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Is America responsible for Mumbai blasts?


Mar 29, 2010
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Till now there used to be some doubt when the Mumbai blasts conspirator was actually an American CIA agent turned rouge. Today this has been proved by Wikileaks. Wikileaks today released a document which shows that he was indeed an American agent but later became loyalo to Pakistan. Today newsofap.com scanned some of the pages of this documents and present the following to you.

The document prepared by the CIA's "red cell", a unit responsible for preparing analysis papers from an adversarial perspective, notes that a number of Americans have travelled overseas to commit violent acts, like Headley, who has pleaded guilty to conducting surveillance in support of the 26/11 Lashkar-i-Taiba (LeT) attack in Mumbai.

Pakistan based terrorist outfit "LeT induced him to change his name from Daood Gilani to David Headley to facilitate his movement between the US, Pakistan and India," it said.

Such exports are not new, the paper said. Baruch Goldstein, an American Jewish doctor, killed 29 Palestinians praying at a mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994. That helped trigger a wave of bus bombings by the extremist Palestinian Hamas group, in 1995, it noted.

US citizens also provided "financial and material support" for armed groups in Northern Ireland: much of the funding for the Irish Republican Army, for example, came from Irish-Americans.

"Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon," the report said. "Nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin."

Courtesy : Newsofap article with inputs from Wikileaks & IANS.

Date : August 26th, 2010. News by Newsofap.com
on some extent we can say coz they hide the info abt headley
Till now there used to be some doubt when the Mumbai blasts conspirator was actually an American CIA agent turned rouge. Today this has been proved by Wikileaks. Wikileaks today released a document which shows that he was indeed an American agent but later became loyalo to Pakistan. Today newsofap.com scanned some of the pages of this documents and present the following to you.

The document prepared by the CIA's "red cell", a unit responsible for preparing analysis papers from an adversarial perspective, notes that a number of Americans have travelled overseas to commit violent acts, like Headley, who has pleaded guilty to conducting surveillance in support of the 26/11 Lashkar-i-Taiba (LeT) attack in Mumbai.

Pakistan based terrorist outfit "LeT induced him to change his name from Daood Gilani to David Headley to facilitate his movement between the US, Pakistan and India," it said.

Such exports are not new, the paper said. Baruch Goldstein, an American Jewish doctor, killed 29 Palestinians praying at a mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994. That helped trigger a wave of bus bombings by the extremist Palestinian Hamas group, in 1995, it noted.

US citizens also provided "financial and material support" for armed groups in Northern Ireland: much of the funding for the Irish Republican Army, for example, came from Irish-Americans.

"Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or terrorists is not a recent phenomenon," the report said. "Nor has it been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin."

Courtesy : Newsofap article with inputs from Wikileaks & IANS.

Date : August 26th, 2010. News by Newsofap.com

Regarding bolded part, So you finally accept this has been done by Pakistan may be by a double agent?
Regarding bolded part, So you finally accept this has been done by Pakistan may be by a double agent?

Sir I don't know... If you want to know my view I don't think Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks coz it has just created problems for us.. So why would we do such a thing which is problematic for us??
Sir I don't know... If you want to know my view I don't think Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks coz it has just created problems for us.. So why would we do such a thing which is problematic for us??

to bring the world attention towards kashmir. Kashmir was attributed to the route cause of the problem. TO make world percive it that till kashmir and palestine is not solved none of their citizens are safe in India. To portray India as unsafe location as the high profile location was targetted.

People might have never thought that the retaliation would be such a hoopla and as always Indians will walk away just like the previous terrorism incidents in India. Thanks to indian media that they did not let that happen.
to bring the world attention towards kashmir. Kashmir was attributed to the route cause of the problem. TO make world percive it that till kashmir and palestine is not solved none of their citizens are safe in India. To portray India as unsafe location as the high profile location was targetted.

People might have never thought that the retaliation would be such a hoopla and as always Indians will walk away just like the previous terrorism incidents in India. Thanks to indian media that they did not let that happen.

Indian media is always high on drugs. When i was in India Rajhistan blasts happened and no sooner the Indian media drenched in anti-ISI phobia started calling for attacking Pakistan.

Although it was not hardly 10 minutes passed when the blasts happened and NEVER proven if Pakistan was involved.

Anyway :usflag: Headly candy had been played well ;)
Sir I don't know... If you want to know my view I don't think Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks coz it has just created problems for us.. So why would we do such a thing which is problematic for us??

Kugga, I think we are confusing with two events. This report earlier refers Mumbai Bomb blasts of 7/11, 2006 and not 26/11. The double agent discussed here belongs to first while headley belongs to second.

Regarding 26/11, Actually this has been done to bring up Kashmir issue again on international table. Remember Kargil war inititally framed as Kashmiri "Freedom Fighters" are fighting against IA then later when GoI shown the proof to the world that dying "Freedom Fighters" were actually Armed personnels of PA. Similarly this incident was to show there is some group "Deccan Mujahidin" is doing to protest killings of Kashmiris (as per Ummah) which failed miserably.
to bring the world attention towards kashmir. Kashmir was attributed to the route cause of the problem. TO make world percive it that till kashmir and palestine is not solved none of their citizens are safe in India. To portray India as unsafe location as the high profile location was targetted.

People might have never thought that the retaliation would be such a hoopla and as always Indians will walk away just like the previous terrorism incidents in India. Thanks to indian media that they did not let that happen.

well lets see then what did india do except cry cry and cry and finally stoped u see u werent able to go for surgical strikes u werent able to stop the arms sales at that time u werent able to put sanctions and u gave us a excuse not to engange in wna . it did affect pakistan for the time being but int the long run i dont see any aftereffects. u see no body listens to the rant for long.
False Flag operation = Do and blame on the neighbor that Both can keep buying your Weapons.
well lets see then what did india do except cry cry and cry and finally stoped u see u werent able to go for surgical strikes u werent able to stop the arms sales at that time u werent able to put sanctions and u gave us a excuse not to engange in wna . it did affect pakistan for the time being but int the long run i dont see any aftereffects. u see no body listens to the rant for long.

see the first thing it bought to us was the moral high ground. with the acceptance of pakistan it raised the suspicion on pakistan all over the world. you can never stop the sale of weapons no one is going to loose buisness over some other country but the thing behind was to make the world concerned. everyone has to think twice before doing that.
well lets see then what did india do except cry cry and cry and finally stoped u see u werent able to go for surgical strikes u werent able to stop the arms sales at that time u werent able to put sanctions and u gave us a excuse not to engange in wna . it did affect pakistan for the time being but int the long run i dont see any aftereffects. u see no body listens to the rant for long.

Another effect ----no country in the world believes pakistan and they associate pakistan with- you know what.

it does'nt hurt pakistan in the long run? you just are not seeing it -as always!
i agree and had been saying that unless India questions US role, it can not think of safety in future too

India is TOO WEAK to stand up to USA. It is much easier for India to blame everything on Pakistan.
Conspiracy theory:

The attacks happened when Government of Pakistan was seriously thinking of protecting its airspace from Drone attacks. This was the backdrop of the incident

There were stories around that time that Pakistani Air defence units shot some flairs at some helicopters or planes as well

My conspiracy is , that India was offered nuclear deal in order to put pressure on Pakistan - CIA launched the operations in India

We now do know Headley was a Agent who double crossed yet he is back in CIA hand who may have changed his identity and given him a new alias as far as we know. Mysterious how such an important man was returned back home Mission Acomplished? Feels like Mission Impossible episode

He came in unmarked US planes into Pakistan with Diplomatic immunity , flew in between India/Pakistan with alias and setup all the players in the game.

The presence of CIA, is also proven by fact during investigations , the email sent to some papers was sent from a American's laptop/pc how convinient that some group in Pakistan wanted to accept liability of attacks

Perhaps the aim was to pressurize Pakistan into submission , which backfired as gov discovered the trails of the agent

Again , also one has to remember pakistan/india was quite close at that time
so that was going to be a lesson to Pakistan to do what US wanted or else face consequences

Whats in it for US ?
>Well pressure on Pakistan from Eastern front
>Inability for Pakisatn forces to coupe with both US / Indian
Airforce so a risk of confrontation was avoided

The nuclear deal was a payment for India to allow these acts to be conducted on its lands with out going nuclear from its own side.

Which coincidently happened around that time

The double pressure on both side, resulted in Pakistan backing off from its demands and they launched major operations against Militants which resulted in more local blood shed - which really triggered local bomb blasts in Pakistan.

What was in it for India?
On Indian Side the Army agreed to shift the focus from their on going involvement in local issues with blaming muslims while doing explosions themselves in Indian Train blast

The investigator in india who was charging Indian Army was killed during the process

Also the power plant deal was plus for civilian gov

And US gave India leverge on Kashmir, in return India adapted the notion that some group in pakistan was responsible

And mysteriously exactly 1 person was caught alive - who had no desire to hide his face identity - 'Kassab' who was not killed so he could tell the world he was from Pakistan - to build a case against Pakistan remember if Kassab died who would certify him to be Pakistan so he had to survive

Also citing this an example sensitive awac technology was passed to India with out much questioning from Israel

Similarly US paid off India by allowing it to be part of exclusive nuclear technology group

The alternative view is :

Kasaab and few others launched rouge attacks in hope of starting nuclear conflict
And they took orders from some group , which does not explains the events taking place during that time period

Unfortunately >.. india took the benefits but did not follow thru with air strikes in Pakisan, instead they launched their own srilanka bus attack and violence in Karachi thru RAW initiatives
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These LeT are some tough guys..they attact manmohan security apparatus on his visit to IOK. The casualties for 2 LeT vs 17 Indian occupation forces.

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