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Islamabad sides with Beijing after tribunal ruling on South China Sea

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Islamabad sides with Beijing after tribunal ruling on South China Sea
ISLAMABAD – Islamabad has reiterated its support to Beijing on South China Sea issue following the ruling of an international tribunal which declared that China had no historical rights in the region.

In a statement issued to media, Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan maintains that disputes over the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved, through consultations and negotiations by states directly concerned.

The issue should be discussed in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, he went on to say. He said that Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others.

The spokesman said Pakistan believes maintenance of peace and security is the collective responsibility of all parties to the South China Sea.

“Countries outside the region should fully respect efforts made by China and the ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to this end,” the statement said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the tribunal ruled against China’s claims it had “historical rights” in the South China Sea in a bitter dispute that risks further stoking regional tensions.

More than three years after the Philippines asked the permanent court of arbitration in The Hague to dismiss many of China’s sweeping claims in the resource-rich region.

The court said Beijing’s claim of virtual sovereignty over nearly all the South China Sea under a so-called “nine-dash line” runs contrary to UNCLOS, which sets a country’s maritime boundaries 22 kilometres from its coast, and control over economic activities up to 370 kilometres from its coast.

The court ruled China had violated Manila’s sovereign rights by interfering with Philippine fishing and oil exploration activities in the area.

“China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the exclusive economic zone by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, by constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,” the PCA added.

Reacting to the development, Chinese President Xi Jinping rejected the ruling and said “China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea” will not be affected.

It is also pertinent to be mentioned here that China had boycotted the proceedings at the court, saying the body has no jurisdiction over the dispute, and insisted it will not accept, recognise or implement any ruling on the South China Sea, despite being a signatory to UNCLOS along with the Philippines. In a statement issued just hours before The

In a statement issued just hours before the Hague panel announced its decision, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said it would not accept “any so-called material” from the court.
:-) Good...now forget Kashmir.
Forget that Pakistan will ever forget Kashmir :-)

Islamabad sides with Beijing after tribunal ruling on South China Sea
ISLAMABAD – Islamabad has reiterated its support to Beijing on South China Sea issue following the ruling of an international tribunal which declared that China had no historical rights in the region.

In a statement issued to media, Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan maintains that disputes over the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved, through consultations and negotiations by states directly concerned.

The issue should be discussed in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, he went on to say. He said that Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others.

The spokesman said Pakistan believes maintenance of peace and security is the collective responsibility of all parties to the South China Sea.

“Countries outside the region should fully respect efforts made by China and the ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to this end,” the statement said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the tribunal ruled against China’s claims it had “historical rights” in the South China Sea in a bitter dispute that risks further stoking regional tensions.

More than three years after the Philippines asked the permanent court of arbitration in The Hague to dismiss many of China’s sweeping claims in the resource-rich region.

The court said Beijing’s claim of virtual sovereignty over nearly all the South China Sea under a so-called “nine-dash line” runs contrary to UNCLOS, which sets a country’s maritime boundaries 22 kilometres from its coast, and control over economic activities up to 370 kilometres from its coast.

The court ruled China had violated Manila’s sovereign rights by interfering with Philippine fishing and oil exploration activities in the area.

“China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the exclusive economic zone by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, by constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,” the PCA added.

Reacting to the development, Chinese President Xi Jinping rejected the ruling and said “China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea” will not be affected.

It is also pertinent to be mentioned here that China had boycotted the proceedings at the court, saying the body has no jurisdiction over the dispute, and insisted it will not accept, recognise or implement any ruling on the South China Sea, despite being a signatory to UNCLOS along with the Philippines. In a statement issued just hours before The

In a statement issued just hours before the Hague panel announced its decision, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said it would not accept “any so-called material” from the court.

:-) Good...now forget Kashmir.
Not happening. And stop detailing.
Islamabad sides with Beijing after tribunal ruling on South China Sea
ISLAMABAD – Islamabad has reiterated its support to Beijing on South China Sea issue following the ruling of an international tribunal which declared that China had no historical rights in the region.

In a statement issued to media, Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan maintains that disputes over the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved, through consultations and negotiations by states directly concerned.

The issue should be discussed in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, he went on to say. He said that Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others.

The spokesman said Pakistan believes maintenance of peace and security is the collective responsibility of all parties to the South China Sea.

“Countries outside the region should fully respect efforts made by China and the ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to this end,” the statement said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the tribunal ruled against China’s claims it had “historical rights” in the South China Sea in a bitter dispute that risks further stoking regional tensions.

More than three years after the Philippines asked the permanent court of arbitration in The Hague to dismiss many of China’s sweeping claims in the resource-rich region.

The court said Beijing’s claim of virtual sovereignty over nearly all the South China Sea under a so-called “nine-dash line” runs contrary to UNCLOS, which sets a country’s maritime boundaries 22 kilometres from its coast, and control over economic activities up to 370 kilometres from its coast.

The court ruled China had violated Manila’s sovereign rights by interfering with Philippine fishing and oil exploration activities in the area.

“China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the exclusive economic zone by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, by constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,” the PCA added.

Reacting to the development, Chinese President Xi Jinping rejected the ruling and said “China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea” will not be affected.

It is also pertinent to be mentioned here that China had boycotted the proceedings at the court, saying the body has no jurisdiction over the dispute, and insisted it will not accept, recognise or implement any ruling on the South China Sea, despite being a signatory to UNCLOS along with the Philippines. In a statement issued just hours before The

In a statement issued just hours before the Hague panel announced its decision, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said it would not accept “any so-called material” from the court.
Interesting development,
The spokesman said Pakistan believes maintenance of peace and security is the collective responsibility of all parties to the South China Sea.
This is actually a pretty well balanced statement.
However regardless of what's happening in SCS, Pakistan should not hamper it's ties in East Asia, they are a potential market.
China as I see has not requested help in the matter, thus it does not bring us to the verge of hampering ties with the ASEAN.
Islamabad sides with Beijing after tribunal ruling on South China Sea
ISLAMABAD – Islamabad has reiterated its support to Beijing on South China Sea issue following the ruling of an international tribunal which declared that China had no historical rights in the region.

In a statement issued to media, Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria said Pakistan maintains that disputes over the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved, through consultations and negotiations by states directly concerned.

The issue should be discussed in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, he went on to say. He said that Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others.

The spokesman said Pakistan believes maintenance of peace and security is the collective responsibility of all parties to the South China Sea.

“Countries outside the region should fully respect efforts made by China and the ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to this end,” the statement said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the tribunal ruled against China’s claims it had “historical rights” in the South China Sea in a bitter dispute that risks further stoking regional tensions.

More than three years after the Philippines asked the permanent court of arbitration in The Hague to dismiss many of China’s sweeping claims in the resource-rich region.

The court said Beijing’s claim of virtual sovereignty over nearly all the South China Sea under a so-called “nine-dash line” runs contrary to UNCLOS, which sets a country’s maritime boundaries 22 kilometres from its coast, and control over economic activities up to 370 kilometres from its coast.

The court ruled China had violated Manila’s sovereign rights by interfering with Philippine fishing and oil exploration activities in the area.

“China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the exclusive economic zone by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, by constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,” the PCA added.

Reacting to the development, Chinese President Xi Jinping rejected the ruling and said “China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea” will not be affected.

It is also pertinent to be mentioned here that China had boycotted the proceedings at the court, saying the body has no jurisdiction over the dispute, and insisted it will not accept, recognise or implement any ruling on the South China Sea, despite being a signatory to UNCLOS along with the Philippines. In a statement issued just hours before The

In a statement issued just hours before the Hague panel announced its decision, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry said it would not accept “any so-called material” from the court.

THE importance of Gwadar to China is now going to increase many times over. If Pakistan plays this right (as we did in becoming a nuclear weapons state) then Pakistan's economy could take off massively. We could become a developed or 2nd tier nation within the next 20-30 years.
Countries outside the region should fully respect efforts made by China and the ASEAN countries to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to this end,” the statement said.

This is, in diplomatic way, telling yanks and their sidekicks, the Indians to mind their own business.
why is this even news? does Islamabad evev have a choice other than saying what Beijing tells them to say?

Do Indians have a choice between USA and Russia?

You Indians have zero culture and emulate westerners, even though most of you are brown and unwanted. Harassing Americans via telephone day and night. Indians are opportunistic and have no concept of values and honor. Whatever helps them escape the slums of their societies is focused upon. lol
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why is this even news? does Islamabad evev have a choice other than saying what Beijing tells them to say?
What Did Bejing ordered Pakistan do , If China was the lord and mighty of Pakistan You would have seen a statment Like this " We Fully Support china in, no matter what in this Dispute and other asian countries should just Screw themselves "
Pakistan didn't Sided with Any one .
Everyone Knows That Pakistan will back China , the support , funds , will of developing Pakistan shown by chinese will obviously have its effect in the Region .
But Pakistan Cant just leave whole asia and fight for the sake of China , there are many other countries involved too which have good relations with Pakistan and Pakistan must stay diplomatic and keep its relation according to relations between these countries
A proper diplomatic well balanced statement From Pakistani Side , it also showed its Support To china as well as other countries into the dispute. and told others too Stay out of internal problems of asian countries .
Even some people are crying about this Gov current in Power , but i see many sensible things happening in Pakistan which is good for the economy and which will help Pakistan in the international community too
Army isnt the only Solution for Pakistan , Yes it can help in short term but People need to stand up for themselves too , If Pakistan faces less problems it Will Help Pakistan Army too instead of India Says or What other People think.
yes Indians do and always have exercised it. Heard of N.A.M? Heard of Iran sanctions and India-Iran deal? You have to realize India is not a banana republic dependent upon whims and fancies of tin pot generals and dictators. Unlike Pakistan. India has institutions and policy frameworks. Pakistan has statements du jour by general du jour.

As to zero culture - most of your culture came from your Indian ancestors though some of you have started claiming others lately. As to westerners, it is a two way street. India gave them cuisine, math, yoga, brains to name a few; ofcourse there is a bit much of blind aping going on as well but that is how societies evolve taking good with the bad. As opposed to getting stuck in 6th and 7th century barbarism!

even though I disagree with parts of what you say slightly, I think you are right mostly. Well said.

Forgot Indian buckled under America pressure and stopped taking oil supplies from Iran and voted against Iran too ? While Pakistan voted in favour of Iran ?
Pakistan today backed its "all-weather" ally China after a ... South China Sea Ruling: What's Next for Beijing After Tribunal's Rebuke?

It shows China's double standard of insisting on sticking to the rules on ... treaty obligations when it comes to the UN-backed tribunal's orders. ... Read: 'Beijinghas no historic title over South China Sea': Timeline of dispute ... But Pakistan said Islamabad opposed any imposition of “unilateral will” on others.

Obama administration concern about the issue, China see and deep see port in Bangladesh is the major point for US .
Do Indians have a choice between USA and Russia?

You Indians have zero culture and emulate westerners, even though most of you are brown and unwanted. Harassing Americans via telephone day and night. Indians are opportunistic and have no concept of values and honor. Whatever helps them escape the slums of their societies is focused upon. lol

I'd say Dark brown or very brown. :lol:
What difference does it make ? No one in this world take Pakistan seriously.
you think India is any different```you lot being treated like a toss whenever the big ones feel like`

Pakistan today backed its "all-weather" ally China after a ... South China Sea Ruling: What's Next for Beijing After Tribunal's Rebuke?

It shows China's double standard of insisting on sticking to the rules on ... treaty obligations when it comes to the UN-backed tribunal's orders. ... Read: 'Beijinghas no historic title over South China Sea': Timeline of dispute ... But Pakistan said Islamabad opposed any imposition of “unilateral will” on others.

Obama administration concern about the issue, China see and deep see port in Bangladesh is the major point for US .

then who does? few years old Philippine or China's vassal state Viet?
Supporting China in SCS is equivalent to Opposing all countries of ASEAN, Japan, Australia & US.

Good job Pakistan. Keep it up.
The thread title is mislead to the actual statement of the foreign office. In a fairly diplomatic manner; Pakistan has indicated that China and the Phillipines should be the ones deciding this issue directly. So while it is implicit support, it is not explicit declaration of taking a side.

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