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Iran Nuclear Inspectors Detect Uranium Enriched to 84% Purity


Feb 10, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
  • IAEA probes accumulation of material just shy of bomb-grade
  • Inspectors are preparing quarterly safeguards report on Iran

International atomic monitors in Iran last week detected uranium enriched to levels just below that needed for a nuclear weapon, according to two senior diplomats, underscoring the risk that the country’s unrestrained atomic activities could prompt a new crisis.
  • IAEA probes accumulation of material just shy of bomb-grade
  • Inspectors are preparing quarterly safeguards report on Iran

International atomic monitors in Iran last week detected uranium enriched to levels just below that needed for a nuclear weapon, according to two senior diplomats, underscoring the risk that the country’s unrestrained atomic activities could prompt a new crisis.
At this point considering the degree to which it has been politicized,I`d take any claim concerning iran made by the iaea with an entire salt mine worth of salt.
Great news...next step...leave NPT and fuel up those nuclear devices...WW III is not far away..must be ready when Nato starts dropping bombs on Russia.
Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.
Great news...next step...leave NPT and fuel up those nuclear devices...WW III is not far away..must be ready when Nato starts dropping bombs on Russia.

Iran should keep it secret, underground and only reveal it when she is ready to cast the desired fear into the enemy i.e. warheads developed, built and ready to be fuelled in a matter of minutes. Doing it too prematurely could lead to costly military action with no available detterance.

Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.

And there's nothing wrong with that.
Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.

These client regimes cannot arm themselves with nuclear weapons without explicit approval from their patrons in Washington. The latter in turn are unlikely to approve.
Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.
There are quite a few holes in your post, which appears intended to mock the Iranian POV more than offering any worthwhile substantive analysis.

1) Pakistan was willing to 'eat grass' to develop nukes - is Saudi Arabia?

2) The position of the world WRT nuclear proliferation was far more permissive than it is today. The two time periods simply cannot be compared. That is to say, the world would not look kindly on any Saudi/Turkish/Egyptian attempts to pursue nuclear weapons, regardless of whether Iran acquires such weapons. The logic is simple: yes Iran has nukes, but they are under an economic embargo for that. Do you want to join them? I don't think Turkey/Saudi/Egypt (all arguably vassal states of the US to varying degrees, or at least to a much greater degree than Iran) would answer that in the affirmative.

3) It took Pakistan 26 years from start of WMD program to the first nuclear test. Clearly this is not a process which can be undertaken in a matter of a few years. Iran's "Project Amad" allegedly ran from 1989 to at least 2003 (14+ years) and Iran has been enriching uranium and undertaking activities relevant to the entire nuclear fuel cycle for many years since then. Therefore, it is indeed accurate to suggest Iran is the only non-nuclear state in the region capable of reaching nuclear weapon status in the foreseeable future.

4) I don't think Iranians should be opposed to Saudis obtaining WMD; Israel would fear that much more than Iran would. For Iran, it would probably be worth the trade-off to be able to establish MAD with Israel, the sole nuclear weapons capable state in the region.
At this point considering the degree to which it has been politicized,I`d take any claim concerning iran made by the iaea with an entire salt mine worth of salt.
GOod point, i agree.

Buuuuut, thats puts us in an either OR situation then - Either IAEA is doing active manipulative propaganda at this time with this report, OR Iran already has bomb grade enriched uranium....but possessing highly enriched uranium makes it more likely a nuclear bomb is close or active, if Iran actually did nuclear tests and activities at at North Korean sites, then Iran probably has the nuclear bomb right now, if pieces can be assembled in weeks to make an active bomb, then that is also as good as a nuclear bomb now. Iran enriching to 90% just to enirch and provoke west and push nuclear research and military potential further is also possible, but that brings risk of military action.
At this point considering the degree to which it has been politicized,I`d take any claim concerning iran made by the iaea with an entire salt mine worth of salt.
Yep just like Saddam had weapons of Mass destruction.
Iran should keep it secret, underground and only reveal it when she is ready to cast the desired fear into the enemy i.e. warheads developed, built and ready to be fuelled in a matter of minutes.
I agree with this theory, but reality says that secrecy has already been compromised somewhat. I think the West knows of Iran's military nuclear plans, but actual access, control, interference in actual military nuclear facilities in Iran is harder for them to reach.
Doing it too prematurely could lead to costly military action with no available detterance.
Fully agree- but let me just say this- Iran could be entering military action any moment from now. From look at the geopolitical+ regional horizon, multiple storms are brewing. From Ukraine risks, to Israel, *i noticed recent uptick in military action around Conoco oil field in Syria- missiles and drones are flying*, Traitorous Azerbaijan, Biden willingness of /risk of approving long range US + Israel + few EU NATO countries airstrike package plan to solve the "Iranian nuclear program". But Is NATO and US actually ready to "strike" Iran and enter another serious conflict with low ammunition? While also being under armed and ready to even take on China, the US's apparent biggest military threat?
GOod point, i agree.

Buuuuut, thats puts us in an either OR situation then - Either IAEA is doing active manipulative propaganda at this time with this report, OR Iran already has bomb grade enriched uranium....but possessing highly enriched uranium makes it more likely a nuclear bomb is close or active, if Iran actually did nuclear tests and activities at at North Korean sites, then Iran probably has the nuclear bomb right now, if pieces can be assembled in weeks to make an active bomb, then that is also as good as a nuclear bomb now. Iran enriching to 90% just to enirch and provoke west and push nuclear research and military potential further is also possible, but that brings risk of military action.

Personally I feel they're concocting trumped up charges against Iran. The enemy seems eager to press on after recent riots they stoked as well as their failure to make Iran accept additional concessions at the nuclear negotiation table. Add to it the prospect of enhanced economic ties between Iran and China, and it generates the impression that someone's trying hard to have UN sanctions reinstated against Iran. Now since Russia's veto could reasonably be counted on at the Security Council, could they be scheming to have the JCPOA's snap-back mechanism activated, if technically feasible at all?

Apparently the IAEA declared the location of the supposed HEU traces to be within tubes connecting centrifuges or something along those lines - and initial news reports are conceding this may be the result of local accumulation of enriched uranium inside those vessels, resulting in token amounts of higher enriched particles which Iran wouldn't be at fault for.

If Iran covertly produced HEU in view of manufacturing nuclear weapons, it's unlikely she'd be using IAEA-monitored equipment to that effect. If Iran deliberately intends the agency to discover traces so as to send a message to the enemy, then Iran will have decided beforehand what official statement to make once the agency notices the HEU. Thus Iran's upcoming statement may be telling in this regard, or maybe not.
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Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.
Do you understand the cost it takes to develop such systems without the express approval of Washington and Israel?

Take your clown analysis elsewhere.
Yes so that Saudi Arabia and the rest can also go nuclear right? Lol
Or some of you guys believe only Iran is capable to making nuclear weapons in the region? Lol
Pakistan also developed nukes out of necessity due to India getting nukes, since it presented an existential threat to them. So if Iran goes nuclear be sure that Saudi Arabia and the rest will follow through BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.
Technically Saudis can not even make a simple screw on their own..but yes they may be able to buy few from not far away place..but even if they manage to buy few why would Iran be upset about that..it will be another Muslim country with nukes that Israel have to worry about...Imagine a world where financiers of ISIL headchoppers have bought some nukes and this time around will bring their atomic jihad upon infidels...not a pretty picture I am afraid.
Do you understand the cost it takes to develop such systems without the express approval of Washington and Israel?

Take your clown analysis elsewhere.

So cost doesn't matter. And Saudi Arabia will definitely have access to Pakistani nuclear weapons in case of any existential threat.

So cost doesn't matter. And Saudi Arabia will definitely have access to Pakistani nuclear weapons in case of any existential threat.
Is that the copium they constantly repeat to one another?

Do you understand that everything the Al-Saud family has worked towards would be at risk if they tried to take a nuclear path without approval from the US and Israel. The same countries that snapped their fingers and completed a coup d'état in Pakistan with ease?

Do you know what it means for Saudi Arabia's Foreign direct Investment and all their mega projects, their Rials, their tourism industry and mastercard/visa usage, their job sector? Access to US and Euro tech & construction firms and businesses? Do you really think they would allow that? Where all of Saudi Arabia's oil sales in dollars are deposited into US accounts? Where thousands of US troops are stationed, with equipment? Where SA military is maintained by US support and only US support. They will sooner use their internal assets in SA to stage a coup if such an action were to be taken. They will sooner destroy Bin Salman than allow them to have possession of nuclear weapons and replace him with someone more willing to follow US demands. They will instead work to isolate Iran further to North Korea status, and provide further military support and nuclear protection for SA in a bid to prevent nuclearization of the region.

If you guys had better understanding of the regions economics, you'd see how US can practically do in Pakistan what it did anywhere else like in Egypt should they feel a threat from nuclear proliferation. US can literally snap their fingers and destroy Turkey and Egypt overnight with heavy sanctions as their economies are heavily dependent on US/EU trade and access to US dollars. This also includes SA.

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