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Is Modi affecting Foreign policy of India ?

Is Modiji interfering in Foreign Policy ?

  • No, still Foreign policy is run by the bureaucrats

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Yes, but should leave the job to bureaucrats

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Yes, he should go with it.

    Votes: 36 64.3%

  • Total voters
Thank you mate.

Thank you very much.

My opinion was not about Pakistani people but about the cheerleader trolls here. I have no intention to insult all Pakistani people, there are good, there are bad and there are disgustingly worst.

I put it simply cuz my post was very lengthy already else I know about Pakistan and Pakistani mentality a lot. It would have taken at least 2-3 pages to discuss about the severe identity crisis with examples and facts, my opinion is far far away from the popular opinion. I will try to make a new post about your last reply as its already lengthy.

I frankly dont expect any rational discussion about Pakistan Jihad after hearing this line of great Himd Gul and other propaganda Anchors.

What mess of others???? They were trained for Afghanistan, you took them to Kashmir or did you mean to say US trained them for Kashmir and abandon you? You are still pursuing the same ideology be it Hafiz Saeed or Syed Salahuddin and there how comfortably you glorify as "cleaner of others mess". Who support Syed Salahuddin? who support Afghan Taliban? that propaganda and PR campaign for Zarb-e-Azb against every terrorist is evaporated with Hafiz Rally in Lahore after Burhan Wani. Thanks to him, months-long campaign of fooling the world went into smoke in a second.

It was intentional to keep away trolls, the shallow depth trolls often get nightmares when they face someone with facts and stay away automatically else they will get a good spanking. It was not for any sensible rational poster and not to hurt someone.

Wow!!!! just Wow! Amazing! Kept advocating for dialogue? really? you think everyone here is so dumb? Man we are not in US, we live in same continent and unfortunately neighbours, we can differentiate between truth and propoganda. You were paid for dialogue and you did lip service.

You dont want me to believe that Mullah Akhtar Mansoor was living in Pakistan and carry out attacks in Afghanistan without the help of ISI? do you? if you do then my bad, I really fall for those big moustaches thinking you as a mature lad.

and what about falling into "trap of Northen alliance"? what was that? Killing thousands per year in war is better for you than a political alignment in a country? and who exactly are you to decide that Northern alliance or Pashtun will rule Afghanistan? are you Afghan? or any of your General?

you completely missed the point, it was not about his role in neighbourhood mess but about the foolish grandstanding he makes and later become laughing stock. Its not about Russia, this theatrics of pulling Ambassador is very common for him and seriously dented the prospects of it. Now whenever he say he will pull Ambassador other country dont take it seriously cuz they know he will send it after months.

If you follow Erdogan I hope you know how he pulled Ambassador from Germany, Bangladesh, Austria, Israel, Armenia, US and god knows where not. Asking your Ambassador back is not a child's play and put serious pressure on other country but now do you think anyone will give a damn if he recall Ambassador?

He recalled his Ambassador from Bangladesh for what? what has Turkey to do with it? how foolish was that! and what happen later? why he sent him back after a month or two? what cost he inflicted on Bangladesh for the "evil" of Bangladesh in killing a war criminal? any? what purpose does that exactly served? This is spit and lick and in the case of Russia, it was really embarrassing after all that chest thumping of "next superpower" Turkey will never apologise to Russia and what not was not said at the highest level of leadership.

Anyways it was not about Erdogan but about Modi and my dear friends of India who want to see him in that flavour. I strongly believe that we should never punch above the weight but for long we are punching way below our weight and as a result even tiny tiny nation/individuals take us for granted.
The movement of Kashmir is internal we only support all fighting for their rights vsdoc

Terrorist in our dictionary is an individual that harms Pakistan and its interest full stop
Hafiz Saeed runs FiF google FiF activities post flood and earthquake he is as innocent or guilty as modi

We gave refuge to almost 15-20% of its population in our country at one point i think if we host such a large population of that country in our land than we do get to make certain decisions in Afghanistan that help us
Modi knows how handle with all the India's enemies and friend......doing great work
Thanks to him, months-long campaign of fooling the world went into smoke in a second.
No it didn't you think Zarb-e-Azb is a some kind of a propaganda campaign? are you serious we've lost over 500 soldiers millions of people were displaced we're fighting a war that was never ours it was imposed on us we're fighting terrorist (TTP) backed by mainly 1 foreign intel agency and next time watch what you're typing before you talk about our war against terror

I frankly dont expect any rational discussion about Pakistan Jihad after hearing this line of great Himd Gul and other propaganda Anchors.
No it didn't you think Zarb-e-Azb is a some kind of a propaganda campaign?
Nope, Zarb-e-Azb was not propaganda campaign but presenting it as fight against every terrorist was. That lie of we stopped differentiating between good terrorist bad terrorist, good taliban bad taliban.

we've lost over 500 soldiers millions of people were displaced we're fighting a war that was never ours it was imposed on us

really? are you mistaking me as a kid in my DP? :D I hope you dont.

Search about Kunduz Airlift on google and that will give you some insights about whose war was it. Its strange most Pakistani talking about Afghan war dont even know the very basic facts or may be they take others as fool.
Thank you mate.

Thank you very much.

My opinion was not about Pakistani people but about the cheerleader trolls here. I have no intention to insult all Pakistani people, there are good, there are bad and there are disgustingly worst.

I put it simply cuz my post was very lengthy already else I know about Pakistan and Pakistani mentality a lot. It would have taken at least 2-3 pages to discuss about the severe identity crisis with examples and facts, my opinion is far far away from the popular opinion. I will try to make a new post about your last reply as its already lengthy.

I frankly dont expect any rational discussion about Pakistan Jihad after hearing this line of great Himd Gul and other propaganda Anchors.

What mess of others???? They were trained for Afghanistan, you took them to Kashmir or did you mean to say US trained them for Kashmir and abandon you? You are still pursuing the same ideology be it Hafiz Saeed or Syed Salahuddin and there how comfortably you glorify as "cleaner of others mess". Who support Syed Salahuddin? who support Afghan Taliban? that propaganda and PR campaign for Zarb-e-Azb against every terrorist is evaporated with Hafiz Rally in Lahore after Burhan Wani. Thanks to him, months-long campaign of fooling the world went into smoke in a second.

It was intentional to keep away trolls, the shallow depth trolls often get nightmares when they face someone with facts and stay away automatically else they will get a good spanking. It was not for any sensible rational poster and not to hurt someone.

Wow!!!! just Wow! Amazing! Kept advocating for dialogue? really? you think everyone here is so dumb? Man we are not in US, we live in same continent and unfortunately neighbours, we can differentiate between truth and propoganda. You were paid for dialogue and you did lip service.

You dont want me to believe that Mullah Akhtar Mansoor was living in Pakistan and carry out attacks in Afghanistan without the help of ISI? do you? if you do then my bad, I really fall for those big moustaches thinking you as a mature lad.

and what about falling into "trap of Northen alliance"? what was that? Killing thousands per year in war is better for you than a political alignment in a country? and who exactly are you to decide that Northern alliance or Pashtun will rule Afghanistan? are you Afghan? or any of your General?

you completely missed the point, it was not about his role in neighbourhood mess but about the foolish grandstanding he makes and later become laughing stock. Its not about Russia, this theatrics of pulling Ambassador is very common for him and seriously dented the prospects of it. Now whenever he say he will pull Ambassador other country dont take it seriously cuz they know he will send it after months.

If you follow Erdogan I hope you know how he pulled Ambassador from Germany, Bangladesh, Austria, Israel, Armenia, US and god knows where not. Asking your Ambassador back is not a child's play and put serious pressure on other country but now do you think anyone will give a damn if he recall Ambassador?

He recalled his Ambassador from Bangladesh for what? what has Turkey to do with it? how foolish was that! and what happen later? why he sent him back after a month or two? what cost he inflicted on Bangladesh for the "evil" of Bangladesh in killing a war criminal? any? what purpose does that exactly served? This is spit and lick and in the case of Russia, it was really embarrassing after all that chest thumping of "next superpower" Turkey will never apologise to Russia and what not was not said at the highest level of leadership.

Anyways it was not about Erdogan but about Modi and my dear friends of India who want to see him in that flavour. I strongly believe that we should never punch above the weight but for long we are punching way below our weight and as a result even tiny tiny nation/individuals take us for granted.
Your post reminds me of the saying

Maru Ghutna phootay Ankh.

I am talking about the civil war after the fall Afghan Communist regime and USA abandoning their beloved Burhan Udin Rabbani, Molvi Khalis, Ahmed Shah Mehsood, Gulbadin Hikmatyat & Siraq Udin Haqqani.. they remained very much in Afghanistan… and you are talking Kashmiri militancy…

Salahudin has no role in Afghan jihad.. If you want to bicker over our Kashmiri policy then we have few select words (and justification) for your role in Baluchistan.. you are not USA you say? (of course not and ever will be.. trust me on this we will ensure that never happens ;) ) killing of Wani is your own goal, you cant blame Pakistan for your own folly by using excessive force on civilian protestors..

keep focused if you want to criticise Pakistan over Afghan policy then stay there.. otherwise some will bring in 1962 thrashing you received by Chinese while talking about your misadventure in Siri Lanka in the 80s.

You talk about trolls and you talk about Hafiz Saeed as some great nemesis of yours.. he IS your troll.. he was a NO BODY. NO one knew him in Pakistan . No one talks about him. Your continuous bickering has made him famous and he is loving it. He used the unlawful killings in Kashmir to stage some protests and you are using it as a proof we support him? For the sake of god or (gods if applicable) please allow some fresh air to yourself.

That incident aside ,I challenge you to check out Pakistani news websites or programs and show me how many times he is mentioned or discussed. In this month or one before … He gets the boost when you bitch about him . you talk about our mentality.. ? I have given a taster of yours and I really want to go down that route.

Re Erdogon I didn’t miss the point. I had to check you and correct you. Far from being weak and a coward he has braved up.. your Modi might have a barrel chest and make pompous speeches in the comfort of his body guards.. Erdogon flew back right in the eye of the storm during the failed coup and openly addressed the nation rousing them to take charge and foil the western backed plot and just to show a middle finger to the planners… he went and approached Russia as a show of defiance to his "allies" and make a diplomatic point
@BlackOpsIndia well, i wont be quote replying your post as it is a bit too lengthy and i do not think there is much additional value in replying to it point by point when you are essentially ranting about one same thing, a perception, something that you have formulated in your mind based on some facts and some fabrications and you are not willing to listen to anything said against that. Not even to learn something new.

Frankly speaking, i was pretty please when you first made the initial posts. For me it was like we have got a sensible Indian member and was looking forward to further useful interactions. The language and tone of the last post make me rethink about the evaluation. I am sorry but this is how it is.

As for your comments about Pakistan and Pakistani people, the good the bad and the worst ones, well thank you for your input but frankly, who are you to decide what we are? Are you Pakistani? Sir you do not know us so there is no need for you to pass comments on us. Frankly, dont you think we will ALL be better off if everyone can focus on there own self rather than judging others? Being a mature and sensible person that i though you are you must understand that.

Coming to the point, are you trying to say that what @Irfan Baloch said about US and KSA involvement in Afghanistan is wrong and it is NOT a fact that we were left to deal with the mess that was planned and visioned in US offices. YES we were a front line player in all that, we are partially responsible of this mess as well but stating that it is us and us alone is a bit too far fetched and just an allegation, no substance in any of this. The Afghan-Soviet war was something we had to be part of. Given the closeness of India and Russia, the Russian intentions and also the plain and simple fact that we were part of the western block, the anti-Communist group. We would have gone into it with or without support but US did planed this to turn this into the breaking point of USSR. They had to, they had a score to settle post Vietnam and that is what they did. However if you are suggesting that Pakistan was NOT left alone to clean up all that mess that WE ALL created in 8 10 years, well, i am not sure what sources you are depending on to learn about the whole development. Trying to drag in Kashmir wont help you much either? I understand how it is a sore thumb after the events of last few weeks but sir that wont change the facts on ground. Stating that Hafiz Saeed rally undone what we "faked" in name of operation Zarb-e-Azab is just like saying that your army have undone all those political diplomatic efforts of India to isolate Pakistan. Furthermore, once again, let me say that Zarb-e-Azab is NOT to please anyone. Are you aware of attack on APS? do you follow the terrorist activities INSIDE Pakistan? Zarb-e-Azab is a response to that. Who ever were supporting and conducting those acts are being dealt with. We have addressed a lot of problems in that regard already, what remains is also not ignored. You will see more action, done by Pakistan and more importantly FOR PAKISTAN to address the pending issues. It is effective and that is quite evident by the increased unrest in Delhi. We do not approve of terrorism in any shape or form and do not take pride in meddling in others affairs.

I wont even comment on your response about the dialogue. The truth behind it is what you already know and are just ignoring on purpose or you are so ill informed that you do not know about that at all so in that case there is no point to explain all that to you now. However i do want to point out that ALL you said and mentioned about Erdogan fits PERFECTLY well on Modi. See the Irony of that!
No it didn't you think Zarb-e-Azb is a some kind of a propaganda campaign? are you serious we've lost over 500 soldiers millions of people were displaced we're fighting a war that was never ours it was imposed on us we're fighting terrorist (TTP) backed by mainly 1 foreign intel agency and next time watch what you're typing before you talk about our war against terror

he is an intellectual .. . lol
without sounding insulting.. I can only think of someone as a buffoon who will complain about Pakistan after the surge of violence by Indian forces against the Kashmir Valley. how does a Protest or a rally inside Pakistan AFTER the unlawful killings in Indian occupied Kashmir make us Pakistanis as culprits?
That lie of we stopped differentiating between good terrorist bad terrorist, good taliban bad taliban.
Yes we did when we started bombing those "safe havens"over 4k terrorists are dead you think there are still any "good" taliban left?
really? are you mistaking me as a kid in my DP? :D I hope you dont.
Trust me till your last post i thought of you as a mature person but it looks like i was wrong.
he is an intellectual .. . lol
without sounding insulting.. I can only think of someone as a buffoon who will complain about Pakistan after the surge of violence by Indian forces against the Kashmir Valley. how does a Protest or a rally inside Pakistan AFTER the unlawful killings in Indian occupied Kashmir make us Pakistanis as culprits?
It's a strange logic sir.
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Frankly speaking, i was pretty please when you first made the initial posts. For me it was like we have got a sensible Indian member and was looking forward to further useful interactions. The language and tone of the last post make me rethink about the evaluation. I am sorry but this is how it is.
the guy is looking for straws now.. he goes AHHHA when Hafiz Saeed makes an appearance on media after a long absence (please check when can you recall him on any news site, news paper or News channel in Pakistan)? and he decides that he is responsible for the disturbance in Kashmir Valley after the use of brute force by Indian forces on civilians.. and if that wasnt enough he backs it up with the assassination of Mullah Mansoor after his return from Iran. (maybe he went to get a selfie with Modi at Chabahar ceremony?) and then he questions it with our push for peace dialogue.. (no shit sherlock ) is lost to him since the same guy was in talks with the Americans in Pakistan and now the next leadership shows no intention of talking .. because of this assassination./.. (yea blame it on Pakistan too and bring in Hafiz saeed for good measure,, Indian logic fail)
you are not USA you say? of course not and ever will be.. trust me on this we will ensure that never happens ;)
Is it continuation of that 70 year old famous line "Kasmir Banega Pakistan?" :) I can trust you with my life with your impeccable track record. :tup:

otherwise some will bring in 1962 thrashing you received by Chinese while talking about your misadventure in Siri Lanka in the 80s.
So after Afghan now you are Chinese and Sri Lankan too? :) Not many achievements being a Pakistani I guess.

keep focused if you want to criticise Pakistan over Afghan policy then stay there..
I was focused only on Modi and his foreign policy unless you bring in the Middle East, Syria, ISIS and what not, I think focus is needed on your side.

he IS your troll.. he was a NO BODY. NO one knew him in Pakistan . No one talks about him. Your continuous bickering has made him famous and he is loving it.

Now you are learning :) Why do you think Kasab was kept alive for so long? Its simple branding in terms of Marketing, your product, we sell it. You are trying the same technique with Burhan Wani, making that terrorist in some kind of great mujahid. I wish you make him a brand big enough that in his shadow we can clean up some hiding rats. Pakistan's diplomatic and noise making support is much needed to weed out militancy, provide us the cover.

He used the unlawful killings in Kashmir to stage some protests and you are using it as a proof we support him?

Holy $hit!!!!! you seriously believe Pakistan state dont support Hafiz Saeed and your profile reads counter terrorism expert!

He gets the boost when you bitch about him
Thats the plan dont you think so :) I wonder why was it so hard in first place to understand this?

Far from being weak and a coward he has braved up..
Didn't intent to project him a coward or anything, just stated facts that he has made mockery out of his diplomatic cadre for petty things which reflects anyone can disturb him with small things. Remember that German singer and how he complained to German Chancellor to jail the singer cuz he insulted great ruler of world in his song! Pathetic, your Turkish friends may tell you better about how many people are jailed in Turkey for mere criticism or making a cartoon(but cartoon touches some raw nerves isn't it?, if applicable)!

your Modi might have a barrel chest and make pompous speeches in the comfort of his body guards.. Erdogon flew back right in the eye of the storm during the failed coup and openly addressed the nation rousing them to take charge and foil the western backed plot and just to show a middle finger to the planners…

Lets leave about Modi and Erdogan comparison :) My Prime Minister on campaign trail never used a single bullet proof stage even when there were attacks in his rally. He made the speech and stayed when multiple bomb blasts happen in his rally, and the countless terrorists sent to kill him from Ishrat Jahan to some Jundal all supported by our own govt. of Congress. Dont even think of comparing it with Erdogan who ran away in a plane and requested landing in other countries and it was denied and came back only when coup failed and airport was secure. Modi came stood in the same ground with 5 lacs people while blasts were happening all around.

Again this is not the thread for Modi vs Erdogan, I was talking about a specific quality not which I dont want to see in Modi, if you are in troll mood thats a different thing.

he went and approached Russia as a show of defiance to his "allies" and make a diplomatic point
Only a Pakistani can defend Turkey and China more than Turkish and Chinese themselves. We all know what happened, your sugar coating wont help I guess.
I think India should take it easy, it just seems far too much, too quickly.
As they say, time and tide wait for no man. In today's fast paced geopolitical environment, one has to keep running just to stand still! I think Modi is doing the right thing - striking while the iron is hot which is the best and only way to mold public opinion today.
@BlackOpsIndia a perception, something that you have formulated in your mind based on some facts and some fabrications and you are not willing to listen to anything said against that. Not even to learn something new.

Why do you think I am on defence .pk? To listen to other side isn't it? but all I get is usual lies from my fellow Pakistani friends, if I had to live with my fabrication there are multiple Indian forums where I can thrash Pakistani users but I read here dont engage with trolls why? To get some facts. Now you have spoken about facts I will be more than happy to learn it if you present any.

Admiration is mutual dont you think so? You defend someone who harm my country and expect me to admire you for it, is it justified? Most people are presenting theories that are far far away from truth and we all know that, still they waste their time!

As for your comments about Pakistan and Pakistani people, the good the bad and the worst ones, well thank you for your input but frankly, who are you to decide what we are? Are you Pakistani?

It can be said about India too, isn't it? He was presenting me into some kind of Pakistani hater, which I am not, said this in response to that, I hope when you want a rational discussion you will please read things in context.

Coming to the point, are you trying to say that what @Irfan Baloch said about US and KSA involvement in Afghanistan is wrong and it is NOT a fact that we were left to deal with the mess that was planned and visioned in US offices. YES we were a front line player in all that, we are partially responsible of this mess as well but stating that it is us and us alone is a bit too far fetched and just an allegation, no substance in any of this. The Afghan-Soviet war was something we had to be part of. Given the closeness of India and Russia, the Russian intentions and also the plain and simple fact that we were part of the western block, the anti-Communist group.
Agree with you sir, 100%, never said Pakistan didnt suffered loss of life or its not victim of terrorism but blaming US 100% is thing you tell to kids not to the people who know the realty, thats what I was trying to tell him.

However if you are suggesting that Pakistan was NOT left alone to clean up all that mess that WE ALL created in 8 10 years, well, i am not sure what sources you are depending on to learn about the whole development.
Thats where I disagree, you say you were cleaning the mess, I say you were creating more mess. Even your own generals said this from Hamid Gul to Mush and others, they all used same proxies never tried to clean them unless recently. Thats a fact and its not by some internet user but the same player who played this game.

Trying to drag in Kashmir wont help you much either? I understand how it is a sore thumb after the events of last few weeks but sir that wont change the facts on ground.
I really dont intent to win any argument at all, I say what I have learn from independent sources, read others and if they are true I surrender and learn more, infact my best teachers(journalists) are all Pakistanis not even a single Indian. So I am not trying to drag Kashmir at all and the recent weeks dont concerns me at all.

Just like some killings in Karachi dont concerns you some killing in Kashmir dont concerns me, its a cat and mouse game, one day is good for forces other for terrorists. I take it just like that. Militancy is down to lowest in Valley and thats what makes me happy.

Stating that Hafiz Saeed rally undone what we "faked" in name of operation Zarb-e-Azab is just like saying that your army have undone all those political diplomatic efforts of India to isolate Pakistan.
Would like to know more how it "helped" Pakistan's integration.

Furthermore, once again, let me say that Zarb-e-Azab is NOT to please anyone.
You talk about rationality and become so touchy when it comes to ZarbAzb.

Are you aware of attack on APS? do you follow the terrorist activities INSIDE Pakistan? Zarb-e-Azab is a response to that. Who ever were supporting and conducting those acts are being dealt with. We have addressed a lot of problems in that regard already, what remains is also not ignored. You will see more action, done by Pakistan and more importantly FOR PAKISTAN to address the pending issues.
I know about APS, Sabin Mahmood, Bacha Khan, Saffora Goth, Amjad Sabri and every single terrorist attack everywhere in Pakistan and I know what Zarb e Azb it. This is not the topic neither did said anything about it. I countered when people claimed it as against every terrorist good or bad, which is plain lie.

Its neither against Afghan Taliban nor against LeT etc. thats what its is and thats how I take it.

It is effective and that is quite evident by the increased unrest in Delhi.
Really? is this your metric to measure effectiveness? Well by this logic India is doing exceptionally well in Kashmir as I can unrest see not just Islamabad but in whole Pindi.

We do not approve of terrorism in any shape or form and do not take pride in meddling in others affairs.
I read till here with so much excitement and in this single line you endorsed and contradicted everything you said above. Its disappointing. If you dont meddle in others affair what is whole Afghan Taliban leadership and Haqqani network doing in Pakistan? Did they applied for "political asylum"? What is Hafiz, Dawood and Syed Sallahudin doing? They seems to be saint after your definition and you clear them of their own confessions!

Or may be by "we" you mean yourself only, the proper pronoun will be "I".

However i do want to point out that ALL you said and mentioned about Erdogan fits PERFECTLY well on Modi. See the Irony of that!
ohh! my bad why did I mentioned him at all, my "rational" Pakistani friends are hurt to core. May be I was born in Fiji that I dont how many people are jailed for abusing Modi or how many Ambassador he recalled! can you help me out with the list of Ambassador recalled or Modi arresting someone, anyone for insulting him? or is it just a deliberate troll attempt?

Yes we did when we started bombing those "safe havens"over 4k terrorists are dead you think there are still any "good" taliban left?

Seems like Wali Muhhamed/Mullah Akhtar Mansoor was secretly living inside Pakistan, but wait isn't ISI the worlds best intelligence agency? How come he got the passport!

and wait where is Mullah Rasol? I guess in India right? Either you are cut off from reality so badly that you no idea whats happening or you are thinking that since I got low number of posts I know nothing about Pakistan :)
@waz @WAJsal @Oscar @Slav Defence Plz look after the thread, thank you in advance.
Just one point to add:
Bureaucrats are powerful but not powerful enough to impact foreign policy of a country like India where the political system is so strong. This logic does apply to Pakistan, where foreign policy can sometimes be affected by interference of civil or military bureaucrats. But in recent times we have seen politicians being the dominant figures and making the decisions, also resulting in a poor foreign policy.
This case applies to India, generally speaking. Politicians failure should not be blamed on bureaucrats. Strong and cocky bureaucrats mean a weak leader. But i don't think bureaucrats have affected India's foreign policy as a whole. It is more like a myth or an excuse to hide incompetence.
Now is Modi affecting India's foreign policy? yes, every leader does. Now it being successful or unsuccessful is a different topic altogether. Take Nawaz Sharif for example, he pushed hard for peace with India. It did affect our foreign policy. Not too successful when you have an anti Pakistan government in India.
I read till here with so much excitement and in this single line you endorsed and contradicted everything you said above. Its disappointing. If you dont meddle in others affair what is whole Afghan Taliban leadership and Haqqani network doing in Pakistan? Did they applied for "political asylum"? What is Hafiz, Dawood and Syed Sallahudin doing? They seems to be saint after your definition and you clear them of their own confessions!

Or may be by "we" you mean yourself only, the proper pronoun will be "I".
Does India or do you approve of terrorism in any shape or form and do not take pride in meddling in others affairs?
You will continue to blame us and we will continue to blame you.

I still blame the Hindutva mentality that sees Pakistan's existence as an insult, thus the continued efforts to break it. But that's not related to this topic.

without sounding insulting.. I can only think of someone as a buffoon who will complain about Pakistan after the surge of violence by Indian forces against the Kashmir Valley. how does a Protest or a rally inside Pakistan AFTER the unlawful killings in Indian occupied Kashmir make us Pakistanis as culprits?
Frustration and desperation can lead to funny things.
I still blame the Hindutva mentality that sees Pakistan's existence as an insult, thus the continued efforts to break it. But that's not related to this topic.

Frustration and desperation can lead to funny things.
What Hindutva mentality you are talking about? Partition is done and is a reality. No one really want it to be reversed. No way. Most of the population in India was not even born when partition happened. And see no insult. We are happy with whatever landmass and people we have. Please stop asking for more, that's it!
Does India or do you approve of terrorism in any shape or form and do not take pride in meddling in others affairs?
You will continue to blame us and we will continue to blame you.
Yes India did meddle into affairs of others and militarily with Sri Lanka and we learned our lessons well, as a result we are spared of constant Jihadis roaming in Tamil Nadu trying to attack other countries. We learned and fought with Lankan Brothers to undo the mistake.

We dont blame you, we know for a fact who is promoting terrorism and thanks a lot to this policy India too is paying back in the same coin.

A nation of 1.25 Billion can never sit ideal and let some smaller country destroy them. I know this for a fact that TTP and others are supported by India all thanks to your policy. I don't see that changing in near future, unless there is some action.

I still blame the Hindutva mentality that sees Pakistan's existence as an insult, thus the continued efforts to break it. But that's not related to this topic.
You can blame, cry or whatever that doesn't change the facts. How many suicide bombers were sent by Hindutva ideology in Pakistan? any, one? but I see a lot of fools becoming target practice at LOC for "Gazhva-e-Hind" or whatever its called.

Indian Hindu or Muslim or Christian or whomsoever are all against Pakistan and work in RAW, IB, Army and other places with same passion, it has less to do with secular culture of our country but more with the terrorists attacks that killed thousands of innocents in every major city. We could have never been so strong and united as we are today after 26/11.

Anyways its not a topic for thread so lets talk about it some other place

What Hindutva mentality you are talking about? Partition is done and is a reality. No one really want it to be reversed. No way. Most of the population in India was not even born when partition happened. And see no insult. We are happy with whatever landmass and people we have. Please stop asking for more, that's it!

The nation was broken by a particular ideology of people on basis of religion and how hilarious is it that they blame other religion!!! You born, live, work, die in a nation created for a particular religion, the very reason for your existence is religion and yet you got the audacity to point finger at others! Mind boggling.

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