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Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

I read the words "Islamofascism", "Islamic terrorism", "Islamism" in most "respectable" Western newspaper and magazines. You don't seem to mind that.
When these terms are used the context of their meaning is generally clear and supportable. Your use of language is not.

You also don't seem to mind 5 million Palestinian kicked out from their homes and now living in refugee camps.
Because I don't subscribe to falsehoods

The so called "holocaust" -
like Holocaust Denial,

-was committed by White European Christian Germans and not not by Brown Asian Muslim Palestinians
nor do I work to remain ignorant of the complicity of murderers, regardless of race or creed. link
Let's hear your answer first.
Nahaf, since I've demonstrated you average 1.5 falsehoods or misrepresentations per sentence, I think I've done enough for people to see through you for what you are. Does anyone disagree?
Let's hear your answer first.

The US has invaded and bombed more countries. Which country did they liberate ?
US has liberated Western Europe from the Nazis, Asia from the Japanese, Panama from Noriega.They also liberated Kwait from Iraqis and provided full security to South Korea and West Germany.
☪☪☪☪;960771 said:
frankly i feel it is a disgrace to Pakistan as you have upset Chinese members with your ridiculous comments in Ughiers

A friend will always give you good advice. Whenever you make a mistake a friend must tell you. If we don't raise the issue of Uighur Muslims then we should also not raise the issue of Kashmiri Muslims, Indian Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims.

thread then you're also blaming Azerbaijan for having relations with Israel etc.It puts bad image of Pakistan on these people...

Azerbaijanis do not have good foreign, economic and military policies. They are shooting themselves in the foot. You should read my posts.

Thank god Pan islamists in Pakistan don't get into too high positions in government.Otherwise it would be isolated.

Really ! Turkey does not get into EU since it is a "christian club". This is said by many senior diplomats of EU.

You see a common PAkistani threatening nuclear war on Jews

I am not threatening anybody. All Zionazis are not Jews and all Jews are not Zionazis. You have to remember that. Criticism of of Zionazis is not criticizing Jews. While they criticize all Muslims by using words like "Islamofascism", "Islamic terrorism", "Islamism". I have not even used the word Jew or Judaism in any post except this one.
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When these terms are used the context of their meaning is generally clear and supportable. Your use of language is not.

When Zionists actions speak for themselves.

Holocaust Denial

How long will Zionists will milk this issue ? This gives them carte blanche commit crimes against Arabs.

nor do I work to remain ignorant of the complicity of murderers, regardless of race or creed.

So if you are such a great humanist what are your views about 5 million Palestinians kicked out from their homes for last three generation and living under concentration camp conditions ? It was Germans who killed Jews not Palestinians. Why punish them ?
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☪☪☪☪;960771 said:
I suggest you change your profile flag.Having Pakistani Flag in your profile is quite frankly i feel it is a disgrace to Pakistan

I don't need to prove my patriotism to anybody. There are no cookie cutter Pakistanis being manufactured with same hardware and software. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.
the funniest par tis that n or s korean(cant remeber which one) is also develpoing nuclear weponas but the us dosent seem to get into detail abut that wonder wats the reason :mad:
☪☪☪☪;960788 said:
Oh another thing - While Pakistanis love to point out anything wrong done by Israel and specially UN reports etc - Now let me also point out that Iran also signed NPT as such it cannot posses nuclear weapons.So is it ok for Iran to violate NPT?Pakistan, Israel, India never signed this treaty.

Iran is more stable then pakistan and their nationals are more educated then us...
no comparison b/w iran and other states..
it is an islamic country and its his rights to go nuclear technology..
if iran has no right then nobody has,,,,even pakistan should not have
Doesn't Iran operate and fund terror proxies. Imagine what they would do if they received nuclear weapons. Does the UK and France do that ?

France gave saddam chemical weapons which killed 60k kurds (Iranic people) and Iranian citizens.
Uk fought with Iran for hundreds of years and was the reason why Iran lost half its territory in the past few centuries. They then took over our country and stole our oil for decades and when we nationalized the oil industry they overthrew our PM, destroyed our democracy and brought back the monarchy.
I thought you Turks were proud people. How come you're sucking up to the white man like the Indians?
But you're right, we will get bold after we get a nuke. Maybe we will get back Azarbaijan and Bahrain.
☪☪☪☪;960693 said:
They should just drop tactical nukes on Iranian nuclear plants and call it a day.

you're fascination with my country amuses me.
You still haven't answered me. Wahabi or...?
France gave saddam chemical weapons which killed 60k kurds (Iranic people) and Iranian citizens.
Uk fought with Iran for hundreds of years and was the reason why Iran lost half its territory in the past few centuries. They then took over our country and stole our oil for decades and when we nationalized the oil industry they overthrew our PM, destroyed our democracy and brought back the monarchy.
I thought you Turks were proud people. How come you're sucking up to the white man like the Indians? But you're right, we will get bold after we get a nuke.


Maybe we will get back Azarbaijan and Bahrain.

I don't agree. Let them be free countries. There are 30 million Azeris in Iran while you support Armenia which has occupied Azeri territory. Iranian policy toward Azerbaijan really stinks.
you're fascination with my country amuses me.
You still haven't answered me. Wahabi or...?

Vast majority of Pakistanis support Iran although we have some who have other views.

I don't agree. Let them be free countries. There are 30 million Azeris in Iran while you support Armenia which has occupied Azeri territory. Iranian policy toward Azerbaijan really stinks.

why do people talk about things they don't understand?
First of all, lets not invent stuff k mate?
here's the latest number on Iran's demographics. I have no ******* clue where you got 30 mill from lol.

Now let me tell you something, Azarbaijan was, is and will forever be part of Iran. Just b/c the ******* communists invaded a century ago it won't make us give up on our territory. Bahrain was part of Iran until 30 years ago. I don't know what the shah was thinking but he was probably pressured by the US. And we will forever support our Armenian brothers. Our relationship predates even Iran itself. We are brothers.
Iran is more stable then pakistan and their nationals are more educated then us...
no comparison b/w iran and other states..
it is an islamic country and its his rights to go nuclear technology..
if iran has no right then nobody has,,,,even pakistan should not have
Well Pakistan has nuclear weapons because dumbfucks were not at the top and there were sane people like Munir Ahmed Khan - Unlike Pakistan, Iran signed NPT as such it cannot obtain nuclear weapons.Therefore, legally Pakistan could not be stopped from obtaining nuclear teach and it was a infidel state (since you love islamic states so much) that helped us most.I am sure you don't even know what NPT is?You're just trying support Iranian program because they're Muslims?Will you support a rapist if he is a Muslim?India/Pakistan/Israel have nuclear weapons because we have never signed NPT.

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