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Iran used to support Iraqi Kurds, now they are enemies. What has happened?


Nov 24, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
I find it very strange.

Barzani admits to Iran arming him in 200X, well into the timeframe they began doing jobs for the US, and at around 2013-2014, things massively reverse.

What's the cause?
aside from our support in defending themselves against ISIS , we were more ally with Talebani not Barezani , after his death our support for Kurds reduced dramatically .
It would have made sense to support them against Saddam, that is in early 2000s. After the invasion they became American clients. But they also received Iranian support against ISIS.

I had impression Iran had no problem with Iraqi Kurds doing errands for the US, since they continued getting Iranian aid long after they turned into pretty much American favourite faction in Iraq, and never getting into any hostilities with Tehran.
I had impression Iran had no problem with Iraqi Kurds doing errands for the US, since they continued getting Iranian aid long after they turned into pretty much American favourite faction in Iraq, and never getting into any hostilities with Tehran.
Kurds are of different factions , we didn't provide the ones who were USA ally that much , if you don't forget , when Kurds didn't want remove their forces from Iraqi oil wells and Arab dominant area several years ago it was us who gave them ultimatum to leave those areas
I find it very strange.

Barzani admits to Iran arming him in 200X, well into the timeframe they began doing jobs for the US, and at around 2013-2014, things massively reverse.

What's the cause?
What has happened? Saddam fell.

Iran used to support Iraqi Kurds and Iraq supported Iranian Kurds in return. During the Iran-Iraq War,both countries fought against Kurds in their mountainous areas.

Even now,Kurds are divided in Iraq.
Are Kurds Arabic or Turkic?
Kurds are Iranic people and Iranians consider them as one of their own...
Iran issue with some kurd factions outside Iran is their political affiliation with the US and Israel (KRG in Iraq)..US and Israel promise them independent country and in return these Kurd have to act against Iran...a deal that will never materialize.....Kurds are spread in 4 countries of Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria...
Some Kurds have allowed themselves the become tools in the hands of US and Israel to act against the national Interests of these countries (PKK in Turkey, PJAK in Iran, KRG in Iraq and SDF in Syria)
The good days were when Saddam used to arm Kurds to fight for him, Iran and Turkey are failing their jobs.

What can you expect from non-Arab elements who avoid any confrontation with the US at any cost.
The good days were when Saddam used to arm Kurds to fight for him, Iran and Turkey are failing their jobs.

What can you expect from non-Arab elements who avoid any confrontation with the US at any cost.
Kurds should realize that independance will never happen and the only way for them is to live as good citizens in these 4 countries and not be used as tools ..
I find it very strange.

Barzani admits to Iran arming him in 200X, well into the timeframe they began doing jobs for the US, and at around 2013-2014, things massively reverse.

What's the cause?
Probably has something to do with Kurdish controlled territory (Erbil and areas around it) used against Iran and its proxies in Iraq and Syria as well as Iran probably trying to have a better relationship with Turkey as we recently saw and how important the Kurdish issue is for Turkey.
Kurds should realize that independance will never happen and the only way for them is to live as good citizens in these 4 countries and not be used as tools ..

This retard Barzani has been inviting Turkey to build bases in every area it controls. That's one of the main issues with that guy.

The only true solution Iraq has is to reduce the KRG's authority as much as possible. It would be smart to further build air capabilities before deploying troops into the KRG, whilst not entering its cities.
This retard Barzani has been inviting Turkey to build bases in every area it controls. That's one of the main issues with that guy.

The only true solution Iraq has is to reduce the KRG's authority as much as possible. It would be smart to further build air capabilities before deploying troops into the KRG, whilst not entering its cities.
Kurdistan of Iraq should be merged with the Iraqi government.
The whole concept of having an autonomous Kurdistan is a sad US joke that needs to be remedied.
This retard Barzani has been inviting Turkey to build bases in every area it controls. That's one of the main issues with that guy.

The only true solution Iraq has is to reduce the KRG's authority as much as possible. It would be smart to further build air capabilities before deploying troops into the KRG, whilst not entering its cities.
I am in agreement with you..KRG must be reduced to size and Peshmarg disbanded or become part of Iraq armed forces...we know who helps them..I hope Iraq soon become powerful enough to put an end to their rule . It will happen..Iraq is now pumping oil like crazy and becoming rich on $100 oil...Turks will be coming to you with hat in hand asking for handouts..lol
Funny also to see Turks here talk about Iraqi Turkmen.

The only Iraqi Turkmen that Turks know, are those in Turkey or in the west. Whom like the Assyrians in the west, resemble little of those in the middle east.

The ones in Iraq are highly integrated and feel more Iraqi than Turk, you (Turk) will reject this, but you wouldn't know which proves the whole point.

Anyone with a functioning brain, would know that Turkey wouldn't have waited a day to exploit the existence of those Turkmen to carve out land. Based on what Turkey did in Cyprus, Syria etc.

Turkey must be slapped with the Arabian horse, Erdogan needs to know that the Ottoman empire were dark days for the Ummah.
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