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Interview of hamid karzai by saleem safi in jirga

You are right. It is fashion in pakistan to hate or make fun of karzai , but i dont think that way. In my opinion karzai is ruling world's most difficult country, he cares about his country and people but he is powerless.....

he cares $hit about his country. Being a Pashtun, he could not do jack about large majority of Pashtuns in the south. He is being played by the northees like a cheap banjo.

10+ years of American occupation, 1000s of Americans sacrificed, for the grand ego of this little man.

He will be remembered in Afghanistani history as a pathetic sell out, whose cronies looted Afghanistan with both hands, and all 4 feet, while common Afghani suffered with lawlessness, and abject poverty.

pakistanis give a fork as to who he is, as long as he works with us to secure the border.

In this interview, he behaves like a little girl, arguing about the words like Durand line.

What the fork? Call it Pak-Afghan like, border, boundary what makes your @rse feel smooth.

But why on earth you the sell out Karazai have utterly failed to respect this boundary. and for the last forking 10 years, thus geoperdizing everyone including American soldiers, Pakistanis, but above all your own forking citizens.

Why do you refuse to obey the new systems like biometrics to monitor the flow of people across the border.

It is you who will suffer more if you don't let us monitor and document people.

But this Karazai will keep on keep on behaving as a 5th grade school girl.

keep on living in fool's world.

And guess what, Pakistanis won't give a fork when you are hanging by a Kabul pole, the day your protection by the goras is no longer there.

So Karazai, worry about your Afghanistanis lynching you.

and if you save your @rse somehow, and run to Pakistan, we will still give you shelter you forking retard.

pathtic piece of bull that this little girl Karazai is.


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