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Indonesian-Bangladeshi kid dumped by his Bangladeshi father in Saudi after his Indonesian mother passed away.

that is normal i am not bad mouthing any pinoy the facts hurts and its reality even if not tourist .. the bf gf having baby is normal here .my apology if its hurts wat isaid .. but all this should be stopped its not good and also the married ppl should be punished severely for doing hanky panky .. the bf gf should be stopped in all countries its not good
Bf gf thing is not the problem
And I wasn’t offended. I didn’t even check your location tag before making the comment
But yes, there’s a bunch of gold digging ho3 and white tourist with yellow fever... what could possible not go wrong
Take his passport and dump him somewhere in Afghanistan.
when you marry some migrant worker from bd just because ....."religion"

Lol plentiful Bangladeshis have married outside of their cultural and racial realm, it's pretty common to find Bengalis of mixed heritage in south of England
Abandoned kid raised in a conducive environment will likely to be successful, just an example of that is Steve Job
Have known a Bengali like this. Got divorced from his Philippino wife after he retired and went back to bd abandoning the children.... they spoke not a word of Sylheti or bangla. Just Arabic...
the mother took the children to bd and left them with him. Don’t know what happened after that
Smart lady... ;)
More and more women are leaving their children to their father these days..... LOL

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