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Iran satellite launch, which U.S. warned against, fails


Jul 18, 2016
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GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran’s bid to launch a satellite has failed, Telecoms Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi said on Tuesday, after it ignored U.S. warnings to avoid such activity.

Washington warned Tehran this month against undertaking three planned space rocket launches that it said would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution because they use ballistic missile technology.

every first launch of satellite fails normally but this will eventually lead to success

the good news is that before this we had safir slv that could launch a 30-kilogram satellite in to 200 km above the ground, but now it can launch a 100 kilogram satellite in a 500 km orbit.


and that is an old slv now we have this newer simorgh slv.

According to Rutgers, Myth Buster: Edison's 10,000 attempts, "The source of the story about Edison trying thousands of experiments or materials is probably an 1890 interview in Harper's Monthly Magazine."

The exact quote by Edison:

"I speak without exaggeration when I say that I have constructed three thousand different theories in connection with the electric light, each one of them reasonable and apparently to be true. Yet only in two cases did my experiments prove the truth of my theory. My chief difficulty, as perhaps you know, was in constructing the carbon filament, the incandescence of which is the source of the light."

The Rutgers article also describes another quote by Edison in a 1910 biography as it relates to Edison's later work on storage batteries.

The book quotes Edison's friend and associate Walter S. Mallory:

"I said: 'Isn't it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work you have done you haven't been able to get any results?' Edison turned on me like a flash, and with a smile replied: 'Results! Why, man, I have gotten lots of results! I know several thousand things that won't work!'"

The Thomas A. Edison Papers of Rutgers University is probably the most reliable source of information on Thomas Edison.

See link for complete story:
GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran’s bid to launch a satellite has failed, Telecoms Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi said on Tuesday, after it ignored U.S. warnings to avoid such activity.

Washington warned Tehran this month against undertaking three planned space rocket launches that it said would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution because they use ballistic missile technology.

the next one is being made ready , the problem is the stage that was supposed to release the satellite into orbit didn't reach the necessary speed otherwise the SLV didn't failed and those satellites are university made small satellite that can easily be replaced by even better ones , the only thing is needed is providing the funding for the project . and just because Trump and Pompeo cant mind their own business right now there is a will to make Simorgh workable by the way its not like Simorgh is our ending goal right now the focus is on Ghoghnoos SLV
What happened?,was it another second stage failure like the previous launch?

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