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Iranian NSA arrives in Pakistan for talks with leadership‏

Jende, the body of water has a name. Your jende *** can't just go around calling people and places whatever it wants. It's like Iran renaming the Gulf of Oman. It's not knit picking. If you think this is a small issue in Iran, you have no idea what Iran as a country is about. Coming out of the sanctions in the next 10 years, the same whore countries that are calling it "the Gulf" will switch back to the correct historic name in an instant. Way to look pathetic in the process though.
Funny thing, I CAN go around calling people and places what I want. From now on, I'm gonna call the gulf: "the Canadian gulf", and I'm gonna call you an Arab. Why? Just to annoy you, and show you that I can do whatever I please, so long as I don't break rules.

I'm mean, talk about pathetic, you're so damn defensive.
What would be the topics of discussion,? Any idea?
The recent statements by former iran's president... Would it effects the meeting & how(in a positive way hopefuly)

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