sriharikota space station in India.

“The challenge will be bigger in equatorial orbit,” Thomas said in Jakarta, on Thursday.

The satellite that consumed Rp50 billion fund weighs 100 kg and is provided with Automatic Identification System (AIS) sensor which capable of detecting movements of ships on Indonesia’s waters.

Lapan had held a Colloquium for the launching preparation, covering the readiness of operational-supporting elements, operators and maintenance.

Today, Lapan also prepares A3 satellite that will be used to monitor agriculture activities. The development, up until it is ready for launching, will require around Rp65 billion fund, Thomas said.

“Next, we will prepare Lapan-A5 and Lapan A-6 satellites. We also prepare large-size Inmarsat, and Maritime Affair Coordinating Ministry had requested radar sensors to be planted thereon, it costs an expensive price up to Rp5 trillion,” Thomas added.

LAPAN to Launch A-2 Satellite in October, Two More Coming | Feature | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal
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Indonesian Aerospace eyes airliner variant of CN235

05:37 18 Mar 2015
Indonesian Aerospace is considering the development of a commercial variant of the CN235 tactical transport aircraft.

The company has explored the concept of the airliner variant, designated the N245, and believes it could build two prototypes by the 2017-2018 timeframe, says company director of production Arie Wibowo.

The manufacturer envisages the variant carrying 35-50 passengers on short, regional segments. "It would be a spoke-to-spoke aircraft," says Wibowo.

Wibowo spoke with Flightglobal at the biennial Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition. The Indonesian airframer believes it could develop the new variant and produce two prototypes for $200-250 million, which would come from the Indonesian government.

Indonesian Aerospace already has the world's only active production line for the CN235. Creating a commercial variant would involve re-designing the tail-empennage to remove the ramp. Creating a N245 would therefore require a series of alternate production stations parallel to the main line.

The engine would also change to a Pratt & Whitney PW127, from the General Electric CT7 that powers the CN235s now in production.

Indonesian Aerospace sees the N245 operating at 25,000 feet, higher than the typical operating altitude of the CN235.

The company feels the N245 would fill a useful niche between its developmental N219, which targets the segment now served by the Twin Otter and Cessna Caravan, and the ATR series.


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