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Is Modi an harbinger of bad luck?

Modi jee is not just a harbringer of bad luck for those he hugs, but for pretty much everyone he rules also. He is a narcissist and megalomaniac, much like Imran Khan and Erdogan. He has a weird fascination with himself, he left his wife because he is in love with himself and his cows. He has 0 knowledge of economics doesnt listen to economic advisors and has created his own branch of economics known as Modinomics. Demonetization, Total Lockdown and Thaali Bajao are all examples of Modinomics that have devastated the small businesses and led to the highest ever unemployment rate in India and fall in GDP of 20% in a single quarter. He surrounds himself with sycophants and yes men who applaud his every move and blow smoke up his ***, all educated and experience BJP members have been leftsided. Basically now India is under Gujju and Yogi rule. 2 Gujjus ( Modi and Mota Bhai Shah) are selling the nation and 2 Gujjus(Ambani Adani) are buying everything he sells. And there is a Yogi in the middle

His vast election rallies and allowing Kumbh mela led to almost 4 million covid deaths. He single handedly destroyed independence of Supreme Court, Central Bank, Media, pretty much all institutions that had formed over 60 years. India has falled on hunger index, press freedom index, democracy index, pretty much every parameter.

And this is the result.

Also contrary to what Bhakts say, there is also no evidence that he is any less corrupt than the Congress. Since independent media no longer exists in India and honest journalists are being sent to jail left right and centre, there is simply no way to know if a scam has happened or not.

Also contrary to what Bhakts say, there is also no evidence that he is any less corrupt than the Congress.

On this there is some independent evidence. In 2013, India was ranked 94/177 on Transparency Index. In 2021 it is ranked 85/180.

On the HDI ranking, India was ranked 135 in 2013, in 2021 it is ranked 131.


Neighbours, Russia can help convert 16.38% of India's trade into rupees

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced on Monday a mechanism to settle international payments in rupee. India could convert 16.38 per cent of its total trade from US dollars into rupees if its neighbours (excluding Pakistan) and Russia, which is under Western sanctions, follow the central bank’s policy, according to analysis of Ministry of Commerce's data. India's total trade volume with the world stood at Rs 77.15 trillion in FY22.

Rupee’s use in trade settlement would help the RBI in conserving foreign exchange. India's forex reserves have fallen by more than Rs 1 trillion since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war in February. According to RBI's latest figures, it stood at Rs 46.43 trillion as compared to Rs 47.52 trillion in February. The rupee fell to a record low on Tuesday as declines in the domestic share market and weakness in other Asian currencies on fears of a global recession weighed on the unit despite recent measures by the central bank to boost dollar inflows.

The rupee was Tuesday morning trading at 79.61 against the US dollar versus its close of 79.44 on Monday.

Rupee settlement would allow India to bypass the orders preventing the use of the US dollar for trade, like in case of sanctions imposed by western countries in Russia. The total trade between India and Russia was Rs 0.98 trillion in FY22, less than 1 per cent of India's total global trade. That trade has gone up significantly after March when Russia started selling oil to India at discount.

Before the war, Russia made up just 0.2 per cent of the total oil imported by India, according to official data. By May, this had jumped to 10 per cent, making Russia India's second biggest oil supplier. India imported 25 million barrels of Russian oil in May.
The share of neighbouring countries, in India's total trade volume in FY22 stood at 15.11 per cent, according to Ministry of Commerce data. Goods worth Rs 11.66 trillion were traded between India and these countries namely China, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Maldives (Pakistan excluded). China was India’s biggest trading partner among these countries in FY22, accounting for over half of the figure at Rs 8.6 trillion.

Bangladesh was India's second-biggest trade partner in the neighbourhood, with a trading volume of Rs 1.35 trillion. Nepal followed Bangladesh on the list. The trade volume between India and Nepal stood at Rs 0.82 trllion in FY22.

Sri Lanka’s tottering economy could gain if it trades with its giant neigbour in Indian rupees. The Indian government has extended credit lines worth over $3 billion for fuel, fertilisers and other essential supplies to help Sri Lanka stay afloat.
So many people hate him and still wins by a large margin ,:-) that must hurt the haters even more
ModiGee hugged Nawaz Sharif. Overthrown in a judicial coup backed by Neutral Umpires.

ModiGee hugged Rajapaksas. They barely escaped with their gotas intact.

ModiGee hugged Trump. Booted out in a rigged election.

ModiGee hugged Bibi. Gone.

ModiGee hugged BoJo. Overthrown by his own MPs.

ModiGee hugged Abe. Shot dead.

Is this true that ModiGee is a Panauti?

Anyone who he has hugged and is still standing?

Probabaly for Pakistan....
And yet Pakistanis laugh.
kya galat bola ?

Pak establishment ka new strategic shift is well thought out, it will lead to peace, inshallah !
Let us hope so what you are saying comes true


How is ModiGee a panauti for Pakistan. The general consensus is that he is weakening India and strengthening Pakistan by comparison.

Pakistan ese MacBook nahi hoga karna padega.

How is ModiGee a panauti for Pakistan. The general consensus is that he is weakening India and strengthening Pakistan by comparison.

He is weakening the Liberal and secular india, just the same what ziaulhaq does. Not india itself.
We here in this forum often says things to ridicule each other. We too have a very baised view in which we are always the winning party, while in real world we have lost big time on every front.
So the perceptions and assumption on this forum from fanboys need not to be taken seriously.
A radical Pakistan though was able to launch Afghan jehad and 90s kashmir intefada.
But did we gain anything from that? Despite being labelled terrorist and hub of terrorism and chasing away all the investors destroying the economy etc etc. We achieved nothing. Policy is falwed and it failed and a generally peace loving nation nation become radical zombies. Our way of life changed. We started hating our cultures and traditions. Some wanted to be iranian , some arab, some English. Etc etc. social and moral fiber terms alien to politicians, were destroyed of Pakistan. Economies can be built. But moral destruction is very difficult to rebuilt.
On the other hand modi is clever. He uses his hinduvata politics so far only for power. Muslims are enemy, this one line is reason why hindus are united. Occasional incident against muslims wont make headlines or chase away the investor. But unite hindus. His supporters continuously say that "khana na do modi jee, lakin muslim ko dar lagna chahiya". And modi jee dilevers.
This radical india is very dangerous for Pakistan. They can create misinformation, hate campaign and can do some kind of adventure against Pakistan which secular india won't.
They always wanted to call bluff of nuclear war from pakistan.
And they did. By firing missile in bahwalpur, while our army was busy in regime change operations.
So this india is not sane. Can do misadventure which is bad for Pakistan. Specially in this economy.
They dont need peace with Pakistan.
Pakistan is cornered tiger and they know it.
All they want it for Pakistan to sign kashmir to them. Punish Pakistan army and hafiz saeed for munbai. Say publicly we are a terrorist state and we are sorry to india. Accept indias hegemony. And give up nuclear wepons. Only then Pakistan would be allowed to develop.
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ModiGee hugged Nawaz Sharif. Overthrown in a judicial coup backed by Neutral Umpires.

ModiGee hugged Rajapaksas. They barely escaped with their gotas intact.

ModiGee hugged Trump. Booted out in a rigged election.

ModiGee hugged Bibi. Gone.

ModiGee hugged BoJo. Overthrown by his own MPs.

ModiGee hugged Abe. Shot dead.

Is this true that ModiGee is a Panauti?

Anyone who he has hugged and is still standing?

Probably for Pakistan

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