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Islamophobia Run Wild

Probably an attempt by the conceited western media to divert attention from the "White terrorist organisation" brought in to lime light by the recent Oslo bombings.

Nice theory, so Islamophobia is less than a week old?
The Qur'an plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah in certain circumstances, but that it is actually a requirement. Muslims who don't believe in killing over religion .......

Yes Islam teaches how to wage a war when necessary because a war is part of human life.......

Did you not hear the British slogans during WWII

"Kill the Germans where you find them"

The famous Churchill speech
"We shall fight on the beaches, We shall on the landing grounds .... and we shall never surrender"

That is how you fight a war ....

Look at your own backyard before pointing finger to others

AND STOP quoting from some anti Islam orientalist..... try reading the Quran yourself... you might actually understand it better
i am on mobile or i had posted the "die mother fuker die" song which the american soldiers listen to continuously while on their expeditions to muslim countries....
while a single anti-infedal slogan by an isolated muslim is aired round the world....few know what kind of hateful propaganda is told to american soldiers.
islamophobis is a result of media campaign.....not actual events
if muslims had media s strong as the west..the story would have been different.
The question of "If Islam were the religion of terrorists, then why aren’t most Muslims terrorists?" can easily be turned around.

If Islam is a religion of peace, then why is it the only one that consistently produces religiously-motivated terrorist attacks each and every day of the year? Why are thousands of people willing and able to cut off an innocent person’s head or fly a plane into a building while screaming praises to Allah? Where’s the outrage among other Muslims when this happens… and why do they get more worked up over cartoons and hijabs?

Rather than trying to answer a question with a question, however, let's just say that the reason why most Muslims don't kill is that (regardless of what Islam may or may not teach) it's wrong to kill over religion.

Consider that many Muslims would not even think of amputating a thief's hand. Does this mean that it is against Islam to do so? Of course not! In fact, this mandate is clearly found in one of the last verses in the Qur'an (5:38) and in the example of Muhammad according to the Hadith (Bukhari 81:792).

Muslims may believe whatever they want to about what Islam says or doesn't say, but it doesn't change what Islam says about itself. As an ideology, it exists independently of anyone's opinion. As such, it may be studied objectively and apart from how anyone else practices or chooses to interprets it.

The Qur'an plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah in certain circumstances, but that it is actually a requirement. Muslims who don't believe in killing over religion may be that way out of ignorance or because they are more loyal to the moral law written in their hearts than they are to the details of Muhammad’s religion. Those who put Islam first or know Islam best know otherwise.

In fact, few Muslims have ever read the Qur'an to any extent, much less pursued an honest investigation of the actual words and deeds of Muhammad, which were more in line with hedonism, deception, power and violence than with moral restraint. The harsh rules that Muslim countries impose on free speech to protect Islam from critique also prevent it from being fully understood. In the West, many Muslims, devout or otherwise, simply prefer to believe that Islam is aligned with the Judeo-Christian principles of peace and tolerance, even if it means filtering evidence to the contrary.

It is no coincidence, however, that the purists who take Islam too heart are far more likely to become terrorists than humanitarians. Those most prone to abandoning themselves to Muhammad's message without moral preconception are always the more dangerous and supremacist-minded. They may be called ‘extremists’ or ‘fundamentalists,’ but, at the end of the day, they are also dedicated to the Qur’an and following the path of Jihad as mandated by Muhammad.

Hey you . . . . .
Did you know that how many Fatwas are given against acts of terrorism etc by Islamic scholars? Well how can you know? Because you're brainwashed by your media that doesn't show you the "outcry" of Muslims against terrorism !! Do you even know what "fatwa" is?

Here you go :

Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks
Scholars of Islam & the Tragedy of Sept. 11th

Scholars of Islam & the Tragedy of Sept. 11th


"The undersigned, leaders of Islamic movements, are horrified by the events of Tuesday 11 September 2001 in the United States which resulted in massive killing, destruction and attack on innocent lives. We express our deepest sympathies and sorrow. We condemn, in the strongest terms, the incidents, which are against all human and Islamic norms. This is grounded in the Noble Laws of Islam which forbid all forms of attacks on innocents. God Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an: 'No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another' (Surah al-Isra 17:15)."
MSANews, September 14, 2001, http://web.archive.org/web/20010920150230/http://msanews.mynet.net/MSANEWS/200109/20010917.15.html;
Arabic original in al-Quds al-Arabi (London), September 14, 2001, p. 2, Sep Fri/Quds02.pdf

Fatwa given by:
Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi, Qatar; Tariq Bishri, Egypt; Muhammad S. Awwa, Egypt; Fahmi Huwaydi, Egypt; Haytham Khayyat, Syria; Shaykh Taha Jabir al-Alwani, U.S.:
"All Muslims ought to be united against all those who terrorize the innocents, and those who permit the killing of non-combatants without a justifiable reason. Islam has declared the spilling of blood and the destruction of property as absolute prohibitions until the Day of Judgment. ... [It is] necessary to apprehend the true perpetrators of these crimes, as well as those who aid and abet them through incitement, financing or other support. They must be brought to justice in an impartial court of law and [punished] appropriately. ... [It is] a duty of Muslims to participate in this effort with all possible means."
Statement of September 27, 2001. The Washington Post, October 11, 2001, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40545-2001Oct10.html
Full text of this fatwa in English and Arabic.

Fatwa give by:
Shaykh Muhammed Sayyid al-Tantawi, imam of al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, Egypt:
"Attacking innocent people is not courageous, it is stupid and will be punished on the day of judgement. ... It's not courageous to attack innocent children, women and civilians. It is courageous to protect freedom, it is courageous to defend oneself and not to attack."
Agence France Presse, September 14, 2001

Scholars of Islam & the Tragedy of Sept. 11th

It is surprisingly astonishing that the media constantly belittles all of the people in Islam because they don't speak out against "extremism". But that is a complete fallacy. Matter of fact, the media becomes almost literally deaf when muslims start speaking out against extremism, because there is no money involved there. There is only money in scaring people, so the media goes as far as to create propagandas.
This is a valid point.

Those islam believers should ask yourself how hard you have tried to integrate into the society you are in.

Why do people outside islam are so fearful/wary of you?

islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....

Lol, not sure about most...but Jew-phobia has a long and storied history.
Lol, not sure about most...but Jew-phobia has a long and storied history.

im not talking jewphobia in the Islamic world......they have all phobias...cia phobia...raw phobia...mossad phobia...nwo phobia.......im talking about the non-islamic world.....atleast i have not seen any significant jewphobia among the western countries at present......is there any such in the usa ?
No this thread is about how the western media generalizes and brain washes people with out serious proof on hand. And about the typical Pakistani mindset well what can I say about yours. Or like it is said one should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

:hitwall:...that is the question i asked first.......yes they generalize......but what makes them generalize ?..ponder about that question....surely they did not wake up one fine morning and decided to generlize muslims......
The west didn't wake up one day and decide to demonise Islam. Yes, it goes overboard sometimes, but this mindset happened for a reason. You don't have to understand...because we DO!

that is what i ve been trying to tell him...they cant understand the reasons for islamophobia...because they are not non-muslims...only non-muslims can understand that......when we try to tell that they dont listen and brand us as haters......
im not talking jewphobia in the Islamic world......they have all phobias......im talking about the present world.....atleast i have not seen any significant jewphobia among the western countries at present......is there any such in the usa ?

Mumbles from the fringe, but not really. The closest would be those who dislike Isreali influence on the government.
Here is something by Pat Buchanan. Pat simply hates Islam. I respect his honesty. Also, some very interesting Comments here. Reading the Buchanan article and the Comments confirms what I thought and expressed earlier in this particular topic: There are no innocents here. Islam is in a serious need of reforms like what the Christianity went through some centuries ago. That does not mean 'diluting' religion but to make interpretation of scriptures in light of new knowledge. And the Western world's taste for intervention and exploitation does not help the matters.

I believe there is no victory for anyone if we humans don't do some course correction.

Anyway, here is the article.

The American Conservative » A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....

because no western forces attack sikh, hindu, christian or jewish states if they did then im sure we would have also been seeing radical 'hindu' groups e.c.t wanting to attack countries like the UK

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