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'ISI killing US troops in Afghanistan'

"Good now they will become part of the corrupt drug dealings that take place without stepping on to my country"

Bet you can score some great heroin and hash in Landi Kotel.

Pakistanis need to be very careful when they get "holier than thou" about corruption and drugs. There's a long and continuing history there that's a big part of your own governance problems.
Still I rather say we are holier than American-occupied Afghanistan which still bloody vomits out some 90% plus of the world’s opium.

Read a UNODC report and educate yourself:

As a result, in 2007 Afghanistan produced an extraordinary 8,200 tons of opium (34% more than in 2006), becoming practically the exclusive supplier of the world’s deadliest drug (93% of the global opiates market).

no other country in the world has ever produced narcotics on such a deadly scale.


So please spare us your self-righteous ramblings about bloody Landi Kotal...and be proud of what the US/NATO and their NA war/drug lord cronies have achieved for Afghanistan and the region (do look at the nice graph in the report, I wonder how much business has boomed for people like Karzi's brother over the last year as well which is sadly not included).

and most of the drugs are sent to nearby muslim countries.

A very minute amount is sent to USA.
Good now they will become part of the corrupt drug dealings that take place without stepping on to my country I can't be more honoured.

When something is done for a good cause, admit that it is done for good cause. These are allegations that you are making for the purpose of denial of the cause.

The purpose of this road benefits India and Afganistan. For India the energy transportation becomes easier and for the Afganistan it is a starting point of foundation building. It is after all a win win situation for both the countries.
Your own nation's long history with processing opium to heroin in FATA labs is well-known and on-going. There are connections to ISI/Chinese origins in that lab history. Percusors still arrive in vast amounts from the PRC. Corruption from drugs are a fact in Pakistan.

The taliban's own opium legacy was substantial. You now seem to know about UNODC. Therefore you also know about the opium production in Afghanistan between 1996-2001. Everybody is aware that the taliban single-handedly eradicated opium over the course of one year.

Few ask how.

Fewer ask how it didn't happen earlier.

The numbers, for instance, in 1999 were astoundingly high given their sense of "purity" and that they'd been in power for three years.

Opium will likely always be a part of the region.

Today, most of Afghanistan's opium, by far, is produced in the far south which coincides both with British control and their anti-narcotics policies and the heart of the taliban insurgency.

Opium production is not uniform across Afghanistan and many areas have eradicated poppy-growth or are near doing so. You know that from your UNODC access but choose not to highlight any successes.

" I wonder how much business has boomed for people like Karzi's brother over the last year as well which is sadly not included)."

Those dang corrupt pashtus. Ya just can't trust em', eh?

Personally, I'd buy the whole crop at the farmer's door at above-market price and arm them to protect their crop until harvested and sold to authorized UNODC or ISAF agents/officers. $1 billion per year ought to do it.

Burn it or turn it to medicinal from there.
Today, most of Afghanistan's opium, by far, is produced in the far south which coincides both with British control and their anti-narcotics policies and the heart of the taliban insurgency.

It is even better to know that the Indians built their road in the south(connecting with Iran) to connect with the drug trade easily though I must admit jeypore can find other things that Afghans produce that can be transported on the road India built.
"Just because a Front Office address doesn't pop up on your highschool google search, doesnt mean it doesnt exist."

This reply took a week?

Just because a "front office" MIGHT exist doesn't mean it's engaged in nefarious activities of any sort much less specifically directed against Pakistan. Prove existence, then prove malicious intent, and finally prove a pattern of such elsewhere in Afghanistan by direction of New Delhi.

You're posturing on fumes. Not much in the tank.

Yeh unlike kids like you who spend 24/7 of their useless lives on forums & youtube; some of us actually have more important things to do than retort back to skiddish comments made on a forum by a haughty individual.

Existence was proved in the cross-talk/analysis show which u didnt bother to read abt. Ppl working in Pakistan's intelligence agencies plus thinktanks had intel on hand for which the invited Indian guests could not muster up anything to say against.

Fuming? Hardly, I'm rather enjoying your desperate attempts at word-twisting & a rather poor attempt at dragging in semantics.
Your own nation's long history with processing opium to heroin in FATA labs is well-known and on-going. There are connections to ISI/Chinese origins in that lab history. Percusors still arrive in vast amounts from the PRC. Corruption from drugs are a fact in Pakistan.

Ironic for a Westerner & a descendant of the former British Empire to lecture others on Opium. One wonders what justification you would want to come up with regards to the Opium Wars that Britain fought with China.

The taliban's own opium legacy was substantial. You now seem to know about UNODC. Therefore you also know about the opium production in Afghanistan between 1996-2001. Everybody is aware that the taliban single-handedly eradicated opium over the course of one year.

Also ironic how Mexican drug-cartels are taking over Mexico, a country next door to the United States with much of the Southern United States, El Salvador, Nicaragua all infested with drug-gangs, mafia-lords, a drug industry worth billions of dollars; YET lets worry abt Afghanistan first even though NATO & the U.S have failed in Afg to date.

Few ask how.

Fewer ask how it didn't happen earlier.

The numbers, for instance, in 1999 were astoundingly high given their sense of "purity" and that they'd been in power for three years.

Opium will likely always be a part of the region.

Today, most of Afghanistan's opium, by far, is produced in the far south which coincides both with British control and their anti-narcotics policies and the heart of the taliban insurgency.

Opium production is not uniform across Afghanistan and many areas have eradicated poppy-growth or are near doing so. You know that from your UNODC access but choose not to highlight any successes.

" I wonder how much business has boomed for people like Karzi's brother over the last year as well which is sadly not included)."

Those dang corrupt pashtus. Ya just can't trust em', eh?

Personally, I'd buy the whole crop at the farmer's door at above-market price and arm them to protect their crop until harvested and sold to authorized UNODC or ISAF agents/officers. $1 billion per year ought to do it.

Burn it or turn it to medicinal from there.

Ah yes, 'opium will always be part of the region'; as long as the money flows in to the pockets of pro-American, pro-Western goons, sure its OK.

Pashtuns? Today, 95% of the Afghan government is corrupt to the core, allowing the production of opium while taking a slice of the profits. Find out how many 'poppy houses' [& why they are called as such] in Kabul's neighborhood of 'Sherpur' are owned by Pashtuns & how many by Northern Alliance Tajik & other goons propped up by the United States & NATO to be part of Afghan govt.

Criticizing Pashtuns is pointless since there are worse Northern Alliance warlords, etc who have been made part & parcel of Hamid Karzai's entourage. No wonder, the neighborhood of 'Sherpur' looks like copy,pasted from another world in to the destitute conditions of Afghanistan.
"One wonders what justification you would want to come up with regards to the Opium Wars that Britain fought with China."

One wonders more why I'd want to bother. Percusor chemicals arriving to FATA heroin labs interests me far more. See the relevance? I do.

"YET lets worry abt Afghanistan first even though NATO & the U.S have failed in Afg to date."

Another strawman. However, indeed, LET'S worry about Afghanistan. My guess is you've paid very little attention to the UNODC reports. Avail yourself, please. The issues of opium in Afghanistan correspond very closely with those areas where the insurgency thrives- the south. It also coincides with a narcotics control policy directed by the British.

I know about the "poppy houses" in Kabul. I also know about the drug "fortresses" built outside Landi Kotel. Pot calling kettle black on corruption. You live in Pakistan, remember?:lol:

"Yeh unlike kids like you who spend 24/7 of their useless lives..."

"kid"? I rather like that.:)
I know about the "poppy houses" in Kabul. I also know about the drug "fortresses" built outside Landi Kotel. Pot calling kettle black on corruption. You live in Pakistan, remember?

Again, more ludicrous attempts to brush NATO, U.S failures in Afghanistan underneath the rug by pointing fingers at Pakistan.

Pakistan is not occupied by the 'saviors of freedom', Afghanistan is. Pakistan is not being rebuilt from scratch, Afghanistan is. Pakistan's political players have not been 'imported' from abroad by NATO/U.S & installed in place to rule with the promise of 'legitimate' & 'effective' governance.

7+yrs & counting.. No deliverance in Afghanistan. As usual, West steps in, installs its own stooges & then leaves. Lets see how long Karzai or any other stooge lasts with the corrupt Tajik+Uzbek warlords of Northern Alliance - a terrorist organization much like the Taliban - sitting in Afg parliament today. The irony of double-standards, chastise one set of terrorists, put garlands around necks of others.

Its almost as if you cannot answer a single issue effectively but instead resort to sidetracking and one-liner amusements.
I know about the "poppy houses" in Kabul. I also know about the drug "fortresses" built outside Landi Kotel. Pot calling kettle black on corruption. You live in Pakistan, remember?:lol:

S2 ,

US and NATO forces dont not have clear objectives in Afghanistan .That is reason all NATO forces mentioned that their objective can not be obtained with existing strategy ,US still want to continue failed strategy by increase of fire power and numbers.

Drone attacks in Pakistan furthure increasing local trible support for foriegn fighters ozbik,tajik,chechan,arabs and local pakistani pushtons .
Another lame thread....about drugs/poppy i remember that during taliban rule poppy production went to nil but somehow dont know y its flourishing again :D
Another lame thread....about drugs/poppy i remember that during taliban rule poppy production went to nil but somehow dont know y its flourishing again :D

Yep there is danger american and nato soilders get adiction of norcotics and refused to go back home .

May be that was reason few Alexander men settled in Wadi Kalash refused to go back :lol:
Yep there is danger american and nato soilders get adiction of norcotics and refused to go back home .

May be that was reason few Alexander men settled in Wadi Kalash refused to go back :lol:

lol...but on serious note i think these americans are involved in this business
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