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Iraqi's Abrams loses to Grenades

Read about the "Elephants" the Germans used at Kursk. Almost inpenetratable. But if not supported by infantry....sitting ducks. used properly...hard to overcome.

you must be talking about Elefant Tank Destroyer.true.one of the perfect example of how isolation can destroy any tank.but destruction of Elefant has more due to running through a minefield and charging through enemy ranks while their own tanks were left behind.
Or even more likely....A pic of a retard blowing himself up with no damage to the tank. Where are the photos of a destroyed tank? I only see an Islamo-tard blowing himself up to the benefit of the human race.

I don't see anybody blowing himself up you Jewo-tard.






Iraqi armed insurgents destroy a M1 tank of the government forces with grenades. [Global Times]
Pic 1-3:
This particular tank is stationary.
BOTH turret hatches are open.
Tank is missing loader position GPMG
After pic 3, no one in the tank would be alive
Smoke at the turret base suggest driver hatch is open.

Pic 4-5
Same tank, still same place
Turret position changed
HMG position changed relative to main gun barrel
hatches still open
pic 6 suggests external explosion.

My guess is that this is an abandoned tank being destroyed.
Wow the Iraqis suck harder than I could ever imagine..... No matter which century, its still the man behind the machine and the commanders decision which matter at least as much as the machines do.
M1A1 Abrams was rejected by Pakistan Armed Forces way back in 80s. And now with passage of time it shows why.

Well done Pak army.
I think this shows that even with all of the technology advantage in the world, the professionalism and skill of the soldier on the ground is critical.
Well one thing here it obvious .These ISIS people are quite well trained fighters.Exactly who gave them such a training and where did they get their experience ?
Well one thing here it obvious .These ISIS people are quite well trained fighters.Exactly who gave them such a training and where did they get their experience ?

They've been in Syria for months. I have seen people act as if they were the sect that the US was involved with in Jordan, but they are not. Some forget that there was an actual civil war going with Syria/FSA on before it was hijacked by extreme foreign fighters with fairly obvious puppet masters.
They've been in Syria for months. I have seen people act as if they were the sect that the US was involved with in Jordan, but they are not. Some forget that there was an actual civil war going with Syria/FSA on before it was hijacked by extreme foreign fighters with fairly obvious puppet masters.
Well some of them also fought in Chechnya against the Russian forces which proves how professional they are.
And many fought in the Iraqi forces under Saddam, and then against US forces with Iranian training and funding.
These ISIS people are sunnis right ?How did they get their training and funding from irani shias?
Now they are posing a serious threat to the irani and shia establishment in the middle east.
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These ISIS people are sunnis right ?How did they get their training and finding from irani shias?
Now they are posing a serious threat to the irani and shia establishment in the middle east.

Sorry I should have been more specific. I was referring more to the entirety of the situation, since shia militia have taken up arms, and the fight has turned into sectarian civil war, more than some international pipedream of one fundie Islamic state.
Wow, thats a huge number 30 US made Abram Tanks and 8 Helicopters + 70 damaged plus uncountable Humvees is a huge loss of equipment and money.

Frankly Pakistani made Al-Zarar and the new Al-khalid MBTs have fared much better to insurgent attacks.
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M1A1 Abrams was rejected by Pakistan Armed Forces way back in 80s. And now with passage of time it shows why.

Well done Pak army.

The M1 Abrams participated in one of the most lopsided armor campaigns in the history of warfare, against an extremely formidable foe in 1991.

These were not properly manned tanks with trained operators that were lost, these were equipment caches.
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