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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter


Dec 31, 2012
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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter

The Iranian Foreign Minister said on Twitter that Iran does not deny the Holocaust, distancing the government from the often belligerent stance of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Mohammad Javad Zarif began tweeting Wednesday in English from an account, confirmed by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, as part of what appears to be a concerted Internet campaign by the new Iranian government to warm relations with the West, including Israel.

President Hassan Rouhani, who took office last month, is considered a moderate and contrasts with his hardline predecessor Ahmadinejad, who has referred to the Holocaust as a “myth.” On Wednesday, the Jewish New Year, Rouhani tweeted in English: “I wish all Jews, especially Iranian Jews, a blessed Rosh Hashanah,” using the Hebrew name for the holiday. The tweet included an image of a Jewish man praying at a Iranian synagogue.

The foreign minister’s statement on Thursday came in a back-and-forth on Twitter with Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, after he too wished Jews a happy New Year. The younger Pelosi, an author and activist, thanked the foreign minister and wrote: “The New Year would be even sweeter if you would end Iran’s Holocaust denial, sir.”

Zarif, who assumed office under Rouhani, was the Iranian ambassador to the U.N. from 2002 to ’07, and a key member in Tehran’s nuclear negotiation team before talks collapsed in 2003—on Thursday, he was given the nuclear portfolio once more. Zarif speaks fluent English, received a doctorate at the University of Denver, and his children were born in the U.S, TIME’s Ishaan Tharoor reports.

Twitter conversation:

Javad Zarif @JZarif
Happy Rosh Hashanah
3:45 AM - 5 Sep 2013
sfpelosi @sfpelosi
Thanks. The New Year would be even sweeter if you would end Iran's Holocaust denial, sir. “@JZarif: Happy Rosh Hashanah”
Javad Zarif @JZarif
@sfpelosi Iran never denied it. The man who was perceived to be denying it is now gone. Happy New Year.

Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter | TIME.com
I told u these iranians r selfish opportunist double faced hypocrite bastards.
Why should Iranians care about Palestine? they have problems with their jewish cousins, it's not our business and not our fault. We didnt start their fight or selling of their lands.

Personally me and many Iranians don't give a **** about both Palestine and Israel. We should recognize both as a country and that's it.
Although there is no solid scientific or forensic evidence that supports/proves the gassings of 6 million Jews, this statement by the representative of the new Iranian gov.t does hint towards efforts in easing relations with the Zionist dominated West.

Perhaps the new Iranian leaders have come to realize that there is nothing to gain from extreme enemity with israel over the Arab cause since the Arabs too themselves maintain ties with the Zionist state.
Why should Iranians care about Palestine? they have problems with their jewish cousins, it's not our business and not our fault. We didnt start their fight or selling of their lands.

Personally me and many Iranians don't give a **** about both Palestine and Israel. We should recognize both as a country and that's it.

pls dont sum up yourself with all iranians my dear brother
although i totally respect u as an iranian , but ur way of thinking is the minority way of thinking in iran......
look at quds day rallies ....... those are majority .......
iran denys the crap out of holocaust !!! even if it existed the ones who should pay for it are germans not palestinian

p.s : as i said i respect ur view , u r as much iranian as me
pls dont sum up yourself with all iranians my dear brother
although i totally respect u as an iranian , but ur way of thinking is the minority way of thinking in iran......
look at quds day rallies ....... those are majority .......
iran denys the crap out of holocaust !!! even if it existed the ones who should pay for it are germans not palestinian

p.s : as i said i respect ur view , u r as much iranian as me

lol you're a sellout and you know it.

You're one of those people that love authority and get a juicy warm feeling everytime they suck up to the boss. Iran, under the akhoond arab regime, is a **** hole. You know it, we all know it.

Now put a sock in it

THE ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of Iranians DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, give two farts about pali/Israel. If Iran wasn't a dictatorship and free public opinion polls were allowed, you'd see how the majority of people are more concerned about the economy, the sanctions, social freedoms etc...

You love sucking up to authority it seems.
lol you're a sellout and you know it.

You're one of those people that love authority and get a juicy warm feeling everytime they suck up to the boss. Iran, under the akhoond arab regime, is a **** hole. You know it, we all know it.

Now put a sock in it

THE ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of Iranians DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, give two farts about pali/Israel. If Iran wasn't a dictatorship and free public opinion polls were allowed, you'd see how the majority of people are more concerned about the economy, the sanctions, social freedoms etc...

You love sucking up to authority it seems.

i dont know u and i never insulted u, calling me a sellout wont make escaped mko dissidents like u the majority ....
majority are the those 73% who slapped u in the face in election day

im not sellout , i live my life in great persia and im proud of it , i didnt escape like u

p.s. iran, thank god is one of the most democratic countries in the world , unlike canada
i dont know u and i never insulted u, calling me a sellout wont make escaped mko dissidents like u the majority ....
majority are the those 73% who slapped u in the face in election day

im not sellout , i live my life in great persia and im proud of it , i didnt escape like u

p.s. iran, thank god is one of the most democratic countries in the world , unlike canada

Anyway, let's ignore the insane comments by some people and get back to the thread topic.

pls dont sum up yourself with all iranians my dear brother
although i totally respect u as an iranian , but ur way of thinking is the minority way of thinking in iran......
look at quds day rallies ....... those are majority .......
iran denys the crap out of holocaust !!! even if it existed the ones who should pay for it are germans not palestinian

p.s : as i said i respect ur view , u r as much iranian as me
I also respect your view bro. I will give my opinion.

Well then the majority Iranians are really sheepy my brother to involve themselves in this tribal war between jews and palestinians, the war between the cousins as some of them admit themselves.

What has an Iranian, German or Japenese to do with this conflict. If it works like this then we should also choose sides between hutu and tutsis.

I'm not taking sides, I want them both to be recognized and palestinians have the right to have a state and I admit that they are opressed, however we should take a step back... we went to far into this thing.

Now if you think we might lose some influence or anything.. there are options:

1. We can keep our ties with shia groups and help them to resist against any enemy (takfiris/Israel) when and if necessary . But at the same time we recognize Israel as a country while we tell them if you start to attack Lebanon/Syria who are close to us, we will arm them and wel will respect their right to defend themselves.

2. Don't worry Israel, we will not arm hamas which is our enemy and we will adapt a neutral role in this conflict between you and Palestinians. Also Israel we promise no more attacks from hezbollah except if you attack them and also we will cut all support to any palestinian group. We will also negotiate and pressure Syria not to attack you if you give back Golan.

3. We adapt only a diplomatic role to pressure Israel to recognize Palestinians. Or for propaganda purposes we will only sometimes attack Israel verbally, just like Erdogan (lol)

4. We cut ties to any sunni arab group which is anti-Iranian and anti-shia (MB, Hamas etc). We know they massacred shia in Egypt, viciously attacked shia in Palestine and mourned shia genociders like Saddam and Al-zarqawi, while hamas was eating from our Majusi-shia rafidha hands.

5. This pan-islamic nonsense fantasy will be reduced and we will adapt a role which I call pan-shia-pact and normal-relations with the rest of the world.

6. Then we ban al quds rallies and change the situation in favor of Iran.

If all these options mentioned above are not good, then we wait to see which options our politicians have to improve our country. But one thing, we can't wait another 34 years, resources will be lost. They should hurry and proof that their version of politics works. Let's give Rouhani a 4 year/ a last try.
I also respect your view bro. I will give my opinion.

Well then the majority Iranians are really sheepy my brother to involve themselves in this tribal war between jews and palestinians, the war between the cousins as some of them admit themselves.

What has an Iranian, German or Japenese to do with this conflict. If it works like this then we should also choose sides between hutu and tutsis.

I'm not taking sides, I want them both to be recognized and palestinians have the right to have a state and I admit that they are opressed, however we should take a step back... we went to far into this thing.

Now if you think we might lose some influence or anything.. there are options:

1. We can keep our ties with shia groups and help them to resist against any enemy (takfiris/Israel) when and if necessary . But at the same time we recognize Israel telling them if you start to attack Lebanon/Syria who are close to us, we will arm them and wel will respect their right to defend themselves.

2. Don't worry Israel, we will not arm hamas which is our enemy and we will adapt a neutral role in this conflict between you and Palestinians. Also Israel we promise no more attacks from hezbollah except if you attack them and also we will cut all support to any palestinian group. We will also negotiate and pressure Syria not to attack you if you give back Golan.

3. We adapt only a diplomatic role to pressure Israel to recognize Palestinians. Or for propaganda purposes we will only sometimes attack Israel verbally, just like Erdogan (lol)

4. We cut ties to any sunni arab group which is anti-Iranian and anti-shia (MB, Hamas etc). We know they massacred shia in Egypt, viciously attacked shia in Palestine and mourned shia genociders like Saddam and Al-zarqawi, while hamas was eating from our Majusi-shia rafidha hands.

5. This pan-islamic nonsense fantasy will be reduced and we will adapt a role which I call pan-shia-pact and normal-relations with the rest of the world.

6. Then we ban al quds rallies and change the situation in favor of Iran.

If all these options mentioned above are not good, then we wait to see which options our politicians have to improve our country. But one thing, we can't wait another 34 years, resources will be lost. They should hurry and proof that their version of politics works. Let's give Rouhani a 4 year/ a last try.

god bless u
god bless u

Thanks, I will summarize it for the readers.

1. Iran recognizes Israel as a country. Not to become asskissers of Israel, we will use diplomatic pressure upon Israel to recognize Palestina also. However that's not necessary and not our main business. We know PLO + Hamas were saddamites and zarqawists (enemies of shia and Iran). Sometimes Iran could yell something against Israel like erdogan does, only for propaganda.

2. We leave failed pan-islamism ideology and move towards Ties-With-all countries and towards a Shia-pact, cutting ties with all anti-majusi/shia/rafidha groups such as MB and Hamas and at the same time arming Shia to confront takfiris

3. We tell Israel, from now on we have no problems with you, open your embassy in Iran. However don't make troubles in countries where Shia live, in countries that are our allies. If you do such things, we will arm these groups. If you don't do this we will make sure that not any of them considers you as enemy. Also if you give Golan back we will negotiate for a peace agreement between You and Syria.

4. Remove all sanctions completely. 0 sanctions, we recognize you. If you don't accept these good offers, we continiu with what we are doing.
lol you're a sellout and you know it.

You're one of those people that love authority and get a juicy warm feeling everytime they suck up to the boss. Iran, under the akhoond arab regime, is a **** hole. You know it, we all know it.

Now put a sock in it

THE ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of Iranians DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, give two farts about pali/Israel. If Iran wasn't a dictatorship and free public opinion polls were allowed, you'd see how the majority of people are more concerned about the economy, the sanctions, social freedoms etc...

You love sucking up to authority it seems.

Dude in every country ppl are only concerned about jobs,economy and growth only

Thanks, I will summarize it for the readers.

1. Iran recognizes Israel as a country. Not to become asskissers of Israel, we will use diplomatic pressure upon Israel to recognize Palestina also. However that's not necessary and not our main business. We know PLO + Hamas were saddamites and zarqawists (enemies of shia and Iran). Sometimes Iran could yell something against Israel like erdogan does, only for propaganda.

2. We leave failed pan-islamism ideology and move towards Ties-With-all countries and towards a Shia-pact, cutting ties with all anti-majusi/shia/rafidha groups such as MB and Hamas and at the same time arming Shia to confront takfiris

3. We tell Israel, from now on we have no problems with you, open your embassy in Iran. However don't make troubles in countries where Shia live, in countries that are our allies. If you do such things, we will arm these groups. If you don't do this we will make sure that not any of them considers you as enemy. Also if you give Golan back we will negotiate for a peace agreement between You and Syria.

4. Remove all sanctions completely. 0 sanctions, we recognize you.

Oil has brough wealth and trouble at the same time for middle east


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