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Is Hinduism a true religion as per Islam

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Welll, Now I understand...

Sorry I thought it was different, fair..
Welll, Now I understand...

Sorry I thought it was different, fair..

well; as you can see he didn't insulted Hinduism; he didn't compared it to virus or something. [ I have edited the offensive part]
I undeleted his post so I can learn more about Hinduism; like what god he is talking about in the post? what is his function
Go through the wide internet fora, use google, I am sure there should be some real good muslim interpretation of shiv lingam, post it here and lets discuss.
Can you re-write the above with punctuation please, as I cannot understand what you have written here.
Go through the wide internet fora, use google, I am sure there should be some real good muslim interpretation of shiv lingam, post it here and lets discuss.

Well, I wanted to learn about Hinduism from the follower; but anyway I searched about it and got results about lingam massage, not what I expected as I would say.
Lingam is a penis idol of Shiv right?

What's it prayed for? Vitality? But Shiv's the god for destruction...
My aim was just to know why such things are prayed. What's the reason if any one pray Lingam or male sex organ or Yauni (female sex organ).
Are praying these things part of there holy scriptures or adopted as time passed on and the religious teachings start corrupting due to pagan mentalities.
The most fundamental belief that a Muslim has is that "There is only One God" the Creator, the Sustainer -- known in the Arabic language and by Muslims as Allah. Allah is not a foreign god, nor an idol. Arabic-speaking Christians use the same word for the Almighty.

The fundamental pillar of faith in Islam is to testify that "there is no deity worthy of worship except the One True Almighty God" (in Arabic: "La ilaha ill Allah").

In the Qur'an, we read that Allah is Compassionate and Merciful. He is Kind, Loving, and Wise. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Healer. He is the One who Guides, the One who Protects, the One who Forgives. There are traditionally ninety-nine names, or attributes, that Muslims use to describe Allah's nature.

Some non-Muslims mistakenly believe that Allah is an "Arab god," a "moon god," or some sort of idol. Allah is the proper name of the One True God, in the Arabic language used by Muslims all over the world. Allah is a name that is neither feminine nor masculine, and it cannot be made plural (unlike god, gods, goddess, etc). Muslims believe that there is nothing in the heavens nor on earth that deserves worship except Allah, the One True Creator.

Islam is based on the concept of Tawhid, or Unity of God. Muslims are strictly monotheistic, and fiercely reject any attempt to make God visible or human. Islam rejects any form of idol worship, even if it is an attempt to get "closer" to God, and rejects the Trinity or any attempt to make God human.

"Say, 'He is Allah, the One;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
And there is nothing that can be compared to Him."
Qur'an 112:1-4

In Muslim understanding, God is beyond our sight and understanding, yet at the same time "nearer to us than our jugular vein" (Qur'an 50:16). Muslims pray directly to God, with no intermediary, and seek guidance from Him alone, because "...Allah knows well the secrets of your hearts" (Qur'an 5:7).

"When My servants ask thee concerning Me,
I am indeed close (to them).
I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me.
Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me,
that they may walk in the right way."
Qur'an 2:186

In the Qur'an, people are asked to look around them for the signs of Allah in the natural world. The balance of the world, the rhythms of life, are "signs for those who would believe." The universe is in perfect order: the orbits of the planets, the cycles of life and death, the seasons of the year, the mountains and the rivers, the mysteries of the human body. This order and balance are not haphazard nor random. The world, and everything in it, has been created with a perfect plan, by the One who knows all.

Islam is a natural faith, a religion of responsibility, purpose, balance, discipline, and simplicity. To be a Muslim is to live your life remembering God and striving to follow His merciful guidance.
Vaman Shivram Apte's dictionary gives seventeen definitions of the term, including these examples:

* The image of a god
* A symptom or mark of disease
* A spot or stain
* A means of proof, a proof, evidence
* The effect or product which evolves from a primary cause
* The concept of grammatical gender
* The male organ of generation

I believe there are some ancient african tribes where the leader of the tribe is chosen by the size of the penis or the testicles. If I am to venture a guess something similar must've been applied by the people of those days. To attribute praise to the power of destruction of Shiva, perhaps they created an image of his organ. But that's just a guess.
Significance of the Shiva Lingam
Beliefs and Legends >>Shiva

The non antrhropomorphic Lingam form of Shiva is what is held in reverence in temples all over the sub continent. The Lingam is a symbol. It is a symbol of that which is invisible yet omnipresent. It is hence a a visible symbol of the Ultimate Reality which is present in us (and in all objects of creation ).

The Shivalingam denotes the primeval energy of the Creator.It is believed that at the end of all creation, during the great deluge, all of the different aspects of God find a resting place in the Lingam; Bhrama is absorbed into the right, Vishnu to the left and Gayatri into the heart. The Shivalingam is also a representation of the infinite Cosmic Column of fire, whose origins, Vishnu and Bhrama were unable to trace. (see Lingodbhavar).

Legend has it that Parvati fashioned a Shivalingam with a fistful of sand at Kanchipuram and worshipped Shiva; this lingam is known as the Prithvilingam, denoting the primordial element earth. Shivalingams in several temples are swayambus, or that which appeared on their own, or that which is untouched by a chisel. On the other hand, there are temples where the Shivalingam is carved out of stone and installed. The highly polished Shivalingams of the Pallava period bear several stripes, as in the Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram.

The Shivalingam is generally mounted on a circular or quadrangular receptacle called the Avudaiyar. This pedestal is designed so as to drain off the water offered during ablution ceremonies. In temples such as Kanchipuram, abhishekam is offered only to the pedestal and not to the Shivalingam made of sand. The bottom of the pedestal represents Bhrama, the octogonal middle represents Vishnu and the upper circular portion represents Shiva. The upper portion of the Shivalingam may be of various shapes, cylindrical, elliptical, umbrella shaped. Images may also be (rarely) carved on a Shivalingam.

Nandi, the bull is depicted facing the sanctum in all Saivite temples, symbolizing the human soul Jeevatma yearning for realizing its oneness with Paramatma, the ultimate reality.

Typically, the processional bronze images of Shiva are those of Somaskanda, Chandrasekhara, Bhikshatana and Nataraja. Although in most Shiva temples, the central shrine enshrining the Shivalingam is of the greatest importance, the Nataraja shrine is of greater importance at Chidambaram, the Somaskandar - Tyagarajar shrine is of greater significance at Tiruvarur.
Very fast webby, Fair and Balanced PFF is going for Dive, good luck..From now you dont have my support
Well, I wanted to learn about Hinduism from the follower; but anyway I searched about it and got results about lingam massage, not what I expected as I would say.

That is exactly what it is, its funny that restrain that i keep, when you have so much beautifule stuff about mohammed readily available on the internet. sarcasm readily intended
Lingam is a penis idol of Shiv right?

What's it prayed for? Vitality? But Shiv's the god for destruction...

I will give you the benfit, Cuz you havent come across to me as "we are the perfect ones"

Shiv Lingam and Lingam are different;

Ying and Yang Theory. You do know what that is, dont you. CHinese have theirs
An eye opener indeed. Webby u need to learn about hinduism right? Asim and Rahman also looks like keen learners.

Guess what, I also want to learn about Islam, can i start the same way that idiot did?
There are more than 33 million so called "GODS" in Hinduism, but what is the rational behind praying "Lingam" & "Yauni" ?

Why these people don't think about the one and only GOD, the Almighty Allah so that they can be successful in life hereafter ?

Followers of allah or those who believe Allah is god are known as Muslims. opthers have their own beliefs, probably sine you are born and brought up in a unipoler islamic world you dont know the believes and their gods.

Well does anyone become succesfull by just believing in allah? if so, then why is there so much of poverty and violonce among muslim believers?
Remember gentlemen this thread is not to insult other religions do not let it slide down that pathway. I have also just had to delete some posts. anymore religious insults will result in infractions

Well i guess that was not the rule applied on me. Without no second thoughts i was showered with infractions.
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